Greetings Earthlings and greetings to our new Governor here in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. We can hardly wait until she announces her promised one-year moratorium on logging in our public lands. Michael Kellett of Restore the North Woods returns to the show to discuss just that with Glen & d.o. As always, we will also introduce you to this week's Fool-on-the-Hill and remind anyone not paying attention that "It's the Climate Crisis, Stupid!" as well as take you on a visit the The Enviro Show Echo Chamber and more, but first it's time for ..........Revenge of the Critters! More habitat invasion by those humans seals their fate.
This week's Fool-on-the-Hill is one of those newly elected MAGA Death Cult Repugnican Reps who apparently is deeply concerned about being accused of....are you ready? witchcraft! Rep. Anna Paulina Luna, a gun toting Florida pol, is engaged in a legal fight with political enemies who say she is a literal witch. The story makes all sorts of sordid twists and turns (Surprise!) with other fools like Roger Stone and Bubba the Love Sponge, as well as an Hispanics for Trump associate Paloma Zuniga reportedly saying “Luna practices witchcraft.” “That is where I heard that from, she puts spells on people.” said Matt Tito, a pal of Roger Stone who mulled challenging Luna in a primary. It goes on and on and is as crazy as any of the QAnon/MAGA freak shows out there. We're thinking Luna is just another fool for getting in deep with the Repugnican clown car and for joining up with fascist cabal on The Hill who foolishly call themselves "The Freedom Caucus". We guess Luna et al are free to make fools of themselves but not on our time.
Those clowns we just spoke of may be too caught up in themselves and their fantasies to believe "It's the Climate Crisis, Stupid!" but we have some good news for them anyway. First, the good news from the Amazon (that's the REAL Amazon) is environmentalists and indigenous rights advocates around the world are "celebrating Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva's selection of Marina Silva and Sônia Guajajara to serve as the nation's environment and Indigenous ministers, respectively. Since his October victory, the new president has publicly vowed to make Amazon destruction "a thing of the past" and discussed creating a police unit for environmental crimes." Next, we learned Scotland Is Poised to Become the World’s First “Rewilding Nation”! "The deforestation of Scotland unfolded over hundreds of years, beginning in the early 18th century when trees were felled on a massive scale for fuel and buildings. In the early 19th century, more trees were cleared to make space for farming. By the 1950s, only about 1 percent of the original Caledonian Forest—the forest that once covered most of Scotland—remained, according to Richard Bunting, a spokesperson for the Scottish nonprofit Trees for Life. “But we have the space, the wealth, the experience, and the global responsibility to rewild,” Bunting says. Read more HERE. That said, we far from of the woods? Remember, the study "America’s Vanishing Climate Forests profiles 12 projects on federal public lands that will log thousands of acres of mature and old-growth stands, from Oregon to West Virginia, harming habitat for endangered species and releasing centuries of carbon being stored by the trees." (Sorry but it is what it is).
Time for our Enviro Show Quote of the Week:
“What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror
reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another.”
— Chris Maser
In The Enviro Show Echo Chamber we echo ourselves and others who have signed-on to the Trees for a Public Good Network's Letter of Support to Gov. Healey and her team. The Letter, in part, states: "Dear Governor-Elect Healey:
We, the undersigned climate activists collaborating in the Trees-as-a-Public-Good Network, offer our sincerest congratulations on your election victory. We feel assured our Commonwealth will be all the better for your presence at the helm of government. We are writing about implementation of the Healey Climate Plan, with a particular focus on forest and tree canopy preservation as crucial elements in protecting the climate, our waters, and wildlife habitat. We strongly support several key points to which you committed during the campaign:
● Temporary moratorium on commercial harvesting on our state-owned public lands, which
will support forest recovery from years of ill-conceived logging.
● Science-based state forest management plan that works to establish carbon and
biodiversity reserves on state-owned lands
● Removal of biomass subsidies from the Alternative Portfolio Standard
We also urge you to expand on these plans, particularly in the areas of
● Protecting mature forests
● Protecting mature municipal trees
● Environmentally responsible siting of solar panels
We strongly recommend that you establish a permanent advisory board of independent climate scientists and community-based climate activists to assure that all statewide policies appropriately address climate goals and the public interest, including forest and tree preservation....." [Click on this link for the full text and signatures].
And next time, depending on news developments, we may initiate a "Save the Trees Moratorium Clock", a sort of improvement on our old Biomass Baker Countdown Timer. Stay tuned!
And now, something completely different, a new segment titled "Their Brains Were Too Small" and we open it with CBS's "60 Minutes" and their finally discovering The Sixth Great Extinction.
After our conversation with Micheal we move on to the Bus Stop Billboard:
Sunday January 22, 5:30pm. Vigil in Worcester tomorrow for the Forest Protector killed in the Atlanta Forest. The address is Collective-a-gogo 266 Olean St., Worcester, MA. , MA.
Monday, January 23, 5pm. We Must Protect Cape Cod Bay Rally & Speakout. HALT HOLTEC! Save Our Bay rally and Nuclear Decommissioning Citizens Advisory Panel meeting. 5:00 PM Rally on Town Hall front lawn [weather permitting]; 6:00 PM Informational gathering at entrance to hall [weather permitting or inside]; 6:30 PM NDCAP meeting Great Hall, Plymouth Town Hall, 26 Court Street, Plymouth, MA. Go to:
Monday January 23, 7pm. Climate Action Now's monthly gathering on Zoom. Everyone is warmly welcomed to join Climate Action Now at our First Monthly Gathering of 2023. Register HERE.
Tuesday January 24, 10am. WMass Passanger Rail Committee Meeting. The legislature established this commission to investigate and receive public testimony concerning potential public entities with the ability to design, permit, construct, operate and maintain passenger rail service proposals from the East-West Passenger Rail Study Final Report. The meeting is scheduled for January 24, 2023 at 10 a.m. at the John W. Olver Transit Center in Greenfield. A sign-in sheet at the hearing location will be made available for those persons who wish to address the Commission in-person. Members of the public wishing to view and participate in the meeting remotely may do so by accessing a livestream of the meeting by email HERE.
Tuesday January 24, 7 to 8pm. Join The Walden Woods Project and RESTORE: The North Woods for a conversation with George Wuerthner. His presentation will provide insights and an overview to the major factors driving large wildfires in the West, and will discuss the ecological importance of these blazes as well as policies that could help to protect communities from such events. Go HERE.
Wednesday January 25, 2 to 4pm. at the State House - Hands Together for Climate Justice. A 3 part event. More info HERE.
Thursday January 26, 7:00pm. Screening of the film "Boycott". A legal thriller with “accidental plaintiffs” at the center of the story, Boycott is a bracing look at the far-reaching implications of anti-boycott legislation and an inspiring tale of everyday Americans standing up to protect our rights in an age of shifting politics and threats to freedom of speech.There will be a Q&A with the filmmakers and a chance to ask questions afterwards. Please RSVP here to get the zoom link!
More events coming but that's it for now except..........Listen to Your Mother!
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