Blog Archive

Friday, February 04, 2022

A Rather Youthful Enviro Show

Greetings Earthlings. Longtime listeners are probably familiar with these two gray beards going on and on about young folks being the future of.....well, everything! We keep on keeping on here on The Enviro Show with young folks and future generations in mind; after all it's their world that is being trashed by today's War on Nature and guess who is doing the damage? Ollie Perrault of Youth Climate Action Now joins us to talk about the group and what they are up to.  As always we will also bring you along to meet this week's Fool-on-the-Hill and to see if we are Abidin' with Biden as well as inviting you to consider our Enviro Show Quote of the Week and more but first it's time for........Revenge of the Critters! Aren't River Otters supposed to be playful?

This week's Fool-on-the-Hill is Rep. Clay Higgins, Repugnican from Louisiana who recently said, “The prosperity of the world depends upon the continued and expansive use of fossil fuels”. We guess Clay missed the memo on climate chaos even though his district faces some of the highest flooding risks in the country?  😏

We talked in the past about The Prez giving the thumbs up for fossil fuel drilling offshore in the Gulf of Mexico which we called him out for as Backslidin' with Biden. Now, a federal judge threw out the Department of Interior’s decision to lease over 80 million acres in the Gulf for oil and gas production (the largest offshore auction in U.S. history). The sale, which came a few days after Biden vowed to “lead by example” in cutting emissions during U.N. climate talks in Scotland, could have resulted in 600 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions. There's a good chance the ruling will be appealed in Big Oil's favor but we'll take what victories we can in the Anthropocene.  On the other hand "The Biden administration..... won strong praise from public health defenders following the Environmental Protection Agency's move to restore the legal basis for regulating mercury and other toxic air pollutants from coal- and oil-fired power plants". And this from the NY Times: "Biden Administration Cancels Mining Leases Near Wilderness Area. The leases, reinstated during the Trump years, would have allowed a Chilean mining conglomerate to dig for copper and nickel near the Boundary Waters wilderness in Minnesota."  So, is that a draw?   

Sen. Joe Manchin and the entirety of Repugs just don't get it when they're told "It's the Climate Crisis, Stupid!" There's a tale from Grist  which makes that all to clear  concerning Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse's 280th climate tutorial on the floor of the alleged "World's Greatest Deliberative Body". It's a Must Read and kudos to the senator from Rhode Island for keepin' on! Does this one also from Grist speak to you?  A "Yale Program on Climate Communication and the Center for Climate Change Communication at George Mason University shared a new analysis looking at where the American public stands on the issue of civil disobedience — namely, are people willing to show up to some form of nonviolent protest to demand action on global warming? " If that touches a nerve you might want to contact Extinction Rebellion or the closest Sunrise Movement  near you! 

Let's lend an ear to The Enviro Show Echo Chamber where the folks at the New York Times have come up with a scathing take on Big Ag.  You might be able to avoid the paywall if you're on Facebook or Google. It's worth the extra effort. And here's a somewhat mind bending piece from the Hightower Lowdown titled "Our ravenous appetite turns humble sand into an endangered natural treasure".  A sand shortage? It all depends on what you need it for.   Finally, another  Enviro Show  blog Action Link : "Quickly move to protect our waters from pollution!" Go HERE.  

OK listeners, strap yourselves in for this Quote of the Week (it's not for the meek!):

“This is all wrong. I shouldn’t be up here. I should be back in school on the other side of the ocean. Yet you all come to us young people for hope. How dare you!

You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words. And yet I’m one of the lucky ones. People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction, and all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth. How dare you!”           – Greta Thunberg

After our conversation with Ollie Perrault we move on to the Bus Stop Billboard:

Thursday February 17, 7:30pm. MA Sierra Club Forest Protection Team Meeting. The purpose of this team is to protect forests from human interference throughout Massachusetts to maximize carbon sequestration, promote biodiversity and optimize human health. Go HERE

Friday February 18, 7pm. Extinction Rebellion Orientation. If you are new to Extinction Rebellion or would just like to learn more about how it works, please join us!To receive Zoom link, go to:  

February 20, at 7:15 p.m. on Zoom. Learn about Smart Solar Shutesbury's latest work to stop the project, find out how you can get involved, and hear about a true community-based solar alternative. The Zoom meeting link is HERE

 Tuesday February 22, 8:30pm. for the latest Heading for Extinction climate annihilation science update with Dr. Peter Carter, and an introduction to the Global Climate Crimes Project. Register here:   

Monday February 28,  7 to 8:30pm.  Everyone is welcome at CAN Monthly Gatherings, held on the 4th Monday of every month but December. Sign up for the newsletter HERE to get the Zoom registration link. 

Tuesday March 1, 7:30pm.  WMass Extinction Rebellion General Meeting. XR will be talking about Earth Day plans - possibly something to celebrate Hadley declaring climate emergency? Maybe a civil DISCObedience action? Buses down to NYC? Lots to discuss! Please plan to join us.  Go to:  

Thursday, March 17, 12 – 1pm. Webinar: A Conversation with Sec. Katie Theoharides. Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs. You'll also have the chance to ask the Secretary your questions. Spaces are limited. Register HERE.

OK, that's all for now folks but PLEASE remember to listen to your Mother! 

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