This week's Fool-on-the-Hill managed to make a complete fool of himself way back during the J6 insurrection but it wasn't until the last Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol hearing that tens of millions of viewers coast-to-coast were treated to the sight of (guess who!) Sen. Josh Hawley (Repug-Mo.) comically running away from the mob he had fist saluted earlier in the day. Be careful what you wish for, wussy boy! (and thanks for the comic relief during those grim hearings in which fascism reared its ugly head in an attempted coup by The Mad King and his fellow terrorists).
There's been so much news lately about climate legislation and pressure on The Prez to declare a Climate Emergency it's hard to believe there's still folks out there who don't understand that "It's the Climate Crisis, Stupid!" Apparently, even old king coal, Joe Manchin even figured it out? Nah! That reversal threw the Repugs into a major hissey fit so much so they went for a revenge vote blocking aid to U.S. veterans suffering from toxic exposure, a move that will surely bite the Repugs in the ass come November. All that said, here is CPC Center's comprehensive analysis of the $369 billion in climate and energy provisions included in the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) that all the fuss is about. Given the death of Build Back Better and all the rest of it, the IRA is more than we hoped for except for this: "Unfortunately, the legislation would also require oil and gas leasing in the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska, reinstate an illegal 2021 Gulf lease sale, and lock in oil and gas lease sales as a precondition for the approval of federal renewable energy projects. The greenhouse gas emissions associated with continued fossil fuel leasing will offset some of the emissions reductions found elsewhere in the legislation." We guess that was a sweetener for Manchin et al. BUT Bernie is putting forward an amendment to strip all that from the bill. OK "hot enough for ya'?" So what's with all the heatwaves? Is it the "Omega Block" (that's scary) or "Wave number 5"? ACTUALLY, THEY ARE ONE-IN-THE-SAME. Meanwhile, back in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts our climate bill was sent to Gov. Baker. He had added a poison pill amendment (H.5141, Section 88) that "completely undermines the intent of Sections 33-36 of the climate bill by creating a blanket exemption for any biomass power plant that began commercial operation prior to 2022", according to the Partnership for Policy Integrity. No surprise there, it's classic Dirty Biomass Baker. As of this writing the veto has been overriden and presumably will be sent back to Dirty Biomass Baker. [UPDATE: Baker actually signed the bill on August 11] And on the subject of our Commonwealth "An Act relative to forest protection" has once again proven that "Beacon Hill is where good legislation goes to die". Stay tuned for the post mortum.
Speaking of, it's time for our Charlie Baker Good Riddance Countdown Timer!
We guess Glen has a few choice words for the Gov.
In The Enviro Show Echo Chamber we learn from the Center for Biological Diversity, "World Population Day on July 11 came with
an announcement from the United Nations: There will be 8 billion people
on the planet before the end of the year". Sound crowded? Well yeah, but the supposed experts claim we can go for another 1 or 2 billion depending on all sorts of variables. Wishful thinking or pure science? And this (also from CFBD): "The International Union for the Conservation of Nature just declared monarch butterflies endangered,
placing them on its Red List of Threatened Species. Battered by habitat
destruction, climate change, pesticides and more, the iconic insects
join more than 40,000 other animals and plants as potential casualties
of the Earth’s sixth mass extinction event." Time to plant more Milkweed, Enviro Show listeners. Here is the Go-to site for Monarch protection. Finally, Lake Wyola in Shutesbury is full at the dam and the
Sawmill River in Leverett isn't flowing beyond the dam other than
spillway overflow from boat wakes? This happened many years ago during
another drought. Presumably, any aquatic life in the Sawmill River is endangered by the lack of water. Dear Wyola Dam Keeper: Time to release some water into the river, OK??
OK folks, it's time to see if we are Abidin' with Biden. First off: Get Well Soon Prez and pay no attention to Repugnican ageist b.s. That said, it would be a whole lot easier to Abide with the guy if he'd just declare that Climate Emergency and get it over with. While he's at it how about declaring a Health Emergency in response to the gutting of Roe v.Wade?? Some of those Executive Orders he announced in Somerset, MA recently have a few real world solutions like "setting aside funds to help communities withstand heatwaves and floods, to expanding offshore wind power in the Gulf of Mexico. Then....the Biden administration rolled out, a website with resources to help people cope with extreme heat. And, on Wednesday morning, the White House announced an effort to connect low-income households to solar power." On the other hand, the White House sent out a Tweet "celebrating" The Prez's signing of a near useless Weapons bill from Congress. Final tally this week? Meh!
Time for The Enviro Show Quote of the Week:
“Water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage cans.”
NEW August 30 Deadline for public comments. The U.S. Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management, on behalf of the Departments of Agriculture and the Interior, are seeking public comments on the development of a definition framework for old-growth and mature forests on federally managed lands. This work will help inform how the departments respond to President Biden’s Executive Order 14072, Strengthening the Nation’s Forests, Communities and Local Economies.
Saturday, August 20, 9:00am - 12:00pm. Last fall GG’s Planting for Pollinators group held a workshop at Just Roots (JR) and planted two new demonstration pollinator beds in the PEOPLE'S POLLINATOR GARDEN at JR, which aim to attract native pollinators to the farm. These expanded upon an overall effort already started by JR to develop a large pollinator environment. NOW, we are deepening our relationship with Just Roots. Just Roots/Greenfield Community Farm: 34 Glenbrook Drive.
Saturday & Sunday August 20 & 21. Little Leaders Summer Climate Convention is for young leaders interested in getting involved in direct action. We are committed to helping guide students through the process of finding their voices and amplifying their unique perspectives. The weekend will be completely youth-led and centered around a series of interactive workshops on topics including environmental justice, creative climate action, and leadership training. Learn more and register your Little Leader here:
Monday August 22, 7 to 8:30pm. Climate Action Now Monthly Gathering Details: We currently meet on Zoom on the 4th MONDAY evening of each month from 7- 8:30. All are welcome! CAN Newsletters provide Zoom links and details.
Tuesday Agust 23, 6:30 to 8:30pm. The implementation of the MA Forest Futures Visioning Process recommendations has provided DCR with the opportunity to complete an analysis for all DCR State and Urban Parks and Forests and group them by key natural and ecological
characteristics (topography, geology and elevation) – an effort that supports not only the new land use management structure, but is also beneficial to other resource planning efforts. This also marks the first time the agency has reached out to stakeholders and the public to solicit input on land use management decisions at a statewide scale. Go HERE. Also DCR is sponsoring 5 dates to collect public comments.
Wednesday August 24, 2pm. Addressing the increasing wildfire challenges in the West requires
reframing the crisis as a home-ignition problem and not a wildland fire
problem. Understanding the science of home ignition--or how a home burns
down--can inform effective community planning, federal and state
policies, and locally-driven solutions to reduce wildfire risks to homes
and neighborhoods. Join Dr. Chad Hanson of the John Muir Project & Dr. Kimiko Barrett of Headwaters Economics for a 90 minute discussion with Q&A, as they help us understand the science! Click Here to Register: QIAF50KbNGq
Wednesday, August 24,
p.m. (Also Wednesday Sept. 14, 7pm.) The
Mohawk Trail
Woodlands Partnership (MTWP) is currently in the process of
updating its
10-year Partnership Plan (2023–2033) and is seeking
comments and feedback from
residents of Northwest Massachusetts and other members of
the public. If you
have suggestions for ways that the Woodlands Partnership
could support your
town, or ideas for what you’d like to see the Partnership
focus on moving
forward, attend one of the two upcoming virtual Listening
Sessions to have your
be voice heard. To
attend either session, please RSVP to: Sophie
Argetsinger, MTWP Assistant sargetsinger@ Access the full
draft Partnership Plan on the MTWP
website at: mohawktrailwoodlandspartnershi
Saturday, August 27, 9:30am. Standing Trees volunteers Alan Coulter and David
Coppock will co-lead a hike into mature forests slated for logging in
the Green Mountain National Forest's Telephone Gap Integrated Resource
Project, ending at spectacular North Pond. Hikers will meet in
Chittenden at 9:30am and drive a short distance to a nearby trailhead. Please RSVP by emailing Alan Coulter (
Put "Standing Trees Hike" in the subject line, and note the total
number of people in your party and their contact info in the body of
your email. We will follow up with additional details for the meeting
location, what to bring, etc... We hope you can join in!
Saturday August 27, 1:30 to 5:30pm. (Rain Date August 28) Home Sweet Home - A Climate Action Community Festival. Location: Hitchcock Center for the Environment. Directions. Email:
Saturday August 27,
Monday August 29, 6:30 to 8:30pm. The implementation of the MA Forest Futures Visioning Process recommendations has provided DCR with the opportunity to complete an analysis for all DCR State and Urban Parks and Forests and group them by key natural and ecological characteristics (topography, geology and elevation) – an effort that supports not only the new land use management structure, but is also beneficial to other resource planning efforts. This also marks the first time the agency has reached out to stakeholders and the public to solicit input on land use management decisions at a statewide scale. Go HERE
Tuesday September 6, 4:30pm. XR Boston Climate Die-in. Join us for another die-in to warn about the worst effects of the
climate crisis. We are heading for extinction and need to act now. The climate is already breaking down. This summer, there has been
record heat around the world. It is only a matter time before the
western United States runs out of water. The recent climate legislation
produced by our federal and state governments does not go far enough to
mitigate the effects. High-income countries are producing 10 times the
amount of emissions as the poorest countries. We don't have any time to
waste: We are dying for climate action now! Location TBA - please sign up on this page to receive all the necessary details. Go HERE. |
Saturday, September 10, 9 – 10:30am. Housatonic Heritage Walks with BEAT — A Walk Through An Old Growth Forest at Ice Glen Ravine
That all folks! Be sure to listen to your Mother, OK?
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