Blog Archive

Friday, July 19, 2024

#EndLoggingOnPublicLand Enviro Show

Greetings Earthlings. You may have seen the hashtag above on X or elsewhere. We've been using it for a few years now and recently the Massachusetts Sierra Club's Forest Protection Team added the phrase to a new campaign they are rolling out as we speak. Lynne Man, Bill Stubblefield & Bart Bouricius from the Team join us for the latest on that. As always we will also intro you to this week's Fool-on-the-Hill and "Those whose Brains Were small" as well as our constant reminder that "It's the Climate Crisis, Stupid!" and more but first it's time for.......Revenge of the Critters! Another in our series of poachers getting their due.

This week's Fool-on-the-Hill is U.S. Rep. Mike Collins (Repug.- GA), perhaps running a close second in Obnoxious behind MTG. “Joe Biden sent the orders,” Rep. Mike Collins wrote on X, formerly Twitter, minutes after the shooting [of His Malignancy]. There is, of course, zero evidence to support this accusation. Actually, Boebert and Sen. J.D. Vance followed-up with their own baseless allegations referencing Biden's use of the term "bullseye" in a speech. These are the repugs who historically direct violent bellicose statements at the Dems or threat pose with collections of automatic weapons. Repugnant terrorist fools in our midst. 

Those fools, and their fellow travelers, are also climate deniers who refuse to acknowledge "It's the Climate Crisis, Stupid!" even though their loved ones (assuming they are capable of love) are endangered by THE existential threat of climate chaos. And yet the MAGA "Platform Doesn’t Mention the Word 'Climate' Once — Even After Hottest Year on Record." Those fools may not give a damn about future generations but we're thinking You do, so here'a a  new interactive map one of our listeners sent along.  The Future Urban Climates, allows you to explore how your home's climate will be impacted (hopefully even if it isn't urban?). Greedy corporados (who actually know better)  aren't the only reason food prices remain high. A new study titled "Global warming and heat extremes to enhance inflationary pressures" looks into the vast increase in extreme weather events that impact all aspects of agriculture and food distribution. Of course, we can't move on without talking about the MA climate bill on Beacon Hill. One of our longtime listeners summed it up this way: "Where the hell were our local lawmakers." As of this writing a few members of both the House & Senate will try to reconcile the differences between the two bills. The Senate bill, while lacking, is of the two on Beacon Hill "Where good legislation goes to die" (our quote). The legislative session ends on July 31, we assume this will be on a fast track. Finally this: "DOER published the SMART Straw Proposal on July 10, 2024 for stakeholder feedback. On July 22 and 23, DOER hosted in-person technical sessions to collect input, and a virtual technical session will be held on July 29. Stakeholders who are unable to attend any of the technical sessions may submit their feedback on the Straw Proposal through this form.  The deadline to submit feedback will be Friday, August 2nd.

In The Enviro Show Echo Chamber we replay a call to action by a certain treesitter in the Lincoln Forest trying, with others to stop clearcutting in the service of both Enbridge & Kinder Morgan. Those fossil fools want to trash paradise and put in a temporary parking lot? It's business-as-usual in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Speaking of direct action, the Connecticut River Defenders and yours truly occupied the bridge not far from FirstLight's shad-o-matic fish blender in Northfield, MA recently. As you may know, we've covered the issue over the years. Learn what YOU can do HERE. And this, proof that keeping on a seemingly endless campaign is often worth the time & effort: "Mass. denies request to dump radioactive wastewater into Cape Cod Bay."  It's the final word on the nuke's plans to dump radioactive waste into Cape Cod Bay. "And now, THIS.

Now it's time for our Critter of the Week and we quote directly from a MUST SEE NewYork Times in-depth feature on microbes. "In the middle of North America, there is a portal to the deep recesses of Earth’s rocky interior. The portal’s mouth — a furrowed pit about half a mile wide — spirals 1,250 feet into the ground..... a few biologists also venture into the underground labyrinth, typically seeking its dankest and dirtiest corners — places where obscure creatures extrude metal and transfigure rock. Every time they return, they encounter enigmatic microbes that have never been successfully grown in a labo­ratory and species that have not yet been named.  Earth’s interior is not barren. In fact, a majority of the planet’s microbes, perhaps more than 90 percent, may live deep un­derground."  Sounds like critically important critters from here.

OK, are we Abidin' with Biden this week? YES, now that he deigned to rest on his laurels and stepped aside into a well deserved retirement. How about our Veep becoming the first woman President of these here United States? Just sayin'. The Prez has pulled off some moves he should get credit for like Common Dreams reports, "In the wake of rulings that have significantly weakened the regulatory authority of federal agencies, backed the criminalization of homelessness, and granted U.S. presidents sweeping immunity from criminal prosecution, President Joe Biden is reportedly preparing to endorse reforms that would establish term limits and a binding code of ethics for the nation's Supreme Court justices." However, "The specifics of Biden's plan are unclear. Legislation introduced by House Democrats would impose 18-year term limits on Supreme Court justices."  Not if MAGA Reps have anything to say about it. That said, Biden has announced more than a $15 million investment to build climate resilience, address climate change impacts, and restore healthy lands and waters at national parks and in surrounding communities across the nation.  Also, this: "Biden administration moves to add protections against drilling in Alaska petroleum reserve". The Prez has also made some recent moves regarding extreme weather events. You know, climate chaos. 

Our "Brains Were Small & They Died" segment takes us to AOC's site where we read: "...Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY-14) introduced articles of impeachment against United States Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito. “The unchecked corruption crisis on the Supreme Court has now spiraled into a Constitutional crisis threatening American democracy writ large. Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito’s pattern of refusal to recuse from consequential matters before the court in which they hold widely documented financial and personal entanglements constitutes a grave threat to American rule of law, the integrity of our democracy, and one of the clearest cases for which the tool of impeachment was designed."  She didn't say they were dinosaurs but hey, it is what it is.

Time for The Enviro Show Quote of the Week:

"Let us… seek peace… near the inland murmur of streams, and the gracious waving of trees, the beauteous vesture of earth, and sublime pageantry of the skies. Let us leave 'life', that we may live."  

          - Mary Shelley

On to the Bus Stop Billboard:

Tuesday July 23 thru to Wednesday July 31. Mass Power Forward coalition will be hosting Climate Bill rallies at the State House from through next Wednesday (7/31). You can sign up to join a rally here.  And THIS: SIGN UP HERE: Final Countdown Singing/Chanting Visits 2024

Friday July 26 - Sunday July 28, beginning 7:30pm.  Clamshell Alliance Reunion Gathering at World Fellowship Center in Albany, NH. If you haven't reserved your room, you can reserve at, email, or call (603) 447-2280  

Saturday July 27, 11am.  Shut Down Wall Street: Mass action to end fossil fuels. Citi’s HQ, 388 Greenwich St, New York, 10013. The world is on fire. It’s so hot people are literally dying. Ecosystems are collapsing. Hundreds of thousands are being displaced from their homes. And Wall Street is to blame. We will rally at Citibank’s global headquarters. From there, we will march to the Citi CEOs home where we will stage a raucous noise protest (whistles, vuvuzelas, and noise makers will be provided), before we march to Wall Street itself to shut it down and demand an end to fossil fuels. Go HERE. 

Saturday, July 27 · 12-1:30 p.m. Climate & Democracy Project meeting. Greenfield, MA Public Library Community Meeting Room. Come "cross-pollinate" and widen the reach of local grassroots organizing. Our intergenerational team is here to help promote local actions and issues using e-news and social media. Refreshments served. Click here to RSVP.

Monday July 29, 9:30am.  DOER will host a virtual technical session for stakeholders who are unable to attend the in-person sessions. The same content will be covered at both the in-person and virtual sessions, so attendance is only necessary at one. Interested attendees can register for the virtual technical session here. The deadline to register will be July 24th.

 Wednesday July 31,  11am.  Last Boston XR et al Standout of the Season! The State House Stand-Out for No New Fossil Fuel Infrastructure kicked off on June 5, 2024. Since then, volunteers have gathered at the Massachusetts State House every business day to engage with the public and put pressure on lawmakers to take immediate action on the climate. We are preparing for our first break at the end of the legislative session, to allow planners and volunteers to rest and recharge for the next stage of the fight. Join us at the State House anytime between 11 am and 3 pm on Wednesday July 31 and jam along with an activist brass band, along with our own guitarist. Organizers will thank participants while we write our last postcards for Governor Healey for this session. We'll also share ideas about the next version of the Stand Out! If you haven't gotten a chance to take a Stand Out shift yet, this is your last chance for a while! Email:  with any questions.

Saturday August 3, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. & Sunday, August 4, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., 11th Annual Pocumtuck Homelands Festival: A Celebration of Native American Art, Music, and CulturesUnity Park Waterfront, Turners Falls, MA. Rain or Shine. Go HERE 

Tuesday Aug. 6 · 9-10:30 a.mHiroshima-Nagasaki Commemorations, Greenfield Common & Greenfield Public Library. Traprock Center for Peace and Justice's annual remembrance of the atomic bombings on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. Join a standout on the Greenfield Common from 9 to 9:30, followed by a panel discussion in the GPL Community Meeting Room (first floor). A table with literature on the dangers of nuclear weaponry will be on display. 

Tuesday August 6, 6:30 pm. The Friends of Wakefield’s NEMT Forest, The Urban Biodiversity Project, and the Melrose UU Climate Action Team, together host award-winning filmmaker and Boston Globe writer David Abel for a showing of INUNDATION DISTRICT. This film is about climate change in Boston focusing on the rising tide in Boston's Seaport District. 70 W. Emerson St, Melrose; Melrose Unitarian Universalist ChurchRSVP.   

  to ossil Free Future Festival.   Come celebrate the end of coal in New England with us! Merrimack Station in Bow is closing their coal operations and transitioning to clean energy and battery storage. So we're getting together to celebrate this just transition and imagine what our future could look like if all the fossil fuel peaker plants in the region transitioned to clean energy. Join us for an afternoon of action, music, boating on the Merrimack River, and moving towards a fossil free future! Go HERE. 

Saturday Aug 24, 10am3:30 pm.  Please join the Sierra Club Massachusetts Chapter, RESTORE: The North Woods, and Save Massachusetts Forests on an educational 2 mile walk through an undisturbed forest and a recent logging site on the Quabbin Watershed public lands. After the walk, we will be offering an option to take a 3 - 5 mi hike through a beautiful northern hardwood forest with stunning views of the Quabbin Reservoir. We will be discussing at the event the Quabbin Reservoir, its history, the watershed public lands, their benefits, as well as floral, fauna and climate action. We will also be speaking about the MA Chapter Forest Protection team’s campaign to end logging on the state lands of the Quabbin, Ware, and Wachusett watersheds. Sign the petition here     RSVP Here

Tuesday August 27, 7pm.  Climate Action Now Summer Gathering via zoom. Vote for the Climate and a Livable Future:  Mobilizing for the 2024 Elections. The 2024 election will determine the fate of our climate, our democracy and our lives. How can we fully engage our networks to act strategically at this pivotal moment? Go HERE.    

Saturday 21 September 2024.  Global Protest, Mothers Rebellion for Climate Justice. The climate crisis is not slowing down! Mothers* Rebellion is planning our next global protest, save the date and check in our social media outlets and here for updates. Go HERE.

All that's left to say other than farewell is remember to listen to your Mother!



Friday, July 05, 2024

An Experimental Enviro Show

Greetings Earthlings. Did you read our headline last week? "SCOTUS  decrees USA as kingdom! Down with the Kingmakers!" Yes, the democratic experiment known as the United States of America is monarchy controlled once again. The experiment is over.....unless we impeach certain members of the Supreme Court or King Biden packs the Court with justices who are not fascists. Hopefully His Malignancy won't get another term (unless the threat of AS prevails!) and the Dems retake both the House & the Senate in big numbers come November but that won't happen unless YOU VOTE! Speaking of failed experiments, remember PETA's efforts to end animal torture at UMass Amherst? Dr. Katherine Roe returns to discuss the "nightmarish test coordinated by University of Massachusetts–Amherst experimenter Agnès Lacreuse" that was pulled after only one day. Here is an Action Link regarding such atrocities. As always, we will also bring you along to meet our Fool-on-the-Hill and "Those whose brains were small" and way more, but first it's time for......Revenge of the Critters! Poacher gets poached.

It's difficult to choose which MAGA Fool to quote from regarding the majority Supreme Court decision to turn the USA into a kingdom but this one works: "Sen. John Barrasso (Repug -Wyo.), the chair of the Senate GOP and the highest-ranking Republican to comment on the decision..... called the opinion “another victory for democracy and the rule of law against Democrat lawlessness,” accusing Democrats and Biden of “weaponizing the justice system” against Trump."  Victory for democracy?? More like Great Moments in Hypocrisy. We have an Enviro Show Action Link on this. 

Since we're going on about our broken SCOTUS let's devote the Enviro Show Echo Chamber to more of that damage. The NY Times tells us "The Supreme Court temporarily put on hold Environmental Protection Agency plan to curtail air pollution that drifts across state lines, dealing another blow to the Biden administration’s efforts to protect the environment. The ruling followed recent decisions chipping away at the agency’s authority to address climate change and water pollution. Grist informs us soon after that "The Supreme Court ....threw into question the future of climate and environmental regulation in the United States, scrapping a decades-old legal precedent that gave federal agencies leeway to interpret laws according to their expertise and scientific evidence. The impact of the decision to scrap the so-called Chevron deference will take years to become clear.." One thing is already clear, we need to abort the court. BTW, did you "Breakup with Fireworks" this year?

On to our "There Brains Were Small and They Died"  segment where we cover a lot of ground in a rather short time. This week in honor of our Independence (and in opposition to its trashing by SCOTUS) we lump the entire MAGA Death Cult into one twisted hot mess and bestow this curse upon them all.  OK, enough fun. How about an actual sober look at the situation? 

Of course, the MAGA Death Cult would have you all believe that it's a hoax but we can't help but persist saying: "It's the Climate Crisis, Stupid!"  So, The Prez "Calls Climate Denial ‘Dumb,’[and] Announces New Heat Protections for Workers", something so many bosses and their corporate masters oppose in our overheating climate as they huncker down in their air-conditioned boardrooms. Meanwhile, out in the real world enviros are pushing back on geoengineering wet dreams like dumping 60K gallons of sodium hydroxide into the waters off Cape Cod. "The geoengineering approach puts Earth's systems at risk in a faulty and false bid toward solving the climate crisis. It is what we call a false solution," said one campaigner. And this (like we've been saying all along): "Burning trees for energy really does heat the climate" Surprise! "The report from Princeton researcher Timothy Searchinger and Yale economist Steve Berry cuts against the idea at the core of the growing wood pellet industry: that burning trees for fuel actually drives emissions down." Speaking of science, here's something that might sober up any head-in-the-clouds futurists you may know: "Climate scientist Michael E. Mann warned it would essentially be “game over” for the fight against global warming should [His Malignancy] win back the White House in the 2024 election." Finally, here's is an Enviro Show Action Link you can use to pushback on business-as-usual. 

It's time for our Critter of the Week. "Sharks, rays, and their relatives—encompassing over a thousand species—are vital for healthy ocean ecosystems. But their slow growth and low reproductive rates make them vulnerable to rapid population declines, and they’re often the first to be affected by unsustainable fisheries." Learn more from this Wild Audio ink!

Sharks naturally are obviously prime candidates for Revenge of the Critters! but our guest this week will be speaking about far gentile critters which brings us to our Quote of the Week:

"Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty"        - Albert Einstein

After our conversation with  Katherine we go to the Bus Stop Billboard:

Thursday July 25, 4 -  5pm.  Beyond the Horizon: Going the Distance for Seabirds Webinar. Seabirds are one of the most endangered groups of birds. Their populations have dropped a staggering 70 percent globally over the past 60 years due to factors such as invasive species, unsustainable fisheries, and marine trash. American Bird Conservancy's Marine Program is working tirelessly with partners to safeguard the most vulnerable species both while at sea, and on land where they nest. Go HERE.   

Friday July 26 - Sunday July 28, beginning 7:30pm.  Clamshell Alliance Reunion Gathering at World Fellowship Center in Albany, NH. If you haven't reserved your room, you can reserve at, email, or call (603) 447-2280  

Saturday July 27, 11am.  Shut Down Wall Street: Mass action to end fossil fuels. Citi’s HQ, 388 Greenwich St, New York, 10013. The world is on fire. It’s so hot people are literally dying. Ecosystems are collapsing. Hundreds of thousands are being displaced from their homes. And Wall Street is to blame. We will rally at Citibank’s global headquarters. From there, we will march to the Citi CEOs home where we will stage a raucous noise protest (whistles, vuvuzelas, and noise makers will be provided), before we march to Wall Street itself to shut it down and demand an end to fossil fuels. Go HERE.

Monday July 29, 9:30am.  DOER will host a virtual technical session for stakeholders who are unable to attend the in-person sessions. The same content will be covered at both the in-person and virtual sessions, so attendance is only necessary at one. Interested attendees can register for the virtual technical session here. The deadline to register will be July 24th.

 Wednesday July 31,  11am.  Last Boston XR et al Standout of the Season! The State House Stand-Out for No New Fossil Fuel Infrastructure kicked off on June 5, 2024. Since then, volunteers have gathered at the Massachusetts State House every business day to engage with the public and put pressure on lawmakers to take immediate action on the climate. We are preparing for our first break at the end of the legislative session, to allow planners and volunteers to rest and recharge for the next stage of the fight. Join us at the State House anytime between 11 am and 3 pm on Wednesday July 31 and jam along with an activist brass band, along with our own guitarist. Organizers will thank participants while we write our last postcards for Governor Healey for this session. We'll also share ideas about the next version of the Stand Out! If you haven't gotten a chance to take a Stand Out shift yet, this is your last chance for a while! Email:  with any questions.

  to ossil Free Future Festival.   Come celebrate the end of coal in New England with us! Merrimack Station in Bow is closing their coal operations and transitioning to clean energy and battery storage. So we're getting together to celebrate this just transition and imagine what our future could look like if all the fossil fuel peaker plants in the region transitioned to clean energy. Join us for an afternoon of action, music, boating on the Merrimack River, and moving towards a fossil free future! Go HERE. 

Saturday 21 September 2024.  Global Protest, Mothers Rebellion for Climate Justice. The climate crisis is not slowing down! Mothers* Rebellion is planning our next global protest, save the date and check in our social media outlets and here for updates. Go HERE.

And now it's time to go BUT one thing: Listen to your Mother, OK?




Friday, June 21, 2024

A Climatic Summer Solstice 2024 Enviro Show

[ Hear the whole show HERE anytime]

Greetings and Happy Summer Solstice Earthlings. As we mark Litha: Celebrating the Height of Sun’s Power, we will also question the actions of certain parties on Beacon Hill who abuse their power in this time of Climate Crisis. Michael Kellett of Restore the North Woods and Janet Sinclair of Save Mass Forests return to the show to speak truth to power. As always, we will also introduce you to this week's Fool-on-the-Hill and "Those Who Brains are Small", as well as checkout our Critter of the Week, remind you that "It's the Climate Crisis, Stupid!" and more but first it's time for......Revenge of the Critters! Poachers beware: What goes around comes around. 

This week's Fool-on-the-Hill is living proof that the MAGA Death Cult will accept anyone  with a pulse. "Rep. Greg Steube, R-Fla., is introducing a bill to rename the immediate waters surrounding the U.S., called the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), as the "Donald John Trump Exclusive Economic Zone of the United States." notes Faux "news".  Like so many Repugnican bills in the present Congress it will die a well deserved death in the Senate. That said, we are reminded of efforts to remove His Malignancy's name elsewhere.

Let's stick to the bad players here in "Their Brains Were Small & They Died" segment. These guys are said to be "manosphere influencers". One of them, Jordan Peterson was dubbed “custodian of the patriarchy” by the New York TimesSound old school? Exactly. Old as the small brained dinosaurs. His right-wing “think tank,” Alliance for Responsible Citizenship,(sic) "served as a collective mouthpiece for the views this infamous right-wing influencer. Peterson’s views can be summarized by the 'climate hysteria' iceberg meme—environmentalism is merely a Trojan horse for Marxism." The rap sheet for him and his knuckle-dragging cohort is long, tedious and truly as dated as any dusty pile of Tyrannosaurus rex bones in a museum storeroom.  Look out for the asteroid, boys!

Contrary to what manosphere influencers would have you believe, "It's the Climate Crisis, Stupid!" You may recall during our past shows we often note that methane is even worse that CO2  in terms of global warming. Recently, Grist has reported : "As food waste and other organic matter decompose, they generate methane and other noxious gases. As a result, landfills are responsible for nearly a fifth of the country’s methane emissions, but almost half of U.S. landfills have not installed gas-capture systems, nor are they required to. In fact, emissions from many smaller landfills are not regulated by the EPA at all." What's wrong in THAT picture? The article goes on, "There are more than 2,600 landfills across the country, and they leak the equivalent of 287 million metric tons of carbon dioxide per year into the air — a volume comparable to that which would result from operating 74 coal plants. A recent study by Carbon Mapper, a nonprofit that operates methane-detecting satellites, found methane emissions from landfills are 40 percent higher than previously estimated by the EPA." While cleaning up our collective mess is critical to pushing back on climate chaos so is bringing up our energy transmission systems so they can carry all the clean energy going on line. Another Grist piece states: "America’s energy system has a problem: Solar and wind developers want to build renewable energy at a breakneck pace — and historic climate legislation has fueled their charge with financial incentives worth billions of dollars. But too often the power that these projects can produce has nowhere to go. That’s because the high-voltage lines that move energy across the country don’t have the capacity to handle what these panels and turbines generate." Here's a thought, instead of clearcutting mature carbon capturing forests for industrial solar how about upgrading the distribution system ??

Sadly we have some Backslidin' with Biden to report. Our friends at the John Muir Project have just pointed out the release of The Prez's  Old-growth  report has a logging truck size hole in it for.......guess what? increased old-growth logging! Perhaps Joe doesn't know enemies of the earth like Thom Vilsack or Forest Service Chief Vicki Christiansen are pulling a fast one on him? We'll give him the benefit of doubt for the time being. The Muir response notes: "Over 200 U.S. scientists recently sent a letter to the Administration urging complete protection from logging for all mature and old-growth forests on public lands, which the Administration ignored."

Our Critter of the Week is THE world's most trafficked animal on the planet. Saving Pangolins from Extinction due to human stupidity is a serious challenge. Don't just take our word for it, Sir David Attenborough said it all. Pangolins don't survive in zoos or as pets. They belong in the Wild, undisturbed. It's as simple as that. 

Just received a fund raising pitch from The Center for Food Safety which began "70% of genetically engineered (GMO) food in the supermarket is not labeled".  Seems like an Enviro Show Echo Chamber moment, no? Yes, so I went to their webpage (buried beneath far too many useless monetized posts on Yahoo Search) and found a Shoppers Guide to Avoiding GE Food. You can download it to your device (if you have one) HERE.  Also, given last week's heatwave (or heat dome, if you prefer) it's time once again to Shave the Peak. There are ways to beat the heat without adding to the much. 😒  Finally, for those of you who thought No Nukes in the Commonwealth is soooo '70s (or '80s) guess who wants a redo in the 2020s? That would be certain parties on Beacon Hill, maybe even the Gov. who want to call it "Clean Energy". Go HERE. O wait, time for a comedic break! 

Time for our Enviro Show Quote of the Week:

“Forests are the world’s air-conditioning system – the lungs of the planet – and we are on the verge of switching it off.”

- King Charles 

After our interview with Michael & Janet it's on to the Bus Stop Billboard:

Happy Plastic Free July!  Learn more here or here  It all began when Rebecca Prince-Ruiz visited her local recycling sorting center in Perth, Australia, in 2011. She had always thought of herself as being eco-conscious, but after looking around at the heavy machinery sorting an endless stream of bottles, tubs, jars, cans and boxes, she had an aha moment. And this from Boston XR: "Sign up to join the State House Stand-Out for a weekday shift between 11 am and 3 pm, by emailing! Watch this short documentary by Boston University student Linus Brier for an inside look into the Stand-Out. 

 Monday July 8,  9:30am to 12pm. The Summer of Heat is well underway, for both heat waves and our movement “turning up the heat” on Wall Street big banks. During the first few weeks of Summer of Heat in New York City, Citi, Chubb insurance, and other targets have heard loud and clear from hundreds of people marching, rallying, and practicing nonviolent protest that financiers must stop funding fossil fuels and accelerate investments in clean energy. Third Act is part of this summer-long effort to disrupt business as usual on Wall Street. Next up is another Elders Day in New York City on July 8 with climate luminaries like Bill McKibben, Gus Speth, faith leaders Rev. Jim Antal and Rev. Margaret Bullitt-Jonas.... and YOU! Please join us:  Go HERE


Tuesday July 9, 10am. Join us to tell Bank of America to Stop Funding Fossil Fuels – SUMMER OF HEAT event.  157 Great Road, Bedford, MA. Bring a sign, or grab a sign we will provide.  Bring a friend, or come by yourself as we stand across from Bank of America with a strong message that it’s time to switch to renewable energy.  Come for 30 minutes or stay for the whole two hours.  All are welcome! For more info about our Rocking Chair rebellion, click HERE 

Tuesday  July 9, 12 p.m.  NRDC Webinar: Debriefing the Chevron Decision.Don't miss this opportunity to hear from NRDC President and CEO Manish Bapna, along with me and members of our litigation team, about this historic and troubling ruling. You'll also have a chance to ask questions of the panelists and learn more about how NRDC will continue to take on the fossil fuel industry and others threatening communities across the United States no matter how the court system operates following this new precedent. Go HERE.       

Wednesday July 10, 1-3pm.  DOER will host a webinar with a presentation of the SMART Straw Proposal where stakeholders can learn about proposed policy changes and submit questions for clarification. The Straw Proposal will be posted to the DOER website after the webinar for review, along with a recording of the webinar. Interested attendees can register for the webinar here.
Thursday July 11, 6:30pm. Learn how to take part in XR actions at this non-violent direct action training! This training is for people who are interested in potentially doing civil disobedience as well as people who want to play support roles for our actions. You will learn how to engage in non-violent civil disobedience. We will cover some theory behind direct actions, discuss the logistics of arrest and potential legal implications, and talk about the many different roles (beyond risking arrest) that are crucial to successful actions. You will get to talk to a few people who have gone through the arrest process and ask questions you might have.  Location: Zoom, you'll need to register to join  
Saturday July 13, 1 pm. Climate Rally on the Boston Common. We'll gather to demonstrate our support for vital climate legislation and demand that our legislators prioritize a sustainable future for all. Together, we can show our elected officials the strength of our commitment and the urgency of this issue. Your presence is crucial in demonstrating widespread community support for bold climate action.  Please RSVP to confirm your attendance and spread the word among your networks. Join the MA Youth Climate Coalition and Mass Power Forward coalitions as we push for our planet and justice! 

Monday  July 15, 4pm. Chuck Willer will Present on "Industrial Forestry and the Water You Drink”. In his discussion for the Forest Protection Forum, Chuck will examine the transformation of the U.S. economy over the past three decades and its impact on corporate forest ownership and management. He will link Wall Street finance to landscape forest conditions and explain how such conditions harm watersheds and aquatic life.  Please register here.  

Tuesday July 16, 6 - 7:45 pm.  Open Forum: Protecting Our Land and Waters, Part II. Fehlow Meeting Room,  Plymouth MA Public Library, Main Branch.  Join us to discuss challenges and opportunities in land conservation in Southeastern Massachusetts. Opportunity for networking and collaboration. Free and open to the public.  

Wednesday July 17, 5pm.  "Unmasking Biomass: The Hidden Truths and Real" Solutions.""Our expert panelists bring a wealth of knowledge and experience, providing insights into the environmental, health, and economic impacts of biomass. They will discuss the implications of biomass as a supposed “green” energy solution, examining whether it truly benefits our communities and the planet. Registration: Register Here  

Wednesday July 17, 6:30 – 7:30pm.  John Lewis National Day of Commemoration and Action.  Democracy is under attack, friends. Join IndivisibleCT for a rally highlighting the urgency of this moment in our history. We intend to educate, motivate, and activate our community to work towards the passage of the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, the Freedom to Vote Act, the Native American Voting Rights Act, and DC Statehood. And there's an election in November. Time to energize!
50 S Main Street ,
West Hartford, CT 06107 


Thursday July 18, 7pm.  MCAN Presents:  Leaders Speak Out: Paths to Climate Justice, a Speaker Series.  What is a vision of a more equitable future, and do we have the tools to drive meaningful change? In 2024, the energy landscape of Massachusetts is undergoing significant transformations at Mass-Save, at the DPU, and at the utilities. While these tie to climate goals, there is little discussion about energy ownership and governance changes. Register HERE.  

Sunday July 21, 1-4pm.   Join Patti Smith and Skip Lisle for the upcoming presentation on beaver ecology and co-existence - and for the mini-field trip to the 4H trail beaver habitat which will follow. The event is free, but your contributions would be welcomed.  Rain or shine with exceptions for severe weather. Naturalist Patti Smith will captivate you with her stories and insight, and biologist Skip Lisle will advise on best management practices. Leverett, MA Town Hall, 9 Montague Road Leverett, MA 01054  

Monday & Tuesday July 22 & 23, 9:30 am to 4pm. DOER will host in-person technical sessions at the Connolly Center in the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, 600 Atlantic Ave, Boston, MA 02210, to collect stakeholder feedback on the SMART Straw Proposal. The sessions will be divided into topic areas, and attendees may register for individual sessions. Interested attendees can register for the in-person technical sessions here. The deadline to register will be July 17th. DOER requests that each organization only send one representative per session. Lunch will not be provided by DOER, but there will be a break from 12:00-1:00 PM and there is a cafe in the Federal Reserve building as well as various lunch options in the surrounding area.

Thursday July 25, 4 -  5pm.  Beyond the Horizon: Going the Distance for Seabirds Webinar. Seabirds are one of the most endangered groups of birds. Their populations have dropped a staggering 70 percent globally over the past 60 years due to factors such as invasive species, unsustainable fisheries, and marine trash. American Bird Conservancy's Marine Program is working tirelessly with partners to safeguard the most vulnerable species both while at sea, and on land where they nest. Go HERE.   

Friday July 26 - Sunday July 28, beginning 7:30pm.  Clamshell Alliance Reunion Gathering at World Fellowship Center in Albany, NH. If you haven't reserved your room, you can reserve at, email, or call (603) 447-2280 

Monday July 29, 9:30am.  DOER will host a virtual technical session for stakeholders who are unable to attend the in-person sessions. The same content will be covered at both the in-person and virtual sessions, so attendance is only necessary at one. Interested attendees can register for the virtual technical session here. The deadline to register will be July 24th.

We are out of here for now but PLEASE remember to listen to your Mother!