Coming up on the infamous Ides of March we asked the musical question: Will Caesar meet his just deserves? How can Planet Earth hold-up under Caesar’s rule? Yes, it was Ways around the Empire here on the Enviro Show (non-violent, of course!). Doug Renick returned to these microphones to talk about the upcoming Interfaith Walk for Climate Rescue starting right here in Northampton and going to Genetown. While we love having Doug on the show, unfortunately the group's decison makers (not Doug) have turned down our Enviro Show endorsement of their event due to our position on Cape Wind. I guess it's OK with them to use our show to publicize their event but not OK to have our name on their website....hmmmm. With that in mind, D.O. has renamed their event The Interfaith Walk for a Divisive Climate! Also, we aired a brief interview with the organizers of the Deep Green Resistance conference to be held on Woolman Hill in Deerfield the weekend of April 6. AND, our usual news & views, but first, it was time for....Revenge of the Critters! Psycho killer raccoons terrorize Olympia.
Melissa Ethiridge's Oscar winning song "I need to wake-up" from Al Gore's film, "An Inconvenient Truth", took us to our interview with Doug Renick. Had we known that the organizers of the Interfaith Walk for a Divisive Climate were so into the Ides of March that they stabbed US in the back, we would've invited the lot of them onto the show so they could explain their mean-spirited actions! So much for the Golden Rule, huh? We followed that with the Darth Cheney theme (very dark, no?). Glen told us how much longer we have to endure these people? (the neo-cons, that is). OK, more Bush-bashing fun facts: Citizens for Ethics sues the bastards! Soon the neo-cons will be extinct, right?
Let's move on to the good news: from the road to extinction to the Bronx River! The return of the beaver.
We aired a pre-recorded Deep Green Resistance interview. Then we visited another band of idealists in North Carolina who are taking it back to the land (hopefully with more smarts than the last time ‘round). The satirical tune, "America the Pitiful", by Ray Owens was supposed to take us to this from a recent issue of Green Living:Zero Waste, but we ran out of time. An Enviro Show bonus link: how’s your ecological footprint?
Then we moved on to our Bus Stop Billboard:
Thurs, Mar 8, 6:15 - 7:30 pm. Tri State CAN meeting; upstairs, Greenfields Market, Main St, Greenfield, MA; call 413-339-5781 for more info.
Friday, March 9, 2007 at 7:00-9:30 p.m. Music of This Sphere: A Concert for Climate Rescue. Helen Hills Hills Chapel, Smith College, Northampton. $15 suggested donation. No advance tickets. For more information, contact cmoran[at]smith.edu,
or rbtjonas[at]aol.com.
Sun, March 11, 7 p.m. Update on Environmental Legislation
Quaker Meeting House, 43 Center Street. Northampton, MA (Between the Police Station and Masonic Bldg.) The Environmental Task Force Of the Hampshire Interfaith Council Present: State Representatives: Ellen Story; Peter Kocot; John Scibak and State Senator Stan Rosenberg.
Tuesday, March 13, 6:30 p.m. Virtual Visit to Mt. Toby; Great Falls Discovery Center, Turners Falls. Slideshow presentation on the cultural history, special species and habitat changes that have taken place at Mount Toby. Explore the multiple methods of land conservation practiced at Mount Toby that currently protect this treasured place.. For more information, call (413) 863-3221 ext. 1. A $5 donation is appreciated.
Enough! Next time it's energy conservation. Another no brainer! Maybe if we put as much juice into energy conservation as we do in hyping NEW sources of "sustainable" energy or stabbing our allies in the back we'd be in a lot better shape around here, huh? Stay tuned!
1 comment:
Thank you for the comment on my blog, I wish I had more time to be investigative, but I'm thankful for those who do and keep the rest of us informed.
I do most of my blogging at http://www.okcitykid.bravejournal.com, because I'm not that good at html. The war and vets issues has taken it over, so I decided to put my environmental stuff here. Stop by from time to time if you would.
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