Greetings Earthlings. Barely recovered from being stabbed in the back by the organizers of The Walk for a Divisive Climate we none-the-less carry on! It's the eve of the Vernal Equinox and our favorite in-house witch, Tamara rejoins us to ponder once again the meaning of Spring. Also, Pam Cargill tells us about a new NESEA chapter forming in Holyoke to promote energy conservation and sustainability. (Now, doesn't REAL energy conservation make more sense than building new power plants, especially on the commons!) As you may know the Northeast Sustainable Energy Association or NESEA is the Northeast's leading organization of professionals and concerned citizens working in sustainable energy and what they call, whole systems thinking (hmmm, around here we’re lucky to have partial systems thinking). AND, if time allows, we’ll try to figure out how to remove the holy dagger driven deep into our collective back for the Ides of March. Et Tu Brute! Maybe we’ll take some calls on that! ALSO, a call-in from Tim Bulloc on the Walk for a New Spring about today’s action in Roxbury by the site of the Bio-terror lab But first, it’ time for...Revenge of the Critters! Angry moose downs chopper!
The spring peepers take us to Tamara on the Vernal Equinox. Then the darkness descends with the Darth Cheney theme. Yo, Glen! There’s the theme. Tell us how soon we’ll be rid of the neo-con plague. And speaking of the plague: Big Oil's White House Residents still tuned-out on the climate crisis. We don’t just bash Bush here on The Enviro Show, it's equal opportunity vilification: Big Auto whines and spins over fuel efficency. ALSO, Greening The Hill. How about putting those solar panels back on the White House?
"Thermostat" by They Might be Giants takes us to our interview with Pam. Checkout this list of conservation measures you can take at home or where you work. Then it's on to the Bus Stop Billboard:
Wednesday, March 21, Noon, State House; Culmination of the Walk for a New Spring. A 4-week walk to find ways to root and nourish the power of peace and equity, locally, nationally and globally. Call Tim (202)957-8324.
Thurs, Mar 22, 6:15 – 7:30pm, Tri State CAN meeting; Meeting Rm, upstairs, Greenfields Market, Main St, Greenfield, MA. 413-339-5871.
Saturday & Sunday, MARCH 24 – 25; WALK FOR A NUCLEAR FREE FUTURE
Citizens Awareness Network (CAN) and the Buddhist order of Nipponzan Myohoji will coordinate a walk through Vermont to support safe, sustainable energy and abolish nuclear power and nuclear weapons.
* March 24, Greenfield, MA - 9 am walk, GCC parking lot, through
Greenfield, 12:30 pm lunch at East Building Rm 111, 1:30 pm Raging
Grannies, 2-4 pm panel discussion.
* March 25, Brattleboro, VT - 9 am walk, Rt 5/10, Guilford Country
Store, Guilford, VT. 12 pm lunch at SIT, 1 pm walk to Entergy HQ,
then downtown Brattleboro. 5:30 pm potluck dinner at Quaker
Meeting House, Putney, VT, on Rt 5. 6:30 pm presentation and
discussion. Call 413-339-5781 or 978-790-3074.
Saturday, March 24, 3-4:30 pm - Rally for Climate Rescue, Copley Square, Boston; Call: 617-338-8131 (billed as the BIGGEST rally on the climate crisis in U.S. history....um...by the same folks who brought you The Walk for a Divisive Climate..hmm).
Wednesday April 4; 7 PM; Film: “TRINKETS AND BEADS “Arms Library ~ Bridge Street ~ Shelburne Falls. A moving story of how the Huaorani tribe living in the rainforest of Ecuador confronted international oil conglomerates who were desecrating their land with oil drilling. Guest: Cristobal Bonifaz, Conway lawyer who represented the Huaorani in their legal struggle.
That's all folks! Now wasn't that easy?
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