Greetings Earthlings. Today's ice storm is keeping us from the studio but the show goes on here in cyberspace! Read on: Tired of all those two-leggeds and their endless failings? Let's talk four-leggeds with Michael Kellett of Restore the North Woods. We'll discuss their North Woods Wolf Recovery Project as well as issues regarding the Canada lynx and Atlantic Salmon. Of course, we'll entertain you with hair-raising tales from The Enviro Show Echo Chamber, our Meet the New Boss and the E-Valley-uation segments, as well as our Fool-on-the-Hill offering, but first it's time for....Revenge of the Critters! In case you missed it: Fox shoots hunter!
In The Enviro Show Echo Chamber we toss in Green Is the New Red's take on all the hate speech coming out of Faux "News" and mean-spirited, way phony Sarah Barracuda: "If Sarah Palin were an animal rights activist, she'd already have been convicted of 'terrorism'". Hate speech? Time for an Enviro Show Rewind! Remember this: "Tea Party climate change deniers funded by BP and other major polluters"? Don't tell us you think there's just as much hostility coming from the Left as from teabaggers and their enablers on Faux "News". In case you drank some of that Kool-aide check this out! Speaking of checking things out, someone passed on this website that gets skeptical about global warming skepticism. It's as easy as 1,2,3 to clue in your climate crisis denying neighbors. Maybe even Glen Beck?......well, maybe not.
Our "Don't Move Politicians More than 50 Miles" PSA takes us to the E-Valley-uation segment where we have an Enviro Show Blog Bonus: go to Environment Massachusetts and click on "Take Action" to help protect the Quabbin watershed from clearcutting! And this: WMECO plans a solar farm for Springfield and YOU are paying for it! Also, we learn that Greening Greenfield has announced their Green Heroes for the month of January - the more than 900 households who have signed onto the 10% Challenge Campaign! We don't think the proposed Pioneer biomass incinerator folks signed on though.
In our Meet the New Boss segment we find in one of the WikiLeaks that Obama's EPA was well-aware that the pesticide Clothianidin, marketed as "Poncho" by Bayer, posed some serious risks to honey bees. Remember on the Toxic 100 Enviro Show we found the Bayer Group (doesn't that sound nicer than corporation?) sitting on top of the list of worse air polluters last year? According to Change.org: "Bayer wants to keep expanding the pesticide's use. And the company's original registration was based on some seriously flawed science: they evaluated the wrong crop, with the wrong controls to assess the impact on bees. This all adds up to some serious questions about the government contributing to Colony Collapse Disorder as [the EPA] knowingly allowed Bayer to poison bees. And this is about a lot more than honey production ... native habitats, and as much as one-third of America's food supply, rely on the pollination provided by bees." One hand taketh away/one hand giveth: the EPA did have the good sense to go thumbs down on one mountain top removal project last week (how about the rest?). And this: Obama's FDA intentionally withheld a damning report from the public that provided conclusive evidence that GMO salmon pose a serious threat to endangered Atlantic salmon if accidentally released into the wild.
This week's Fool-on-the-Hill award goes out to incoming House Energy chair Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.) who flipped from moderate on climate crisis issues to a hard-right teabagger after getting 20 grand from Koch Industries.
After our interview with with Michael Kellett of Restore the North Woods we checkout the Bus Stop Billboard:
Wed. January 19, 6:30-8:30pm, Bangs Community Center, 70 Boltwood Walk, Amherst ; Thurs., January 20, 6-8pm, Manhan CafĂ©, 72 Union St., Easthampton; Wed, January 26, 6: 30-8:30 pm, Studio Helix in Thorne’s Market, 150 Main Street, Northampton; Wed. February 2, 6-8pm, Greenfield Community Gardens, 57 Pray Dr., Greenfield: The Alliance to Develop Power / ADP, a leader of the Statewide Green Justice Coalition, with support from MASS ENERGY, invites all Massachusetts’ homeowners, renters and residents to community meetings with an opportunity to sign up for a free energy assessment, access weatherization funding, and free energy efficiency services through the MassSAVE program. Participants will also discuss and strategize how to help support the creation of an inclusive green economy that benefits all and creates family sustainable living wage jobs for Massachusetts’ residents. Call: 413-739-7233
Thursday, January 20, 7 – 8:30pm. Celebrate the Arctic National Wildlife refuge’s 50th anniversary. Linda Hickman, will present a program on her guided trip through Alaska, highlighting memorable and noteworthy natural and cultural resources and interesting information. Great Falls Discovery Center. 2 Avenue A., Turners Falls, Ph 413-863-3221
Friday, January 21, 7pm. "Wild View: New England Wildlife". Short hi-def films screened at the Wendell Free Library with the filmmaker, Christian Munoz-Donoso. For information call: (978)544-3559
Saturday, JANUARY 22, 10:45 - Noon, VIGIL FOR PEACE AND COMPASSION! AT THE CORNER OF MAIN AND KING STREETS. For the last 15 years the Northampton Committee has vigiled first against the murderous sanctions imposed by our government against the Iraqi people, then against war in Iraq and now against the wider wars and occupations in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. In the last several months there has been a single counterprotestor with pro-war and anti-progressive signs who has stationed himself at the site of the vigil. Last weekend there were 3 counterdemonstrators with about a dozen signs filled with bigotry ("Arizona is Right!" "End the Killing of Unborn Babies, Not Terrorists." "Terrorists Love Peace Protestors.") They are from out of town and are members of Glenn Beck's 9/12 Project doing what they call a "standout".
January 28-30. People's Music Winter Gathering 2011. Hartford, Connecticut. The People's Music Network for Songs of Freedom And Struggle, See registration page for additional information at: http://www.peoplesmusic.org
Friday, January 28, 7:15pm - Show begins at 8:00pm. "Ciclovida: Lifecycle" Q&A and discussion following the film featuring the filmmaker brothers Matt and Loren Feinstein as well as local organizations, including Grow Food Northampton, CISA, and more. There will be opportunities to learn about and connect with local groups working for a healthier and happier community and planet. Go to: www.ciclovida.org
Friday, January 28, 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. WILD WINTER FUN. Ages 7-9 (1st to 4th grade) Join the Hitchcock Center for the Environment in Amherst for this special day off from school exploring nature in winter. We will look for tracks and signs of animals, try our hand at building shelters, play in the snow, and learn about snowflakes and the technology and adaptations of winter survival. Warm clothes required, boots, snowpants, hats and gloves! Bring snack, lunch, a water bottle, and a full change of clothes. Space is limited. Pre-registration is required; please call (413) 256-6006.
Thursday, February 10 · 7:30pm - 10:30pm. Getting Biomass Right: Should We Be Generating Electricity From Trees? Williams College, Paresky Student Center Auditorium
Williamstown, MA.
Over & out. Next time it's "Shad for a Brighter Future" with Karl Meyer. Until then remember: listen to your Mother!
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