Blog Archive

Saturday, April 17, 2021

A Solar Steamroller Enviro Show Part II

Greetings Earthlings. Taking out acres upon acres of intact carbon capturing forests to erect industrial solar? What's wrong in this picture? Shutesbury resident Leslie Cerier joins us to follow-up on our last show with news of a proposed 190 acres of forested land, owned by W.D. Cowls going under the axe to make way for industrial solar. [ UPDATE: Interview HERE] As always we will also introduce you to this week's Fool-on-the-Hill and to remind everyone that "It's the Climate Crisis, Stupid!".  Of course, we'll still be Abidin' with Biden and listening for The Enviro Show Echo Chamber but first it's time for........Revenge of the Critters! Giant reptile goes on a shopping spree trashing displays on the way. 

This week's Fool-on-the-Hill took issue with a Democratic proposal to expand the Supreme Court from 9 seats to 13 in what should be seen as Great Moments in Hypocrisy. Yes, it's domestic terrorist-in-training Sen. Josh Hawley who opined this concerning the Dem's plan, "It's a terrible idea," Hawley told the Senate press pool. "It is a deliberate attempt to fundamentally change a core institution of American government and effectively to overturn the results of past elections." Wait.......what? Wasn't that what he and his fellow Repugs were doing on January 6?? This is the senator who tried to overturn election results and raising his fist in a salute to the oncoming horde of domestic terrorists marching on the Capitol. He's worse than a fool, of course.

Time to move from the democracy crisis to remind Repugs that "It's the Climate Crisis, Stupid!" Recently we read that the concentration of atmospheric CO2 surged past 420 parts per million for the first time in recorded history according to a measurement taken at the Mauna Loa Observatory on the Big Island of Hawaii. At the same time it was reported in another study published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters that over a third of the area of all Antarctic ice shelves could be at risk of collapsing if global temperatures soar to 4°C above pre-industrial levels. Is it a crisis yet?  

OK, it's a bit hard to be Abiden' with Biden when "Indigenous leaders and climate campaigners... blasted President Joe Biden's refusal to shut down the Dakota Access pipeline during a court-ordered environmental review, which critics framed as a betrayal of his campaign promises to improve tribal relations and transition the country to clean energy." as Common Dreams reported. And, sad to say, when reporters Tweet: "Biden’s Pentagon is going to keep the Trump Pentagon’s policy of embracing landmines. 'A vital tool in conventional warfare,' they call an indiscriminate weapon that kills and maims civilian."  So, we guess the honeymoon is over but at least he's not.......that other guy!  

Speaking of Common Dreams here in The Enviro Show Echo Chamber they reported recently "scientists at the University of Cambridge in England found that 97% of the planet's land area no longer qualifies as ecologically intact" and that "The amount of ecologically intact land 'was much lower than we were expecting,' Dr. Andrew Plumptre, head of the Key Biodiversity Areas Secretariat at Cambridge and lead author of the study, told Science News."  The good news is people and groups are pushing back on all fronts. Join them. Do not despair!

After our interview with Leslie we head over to the Bus Stop Billboard: 

Wednesday, April 29, 7pm.  "Warheads to Windmills" How we can pay for a Green New Deal - A webinar featuring Timmon Wallis, PhD, of NuclearBan.US, and U.S. Representative Jim McGovern.  “Pandemics, inequality, climate, nuclear weapons: of the four great problems threatening our existence, one is very easy to solve and this might just be the moment to cross it off the list.” – Timmon Wallis.  Register for this webinar at    

Monday May 3, 7-8:30 pm.  Who's Delaying Climate Action in MA? Go HERE.

Tuesday, May 4, 1:00–2:00pm. Environmental advocates, business leaders, and lawmakers will gather virtually to kick off their campaign to pass the 100% Clean Act (H.3288, S.2136) during the 2021–2022 legislative session. This bill will transition Massachusetts to 100 percent clean electricity by 2035 and 100 percent clean heating and transportation by 2045.  RSVP here. You will receive an email with a link to join the Zoom event. 

Wednesday, May 19, 7:30 -8:30pm.  The Climate Benefits of Regenerative Agriculture, Carbon Farming, and SilvopasturePresented by Connor Stedman, a farm business planner, climate educator, and Principle and Lead Designer at Appleseed, a Regenerative Design and Holistic Farm Planning firm based in western Massachusetts and the Hudson Valley. Silvopasture unites animal grazing with a forested landscape, to sequester more carbon, reduce carbon emissions, increase crop yields, and improve livestock health. Connor supports farms at all scales to successfully adopt industry-leading carbon farming systems. Connor speaks and consults widely and serves as affiliate instructor with the University of Vermont's innovative Leadership for Sustainability graduate program. Register HERE.  

Until next time please remember to........LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER!  


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