We'll be continuing the theme from last time ‘cuz there’s sooooo much to cover in terms of the human impact on the climate (we're not talking the cozy sounding "global warming", not (yawn) "climate change"; it’s the CLIMATE CRISIS!!). We’ll have a call-in from Chelsea Sexton, Executive Director of Plug In America who was featured in the film "Who killed the electric car?" and, as usual, we’ll get into the news and some serious Bush-bashing, but first it’s time for....Revenge of the Critters! Monkeys take over New Delhi!
Glen, there’s that awful theme again, what’s the count? We thought for a minute last week that we’d almost gotten rid of these guys, but alas, it was apparently just a joke. Actually, with Big Oil in the White House the joke’s on us (sigh). Ok, they may be dug-in at the White House, but they ARE, at last, taking some serious hits on enviro issues. This from the Christian Science Monitor. We’ll cap this segment with Colleen Kattau’s "Royally Oily" bluegrass tune off her "Inhabited Woman" album.
Our phone-in interview at this point with Chelsea Sexton, Executive Director of Plug In America who was in the excellent film "Who killed the electric car?", reminds us how Big Auto has so egregiously bailed on low-impact transportation. Speaking of cars, cars, cars, here’s an intriguing piece from Vermont.
By the way, our...err..friends? at Cape Wind have been in the news recently. D.O.'s brief response to the piece is enough to piss off any Interfaith Walker for a Divisive Climate! More importantly, the group Save Our Sound has an update on their site that we’ve linked to. If you have a problem with the corporate privatization of the commons in the name of climate crisis "solutions" you might want to make it heard. Check our Enviro Show action link.
This is the blog bonus points part: only you blog visitors get this special opportunity to sign on to Barb Boxer & Bernie sanders' climate crisis bill (that's because the url is too damn long!) Check it out: "Sanders/Boxer is the legislation we need to pass to truly make a difference in the fight against global warming. But I can't get this bill passed without more support from my Senate colleagues and to do that I need your help. Please join me in speaking out, standing up, and making your voice heard in the fight against global warming. Please sign on here as a citizen co-sponsor of the Sanders/Boxer global warming bill now!". ALSO, checkout RFK, Jr's latest whack at the Bush regime, "The Bush Administration:Texas Chainsaw Management".
Now it's time for....you guessed it! Bus Stop Billboard:
Saturday, April 21; Reverend Billy & the Church of Stop Shopping Gospel Chorus and Not Buying It Band in Shelburne Falls, MA email Ellen (Kaufmann@Crocker.com).
Saturday, April 21, 2007, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Green Fair; The Better Living Show: Franklin County Fairgrounds, Greenfield, MA. Exhibits of environmentally friendly goods and services, Energy saving and alternative fuel products, Displays and demos on energy efficiency, renewables, organic gardening, composting and more! Children's activities and local entertainment. For more information, contact Becky Kurber or call 413-774-2791.
Saturday, April 21st, from 9:30am to 12:30 pm, Northampton Bike Trail cleanup.
For more information on locations, contact: Julia at 413-587-0340.
Sunday, April 22, 2-4pm., AMHERST EARTH DAY; Amherst Common
for information please contact Emilie 548 1068 emiliehamillton@yahoo.com
Monday, April 23, 5:30PM, there will be a ride from Amherst Common,
proceeding West along Rt. 9, and ending at the park on the corner of Damon
Rd. in Northampton. The purpose of this ride is to demonstrate to the general
travelling public the legitimacy of vehicular cycling.
Tuesday,April 24th, 7pm: “Out of Balance: ExxonMobil's Impact on Climate Change” film screening Gordon Hall, Umass on University Ave. just east of the University & Mass Ave. intersection). Presented by Students for Environmental Awareness and Action. Contact: rhouse@student.umass.edu.
Tuesday, April 24, 7:30pm. the Five College premier of "CRUDE IMPACT," a powerful documentary on oil's impact on the environment, human rights, geopolitics, and the global energy equation. Hampshire College, in the East Lecture Hall of Franklin Patterson Hall.
Wednesday, April 25; 10-3pm. GCC Earth day celebration. East Building, red roof, Greenfield Community College, Greenfield, MA. Come for workshops!! Join in the Parade!! Starting at 11:15 am on campus!! email ellen (Kaufmann@Crocker.com).
Thursday,April 26; 10-4 pm. Twenty first anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear accident. Vigil at the Wells Fountain, Linden and Main Street, Brattleboro, VT. For more info contact Hattie hattieshalom@verizon.net -978-249-6224 or 978-790-3074.
Saturday, April 28, 2007; 8:30 am too 5:30 pm. Sustainable Energy Summit - Community Action for a Clean Energy Future. Smith College Performing Arts Center, Northampton, MA. Come co-create a sustainable energy future for our region with some of the most dynamic leaders on sustainable energy in the country!
Participatory Workshop Themes:
Solutions - Sustainable Energy Options for You Today [CAPE WIND BOOSTERS ANYONE??]
Environmental Justice - Coming to Terms with how Race and Class Impact
Community Dailog - Reaching Common Ground from Differing Perspectives
Municipal and school sustainable energy options
Register by April 15 for $24 reduced fee. 50%discount for seniors and students!!
for more info http://cooppower.onlinecommunity.coop/april2807conference
Saturday, May 5th;11 AM - 12 PM @ Center St. and South Street, JP. Wake Up The Earth Parade. Part of Biojustice2007. email: outreach@biojustice2007.org. Followed by the Wake Up the Earth Festival (raindate Saturday, May 12, 2007) at the Southwest Corridor Park, adjacent to the Stonybrook T stop. Call (617) 524-6373 or email info@spontaneouscelebrations.org
Ok,ok, enough already! We'll be back to haunt our listeners next time with the MAY DAY! MAY DAY! Enviro Show. Same Bat time, same bat channel!
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