Greetings Earthlings. You may have heard there's movement afoot for Massachusetts to go 100% renewable energy, yes? What you should also know is the Gov, the wood pellet and chip industry, various odd politicians and even some climate activists want large-scale wood biomass included as "renewable energy". We don't think so! Carol Oldham, Executive Director of Massachusetts Climate Action Network calls in to talk about the issues. [UPDATE: Go here] Also, Michael Kellett from Restore The North Woods gives us a call with an update on the latest machinations from the biomess crowd. Once again we'll also take you see our Fool-on-the-Hill and to mock His Malignancy's latest tweets, as well as another journey into The Enviro Show Echo Chamber, but first it's time for.........Revenge of the Critters! Wild turkey gets into the car chase scene......with a cop, of course.
Another cameo appearance for this week's Fool-on-the-Hill. It's far-right Climate chaos denying House Science and Technology Committee Chairman Lamar Smith again. This time our favorite nut job Texan is demanding Facebook turn over info on anti-fracking ads, ostensibly bought by the Ruskies (but more likely in an effort to track down all you tree hugging solar moles who may have clicked on such ads). So Lamar, what other ways do you have to waste taxpayers money anyway?
On to His Malignancy, The Mad King. Where to begin with the "gift" that keeps giving?? How about His Malignancy's own Katrina! His woefully ongoing inadequate and down right mean responses to the climate disaster in Puerto Rico is actually classic Mad King and his clueless dishonest comments during a visit to that devastated island were more of the same. Under His malignancy's watch the richest nation on Earth was days late and dollars short with emergency response. The Mad King and his court lied and continue to lie in a lame effort to cover up their sins. Given the present occupants of the White House and their lackeys are all about "alternative facts" should we be surprised they also want to change the definition of "waters of the United States" too? Nah! And this: if you're stumped about what to dress up as for Halloween this year how about a Trump Swamp Monster? It looks like his promise to "drain the swamp" in DC went south on His Malignancy, in fact it seems to have dragged him under! Elsewhere in the swamp we find The Mad King's guy in the Environmental "Protection" Agency, Scotty spreading the slime around at taxpayer's expense.
We have Breaking News! “The war on coal is over,” [EPA head Pruitt said]. “Tomorrow in Washington, D.C., I will be signing a proposed rule to roll back the Clean Power Plan. No better place to make that announcement than Hazard, Kentucky.” We always knew Pruitt was a hazard, now he’s actually proving it.
In The Enviro Show Echo Chamber we rerun Common Dreams' Jessica Corbett getting into the face of Big Oil here. And this from The Globe and Mail in Canada: "TransCanada kills controversial Energy East Pipeline project". Note that "the related Eastern Mainline, a natural gas pipeline that complemented the crude-carrying Energy East.." was also canceled. Remember all our talk about carbon sequestration in the soil? It turns out the folks over at Harvard Forest have been on the case for years. Read about it here.
Our Enviro Show Quote of the Week comes from Peter Wohlleben, author of The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate:
“If we want to use forests as a weapon in the fight against climate change, then we must allow them to grow old, which is exactly what large conservation groups are asking us to do.”
(OK, not most large conservation groups but hey, we're working on that)
After our conversation with Carol we move over to the Bus Stop Billboard:
Monday October 16, 4pm. Hearts in Action: Creative Responses to Climate Change, UMass Science and Engineering Library, 3rd floor conference room. Go to:
Monday, October 16, 5:30pm. Greening Greenfield will hold a public panel discussion at the John Olver Transit Station at the intersection of Bank Row and Olive streets, to report on a study they had done in the summer of 2016 to assess the number of gas leaks in Greenfield’s aging distribution system. The panel is free, and refreshments will be served.
Saturday October 21, 1:30pm. 46th Annual Meeting
of the New England Coalition on Nuclear Pollution. 118 Elliot Street,
Brattleboro, VT. Bring a friend! The public is encouraged to attend. Go to:
Saturday October 21, 7:30pm. Colleen Kattau & Martin Espada. Come enjoy an Evening of Music and Poetry and support hurricane relief aid to Puerto Rico. Mount Toby Meeting 194 Long Plain Rd. (Rt. 63), Leverett, MA. For reservations call 413-336-2589. Suggested donation: $10 to $30
Sunday October 22, 3 to 7pm. House Concert with Tom Neilson, Lynn Waldron & friends at 729 Colrain Rd Greenfield . Reserve with check to Tom Neilsonand mail to Lisa Turowsky, 729 Colrain Rd Greenfield 01301. Donation $10-20
Monday October 23, 7:00 - 9:00pm. Climate Action Now Monthly Gathering, Unitarian Society of Northampton and Florence, 220 Main St. Northampton, MA. Go to:
Sunday October 29, 1-5pm. “Mending the Web of Life - A workshop of inspirational exploration to move toward action” at Temple Israel, Greenfield. Sarah Pirtle and Emily Koester are facilitators of the Work That Reconnects. What do you want to do in service to life on earth? How are you called -- and what stops you? A sliding scale of $10 - $40 is suggested. Snacks and tea will be provided. Contact Sarah Pirtle (
Sunday October 29, 5 - 7:30pm. Benefit Concert: Protecting Indigenous Sacred Stone Sites, Shea Theatre arts Centre 71 Avenue A, Turners Falls, MA. A benefit concert will be held to raise funds for the protection of Indigenous sacred stone landscapes. Joe Graveline, musician and long-time Indigenous activist, has gathered fellow musicians to perform. Tickets: $15 online at; $18 at the door. For more information or to make online contributions, go to
That's it until our pre-Halloween show on October 24. Do not be afraid BUT listen to your Mother.
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