Greetings Earthlings. It's confirmed: BP stands for
Biological Predator and we here on The Enviro Show are calling for the Predator's head, especially given that it's
World Oceans Day!. We'll be covering the latest
horrors from the Gulf in the Enviro Show Echo Chamber and our Meet the New Boss segments as well as field a call from Scott Eustis of
New Orleans Critical Mass (and a fisheries scientist), but first it's time for....Revenge of the Critters! We love this one. Croc attacks chainsaw!
The Enviro Show Quote of the Week calls for another trip in the Wayback Machine:
“Let us not flatter ourselves on account of our human victories over nature. For each such victory nature takes its revenge on us. Each victory, it is true, in the first place brings about the results we expected, but in the second and third places it has quite different, unforeseen effects which only too often cancel the first.”
- Frederick Engels
In the Enviro Show Echo Chamber we start with a excellent piece from Democracy Now! on the BP Gulf mega-disaster. Then we follow-up on Grist's Six Reasons Not to trust BP. What? Only six!! Of course, BP is putting as much, if not more effort into corporate image damage control, obfuscation,outright cover-ups, and media blackouts than into plugging the f'ing catastrophic leak! O, and about those toxic dispersants making everyone sick. So, how to respond? Some folks want the Feds to Seize BP and place it in "a trust, in amounts proportionate to—and sufficient to fully compensate for—all projected harm from its dangerous and reckless acts in pursuit of super-profits". Here on the Enviro Show we say: OFF WITH BP's HEAD! (which is a not so polite way to call for revoking their charter), but why stop there? Let's throw them in jail! Naturally, there are tons of protests out there to plug into.
In our Meet the New Boss segment we review the fact that BP and Obama already had a cozy history. O, did we fail to mention that the White House is thinking about setting the clock alllll the way back to the disgraceful practice of commercial whaling?
After our interview with Scott Eustis we'll stroll over to the Bus Stop Billboard:
Tuesday, June 8, 8pm Local Meet-up BP protest?
Wednesday, June 9, 4:15-5:30 p.m. A public rally in support of clean air and a healthy planet will be held at Pynchon Park on the corner of State and Chestnut Streets, next to the main branch of the Springfield Library immediately prior to the Department of Environmental Protection’s hearing on the Global Warming Solution Act. A press conference will be held at 4:30 p.m. at the same location.
Thursday, June 10, 7 to 8:30 p.m.COYOTES ARE EVERYWHERE! Hitchcock Center for the Environment, 525 South Pleasant Street, Amherst. Pre-registration is required; please call (413) 256-6006.
Saturday, June 12. Worldwide BP Protest Day! Think global - protest local! This group is a platform to organize ourselves and get started! BP Boycott on Facebook has more than 300.000 great members. It is time to start organized action. Enter "Worldwide BP Protest Day" on Facebook.
Thursday, June 17, 7 - 8:30pm. What's happening with Fish in the CT River? Join hatchery manager, Mickey Novak for an extremely interesting talk about the change in population numbers of Atlantic salmon, shad, blueback herring and striped bass. Great Falls Discovery Center, Avenue A, Turners Falls. Call 413-863-3221
June 19, 10:30am to 7 pm. 6th Annual Sustainable Energy Summit 2010 at Nuestras Raices' farm (La Finca) at 24 Jones Ferry Road in Holyoke. Come to the Summit and see all the important work that is happening to help individuals and communities reduce their energy use and costs, use more renewable energy, strengthen their local communities, and build our movement for a just and sustainable future in our region. Contact: Diane Crowe, Summit Coordinator. 413-772-8898 summit@cooppower.coop
June 22-26. U.S. SOCIAL FORUM , Detroit. The US Social Forum is a very special kind of gathering. It isn't a conference with an agenda and a program of events; it's a convergence of movements, communities, and cultures whose participants produce their own agenda and programs. It is a MOVEMENT BUILDING process. It is a space to come up with peoples’ solutions to the economic and ecological crisis. Info: http://www.ussf2010.org.
Wednesday, June 23, 12:30-2pm. GREENWORK: THE WESTERN MASS GREEN ECONOMY WORKING GROUP. Brown Bag Lunch at Noon, Pioneer Valley AFL-CIO Hall, 640 Page Boulevard, Springfield (732-7970)
Saturday, July 24, 9 a.m. to noon. HERBWALK: WILD PLANTS AND THEIR ROLES AS MEDICINES AND FOODS. Pre-registration is required; please call (413) 256-6006. Hitchock Center for the Environment, 525 South Pleasant Street, Amherst.
OK, did you remember to BOYCOTT BP and ARCO (O, and Exxon/Mobil and Chevron and Shell and...)? How about organizing some protest? Remember: it's the WORST environmental disaster of its kind EVER! Like we say: better listen to your Mother!