Greetings Earthlings. We return to the subject of water here on the all wet Enviro Show, this time with a view toward its’ imprisonment. Cleo Woelfle-Erskine, editor of the book "Dam Nation" calls-in to comment on "dispatches from the water underground". We return to the machinations of the evil one, Darth Cheney and his minions. Also, we’ll checkout the Enviro Show Echo Chamber, but first it’s time for....Revenge of the Critters! Mum KO’d by sweet-toothed giraffe. Is it a tall tale?
Colleen Kattau's "Ocean Song" from her recent "Inhabited Woman" release takes us to the Enviro Show Echo Chamber. We rerun this recent story from Grist: Park Service rules allow 540 snowmobiles a day into Yellowstone. Watch out Yogi Bear! And D.O. reads his recent letter to the Valley Advocate concerning those corporados at Nestle and their designs for the Montague aquifer. Your Enviro Show Blog Bonus finds The Pedal People in action on the street in Northampton!
There's that theme again! Glen, what’s the countdown today? How much more evil can we endure?? OK, the Empire continues its War against Nature. Rep. Henry Waxman reveals DOT officials and White House lobbied against California's vehicle-emission standards. ALSO, the Empire puts on a climate dog & pony show, fooling no one but the dwindling faithful few, after the boy emperor skipped the recent UN climate talks. The good news is that the people are NOT amused. Protests [1],[2] at the State Department, where the show took place, stirred the climate crisis pot last week. Go to: http://www.climateemergency.org/ for more details.
Then we move on to our interview with Cleo Woelfle-Erskine, editor of the book "Dam Nation". Dam Nation combines environmental victories in the sustainable use movement with hands-on, participatory options for country and city dwellers. Not just a "how-to" but a "why-to" book.
Finally, as usual, we go to the Bus Stop Billboard:
Thursday, October 4 from 5:30-5:50 pm. Anti-nuke demo! The Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel returns to Vernon to address the public's concerns about the August 21st cooling tower collapse at Vermont Yankee and the ensuing mishaps which caused an emergency shutdown of the reactor. "Is Vermont Yankee safe?" is a question raised by people throughout the state. Go to the main entrance of the Vernon Elementary School, 381 Governor Hunt Rd. Just over the line in Vernon, VT. Call CAN: 413.339.5781 or 413.834.3280.
Friday, Oct.5th, 6pm. “Who Killed the Electric Car?” free screening at Green Fields Market meeting room. Also shown on October 11; 21 and 24th.
Monday, Oct. 8th, 2007 (formerly known as Columbus Day, now Indigenous Peoples Day) at 7 p.m. An Evening with Native American Environmental Activist and Author Winona LaDuke. Greenfield Community College's Sloan Theatre. One College Drive, Greenfield, MA. Proceeds from this event benefit The Friends of Wissatinnewag, Inc., a non-profit organization dedicated to the protection of Native American sacred sites. Tickets are $10 in advance, available at World Eye Books in downtown Greenfield $12 at the door, $8 for GCC students with college ID.
Tuesday, October 9, 7 - 8:30 p.m. THE CONNECTICUT RIVER: SOURCE TO SEA. Dr. Elizabeth Farnsworth, Naturalist and Author who has paddled and researched the entire river, will offer an introduction to the river that will include a slide show. She will be available to sign her new book following the program. Proceeds from book sales benefit the Connecticut River Watershed Council. Call: (413) 256-6006
Saturday, October 13, all day. Unplug America! The “Unplug America” campaign was introduced by Indigenous Peoples in 1992 in response to the 500 year anniversary of the arrival of Columbus to the Americas. Unplug Day is an invitation to all people to show our love and respect for Mother Earth by challenging unhealthy patterns of consumption and the continued production of poisons that destroy our environment. October 13th is a day to unplug – turn off the TV and radio, shut off the taps, and leave the fossil-fuel burning vehicle at home! Instead, take a walk with friends and family, tell stories, do something artistic, and say a prayer for Mother Earth and our communities. Call 928-214-8301
October 20-22: No War, No Warming is calling for a massive intervention in Washington, DC, with solidarity actions around the US and internationally. On Saturday and Sunday we will be organizing trainings in D.C. for nonviolent direct action / civil disobedience and holding spokes council meetings to plan and coordinate our actions. Go to: http://www.nowarnowarming.org/
There. You're done with the likes of us 'til next time. Until then, remember: listen to your Mother!