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Friday, November 29, 2019

The Dark Waters Enviro Show

Greetings Earthlings. Once rivers caught on fire or were so toxic no one went near them here in the U.S.  Do you think those days are over? Shaina Kasper from Toxics Action joins us to answer that question and to delve into the growing concern over PFAS  (sometimes called "forever chemicals") not just in our rivers but......well, everywhere!  As always we'll also drag you along to meet this week's Fool-on-the-Hill and to gawk at The Mad King and his henchmen, as well as remind those who haven't been paying attention that It's the Climate Crisis, Stupid! But first it's time for......Revenge of the Critters! Turkeys without manners? During Thanksgiving?? 

This week's Fool-on-the-Hill is Alaska Repugnican Senator Dan Sullivan who In July 2018, acknowledged some effects of climate change in Alaska, including erosion and acidification of the water seen in fisheries, but also said there were increased "opportunities in the Arctic." We guess he means "Drill baby, drill!" so that we can have even more of the above mentioned and more? 

His Malignancy The Mad King (also a climate crisis denier though he didn't use to be) was exposed last summer in Rolling Stone where this eye-opening comment was published: “With Trump, we’ve had a corporate takeover of government with no parallel in American history,” [said] Robert Weissman, president of Public Citizen. And, the conclusion was: "At a time when the climate crisis threatens the future of humanity, Trump and his corporate backers have taken the country in the opposite direction. Meanwhile His Malignancy is called a fanatic at the opening of the COP 25 climate talks by Spain's socialist leader. 'This administration’s agenda was set well before Trump was elected,' says [Michael]Brune of the Sierra Club. 'Just about any safeguard to protect the country’s air, water and climate is up for sale'."  OK, it's been reported two thirds of real Republicans now are concerned about the climate, so why are their reps in congress still clinging to His Malignancy's sinking ship??  Impeach the bastard already! Make your holidays happier.   It's hard to find good news these days, so here on The Enviro Show we always fall back on schadenfreude to make our day more bearable; you know, stories like "White House Staffers Say Impeachment is Driving [Him] Crazy" to which we's not a long drive!

In case you just got back from decades of being away, It's the Climate Crisis, Stupid! and “The summary findings are bleak.”  So said the annual assessment produced by the United Nations Environment Program formally known as the Emissions Gap Report. "Countries have failed to halt the rise of greenhouse gas emissions despite repeated warnings from scientists, with China and the United States, the two biggest polluters, further increasing their emissions last year." Great work, big guys. If your Uncle George or Aunt Harriet is Catholic and happens also to be a climate denier you might want to mention what The Poe has in mind! Do they want to go to Hell or to Heaven?  Cement production has a mighty large carbon footprint but how about cement  literally sucks carbon from the air? Grist tells us: "Today, most cement powders are hardened, or “cured,” by adding water, but several companies, most notably New Jersey-based Solidia, are creating cements that need to absorb CO2 in order to harden. Solidia claims that every metric ton of cement it makes can absorb 240 kilograms of the climate-warming gases. And because the CO2 is being packed into artificial rock, the storage is effectively permanent."  Sure beats turning our forests into cross-laminated timber.

Our Enviro Show Quote of the Weekis about this week's featured topic:

"Recent studies have shown that PFAS can mimic human hormones including thyroid, estrogen and testosterone, resulting in low function. One study looking at young men exposed to high levels of PFAS over long periods of time found lower testosterone activity resulting in smaller genitalia and lower sperm counts."   - The Ecologycenter

That's all for now. Please remember to listen to your Mother, OK?

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