It’s multiple choice on the Enviro Show: choose May Day, as in REVOLUTION NOW! May Day, as in dance around the maypole with flowers in yur’ hair, maybe naked, maybe tanked on may wine? Or, MAY DAY! MAY DAY! We’re in deep doo-doo! You decide…..no….wait a minute: it’s our show, WE decide. MAY DAY! MAY DAY! Climate meltdown! Biodevastation! Stay tuned. Ben Grosscup of NOFA joins us to dissect gentech, GE Trees and this week’s Biojustice’07 events in Genetown, AND Jackie from the Pedal People hopefully phones in from the Jobs With Justice May Day gig at Elms College with an update on the Rising Tide Roadshow Climate Action Tour coming to the Valley May 11th & 12th, but first it’s time for.......
Revenge of the Critters! This one is short & sweet, going out to all my fellow truants: Zero Tolerance Policy for Squirrel Violence. A squirrel in Crestline CA jumped a teacher and terrorized elementary school children at the Valley of Enchantment School recently before escaping to a tree nearby. The squirrel was termed "vicious" by school staff. Hmmm…there must be a lesson in there somewhere, right?
Ooooooo! Glen? How much longer til’ these scary guys are out of here? Here’s some news that hopefully may help send the Bush regime packing: It’s The Union of Concerned Scientists’ A to Z Guide to Political Interference in Science. This came to our attention in our own Valley Advocate in a piece by Jacob Wheeler (yikes! So did our Revenge of the Critters piece. What’s this: Radio Free Advocate??). AND, while 113 House members are cosponsoring Rep. Henry Waxman’s Safe Climate Act, longtime New York enviro activist Lorna Saltzman (and your friends at The Enviro Show) say TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE! ALSO, good news in the Commonwealth, bad news for developers!
"Here at the End of the World" by Dave Rovics takes us to our interviews and then it's on to the Bus Stop Billboard:
Wednesday May 2, 5:30–8pm. WalMart Super Center Rally! American Legion Hall
162 Russell Street (Route 9), Hadley next to Wanczyk Nursery - big cannon in front
Wal-Mart is having an Open House! Let's make sure their "information session" is informative. Info: Aron Goldman, 549-1193, goldman@policydevelopment.org.
Friday May 4; Biojustice 2007 12 noon: Gathering on the Boston Common, featuring a Really Really Free Market and other festivities. 7 – 9:30 PM: Opening event at Old South Church (Copley Square) – "International Farmers Speak Out," with representatives of international farmers’ movements from Brazil, Bangladesh and elsewhere, music, and more.
Saturday May 5th, 10 AM – Noon: Panel discussion: "Biotechnology, Medicine and Human Rights" at Old South Church. 11 AM: Wake up the Earth parade begins (Corner of Centre St. and South Street Adjunct in Jamaica Plain). 12:30 – 5 PM: Wake up the Earth Festival in Jamaica Plain (Boylston and Lamartine Sts./Stony Brook T stop), with speakers, music, tables, kids’ games, etc.
Sunday May 6th 11 AM – 1 PM: Environmental Justice tour and puppet parade in Roxbury, with SafetyNet and other local groups. 1 – 4 PM: Community gathering in Blackstone Park (Washington and W. Newton Sts., 5 blocks east of Mass. Ave.), with festivities, and a panel of speakers on the proposed B.U. bioweapons facility planned for the neighborhood. 5 PM: Premiere screenplay reading of The Donors, a science fiction thriller set in 2030.. Community Church of Boston, Guatemala Room, 565 Boylston Street, near Copley Sq. 6 - 8 PM: Rising Tide Road Show, featuring slides on mountaintop removals for coal mining, global struggles against environmental degradation and food insecurity, social justice songs, and a confronting climate change musical! Encuentro 5, 33 Harrison Ave, 5th floor, in Chinatown.
Sat, May 5; Noon. Vermont Yankee Die In. Brattleboro, VT. Scary meltdown sirens are always tested on the first Saturday of each month at 12 Noon. a die-in protest. For the full 3-5 minute test, people commit each month to stop their activities and reflect on what it would mean if this were not a test but the real thing. A group will be meeting at 11 am at the Harmony parking lot to walk through downtown and distribute literature and talk with people about what is going to be happening.
Contact Daniel Sicken 802-387-2798 or email dhsicken@yahoo.com
Wednesday, May 9th , 6:30pm Community Solutions to Global Warming - Climate Change: From Despair to Empowerment”. 2nd Congregational Church, Greenfield. An Evening Forum with John Seed, Australian Environmentalist. Multi-media presentation & forum including footage of Al Gore and journalist, Ross Gelbspan. Discussion of unsustainable 'solutions' such as 'clean' coal and nuclear power.
The Rising Tide Road Show's Climate Action Tour is coming to Western Massachusetts! Performances will be May 11th at 7 p.m. at Food for Thought Books in downtown Amherst and May 12th at noon on the front steps of the Unitarian Universalist Church between City Hall and Pulaski Park.
That's it 'til next time when we checkout a nightmare on Elm Street...really!
Remember: listen to your Mother.
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