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Friday, June 07, 2024

A Poisonous Enviro Show

Greetings Earthings. You may recall our previous shows on rodenticide poisoning leading to tragic deaths of key predators. This time Laura Kiesel of  Save Arlington Wildlife joins us to discuss a petition to "the Pesticide Board Subcommittee of the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources to immediately suspend the registrations of all anticoagulant rodenticide products and conduct an individual review of their active ingredients".  Let's end the slaughter, OK? As always we will also introduce you to this week's Fool-on-the-Hill and Those Whose Brains Are Small as well as checking in on our Critter of the Week and more but first it's time for.......Revenge of the Critters! News Flash! Orcas are just .......bored teenagers! 

This week's Fool-on-the-Hill works right across the street from The U.S. House of Fools at the so-called Supreme Court. It is, after all, on The Hill, right? Yes, and "Justice" Samual Alito has proved himself to be such a fool! It seems "political flags flown at Alito’s homes — an upside-down American flag in the days after Jan. 6, 2021, and an “Appeal to Heaven” flag in the summer of 2023 — have pushed Alito’s behavior into an entirely different realm, one that raises serious questions about Alito’s partisanship, his ethics and the integrity of the court."  Questions?? There is no doubt about this guy's fascist MAGA cult leanings, much less his opposition to women's right to choose. Alito's credos have no place in the nation's highest court. Full stop.

Alito and his MAGA flag waving wife can crank up the AC or flee to their beach house in Jersey but folks in Pakistan and India are sweltering at 127 degrees because "It's the Climate Crisis, Stupid!" That's barely survivable weather and as summer approaches it could well be headed our way. Closer to home in Mexico City "some say it could be unable to provide water by June 26, known as “Day Zero” in the metropolitan area of 22 million." Without water how does one survive? Here in the States it was recently revealed " the first months of 2024, there has been a strange and devastating uptick in twister occurrences. April witnessed more than 100 tornadoes in the US in just one week, and, according to the National Centers for Environmental Information, a total of 384 were reported throughout the month. That is more than double the year-on-year average and the second-highest on record." What's THAT about? "Research published in the journal Environmental Research Letters has shown that as El Niño decays, atmospheric ‘waves’ which promote vertical wind shear become wavier, which in turn produces conditions ripe for tornado formation." Climate Chaos? What do you think?

This "Brains were Small and They Died" segment brings us to model Nazi SS freak sent from Central Casting, Stephen Miller who lately has been beating the fascist drum by calling mainstream Dems "Communists".  Is this creepy old-school or what? Him and his ilk have their Schutzstaffel panties all up in a knot over His Malignancy's felony trial, falsely claiming it was rigged (just as they said about the election The Mad King lost). Losers who refuse to admit to reality remind us of the dinosaurs. What ever happened to them? Here's a Stand Up/Fight Back LINK calling for His Malignancy's other trials to go forward. And  FINALLY, fascist schemer and worst of the worst,  Steve Bannon learns "If you can't do the time don't do the crime" on July 1st.....unless his SCOTUS overlords give him a pass. 😒

Still on the subject of Nazi SS freaks here in The Enviro Show Echo Chamber we quote this New York Times piece on The Environmental Protection Agency proposed limits on the use of N-Methylpyrrolidone, a solvent in many products used by both consumers and workers. NMP "has been found to cause miscarriages, reduced male fertility and damage to the liver, kidneys and immune and nervous systems." Such corrective actions are far too rare at the EPA but when they were taken back in the Obama days guess who went out of his way to resend them in the next administration? That would be His Malignancy The Mad King who, along with his MAGA cult followers, remains even more toxic today than they was back then. They did that many, many times. We bring this up in case you were thinking the only danger with those fascists was the end of a centuries long constitutional democracy. There, we said it and we're glad, now it's time for a poetry break.

Our Critter of the Week this time around are the humble Fireflies. June is their time to shine and one of our listeners has sent us a slew of links about Lampyridae and about their struggle to survive the Insect Apocalypse. How can we help them? Turn the damn lights out!

The Enviro Show Quote of the Week is spot on for this show:

“We need, in a special way, to work twice as hard to help people understand that the animals are fellow creatures, that we must protect them and love them as we love ourselves.”

— Cesar Chavez

After our conversation with Rachel it's on to the billboard:

ence/ . You can also find out more about the Summit and view the full agenda here. 

Saturday June 22, 4-6:30pm.  Serious Play Presents: Climate Change Community.  Northampton Center for the Arts, 33 Hawley Street , Northampton, MA. Serious Play feels strongly about the existential threat of climate change and the power of theatre to motivate audiences to ask questions, to think critically & to take action now.  The FORUM, held before the June 22 performance of Moving Water, offers 3 group conversations around 3 aspects of the climate crisis, moving participants toward action on 3 specific climate projects. Registration for free Climate Change Forum here

Sunday June 23 at 12 noon. BIGGER THAN DOBBS: THE WAR ON WOMEN AND DEMOCRACY RALLY  on the second anniversary of the Supreme Court Dobbs decision which took away women's right to abortion and threatens the future of our democracy. Change of Location due to weather: Sanctuary of the Second Congregational church, 16 Court Square by the Greenfield Common

Monday June 24th is the second anniversary of the disastrous Dobbs decision. When the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, it opened the doors for a dystopian future for women across the United States. Feminists are taking action — striking, marching, getting out the vote — across the country. Join us to send an unmistakable message to anti-abortion extremists that our movement is not backing down. Host or join a local action near you!

Monday  June 24, 7 to 8:30pm. Climate Action Now Gathering via Zoom. Climate Reparations: What Does the North Owe the Global South? Presentation by John Feffer, Director of the Global Just Transition program Institute for Policy Studies  How will the nations most responsible for the climate crisis respond to the escalating needs of those that have contributed least and are most impacted? Climate reparations will be a hot topic at the next two UN Climate Conferences. Register HERE. 

Monday June 24, 7 p.m. World EHS Day.  We are so grateful to colleagues in France who seven years ago established June 16 as the World Day of Intolerance to Electromagnetic Pollution! That falls on Father's Day this year in the U.S. so Courtney Gilardi and Cece Doucette will be hosting a U.S.-based Zoom event.  Go HERE.  

Thursday June 27, 4 to 5pm. A Pivotal Partnership for Imperiled Shorebirds and Living Fossils. ABC is advocating for solutions to conserve both the horseshoe crab and the Red Knot, as part of the Horseshoe Crab Recovery Coalition (HCRC), a partnership of more than 50 organizations. Zoom webinar about these efforts and the incredible animals at the center of this story. Register HERE.  

Friday June 28, All Day. Summer of Heat on Wall Street. For reservations go HERE. 
Over 100 community organizers and frontline leaders from the Gulf South ― home to the world’s largest buildout of new fossil fuel projects ― will be in New York for the march and action. They hail from communities, such as Lake Charles and Sulphur in Louisiana, where people are fighting tooth and nail to stop the buildout of LNG and oil export terminals. Now, they’re taking their demands to the front doors of Wall Street. The march will be a family-friendly, celebratory and joyous second-line march led by a brass band. We will start at the head of Wall Street, and will end at the global headquarters of Citibank. For transportation from Boston text 847-830-2016 ASAP or by June 24th with your full name if you are available on 6/28 and ready to board a bus! 

 Saturday June 29, 10am - 2pm.  Boston Urban Forest Friends Symposium 2024 – Still Growing Together: Preserving For Our Future.  In addition to our incredible speakers, we will host an engaging panel discussion, where experts, community members, and advocates will come together to address pressing topics related to Boston's urban forest. We will be joined by the Director of Urban Forestry, Todd Mistor, who will join us to talk about the Urban Forest Plan (UFP) for the City of Boston and more.Lunch will be provided by Fresh Food Generation. Please confirm your participation by registering at the link HERELocation is at   The Reggie Lewis Track and Athletic Center, 1350 Tremont St, Boston, MA 02120

The June 29th Mass Poor People’s & Low-Wage Workers’ Assembly and Moral March on Washington D.C. & to the Polls will launch outreach to 15 million poor and low-wage infrequent voters ahead of the 2024 U.S. elections and beyond. The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival is calling on people of moral conscience to join us on June 29th in the nation’s capital to uplift and center the needs of the over 135 million poor and low-wage people and workers across the country. Go HERE.  

Tuesday July 9, 10am. Join us to tell Bank of America to Stop Funding Fossil Fuels – SUMMER OF HEAT event.  157 Great Road, Bedford, MA. Bring a sign, or grab a sign we will provide.  Bring a friend, or come by yourself as we stand across from Bank of America with a strong message that it’s time to switch to renewable energy.  Come for 30 minutes or stay for the whole two hours.  All are welcome!  

We are out of here for now but PLEASE remember to listen to your Mother! 


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