Welcome Earthlings. The nightmare is the Dutch Elm disease and tonight we’ll see if your favorite tree-huggin’ dirt-worshippers and all-around nair-do-wells’ are barking up the wrong tree in our dismay over the destruction of a big healthy elm over here on Pine Street in Florence to make way for a…are you ready?..new warehouse door! Ed Cotton of Cotton Tree Service, and a regional treasure when it comes to awareness of our rooted relations, joins us along with our usual news and views, but first it’s time for.... Revenge of the Critters! Chimps arm themselves! Arrgghhhhh!
Then it's on to our new segment: The Enviro Show Eco Chamber! The corporate news enviro headlines! This from Time Magazine:Eastern U.S. to get hotter. And this warm, fuzzy headline from MSNBC: "U.S. seeks softer warming stand at G8 summit". U.S.? Do they mean you & me? We don't think so! Try "White House"!
There's the Darth Cheney theme, yet again! Oy, Glen! How much longer must we wait?? Used VP free to any evil empire! First come, first serve! Yes, Darth Cheney went to the dark side long ago even before his infamous Energy Task Force. Checkout the link on our blog to the PBS Frontline show Hot Politics, in which Former head of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Christine Todd Whitman describes the Bush regime’s withdrawal from the Kyoto agreements: 'The way it happened was the equivalent to flipping the bird, frankly, to the rest of the world [now, who does THAT remind you of?] ... on an issue about which they felt so deeply' ... Soon after, the Bush administration withdrew any U.S. support of the Kyoto protocols and then began a process of stifling the dissemination of key findings by government scientists about climate change". EVERY THING CHANGES, EVERYTHING STAYS THE SAME: Today’s Bush lackey heading the EPA, Stephen Johnson, refused to tell the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee how soon he will comply with a Supreme Court ruling and decide whether to regulate carbon dioxide, the leading gas linked to global warming. ALSO: Iraqi oil workers strike over privatization. AND privatization of Iraqi oil by.....guess who??
Here's our blog bonus: URGENT ACTION ALERT! YOUR HELP NEEDED in the NEXT FEW DAYS! to stop dangerous genetically engineered tree outdoor field trial! Go to: http://globaljusticeecology.org/. AND: Help stop offshore drilling in Virginia
"The Tree of Life", by Ethan Miller & Kate Boverman from their "If all the land would rise" CD takes us to our interview with Ed Cotton. You are in for a real treat here, dear listener. We're nominating Ed for the position of Valley Tree God (with the Goddesses permission of course).
As always, next we hop on board the Bus Stop Billboard:
May 15-22, The Valley’s fifth annual Bike Commute Week. Events are designed to encourage Valley citizens to commute by bicycle to work, to school, and for short trips in their communities. For a list of events go to: http://www.massbike.org/mbpv/bikeweek/index.html or call Ruthy Woodring (586-8591)
Wed., May 16, 7pm at the Bridge Street School, Northampton: Attend the Paradise City Forum discussion on the Exit 19 expansion. Visit http://noexit19.net, download a petition opposing the project. Collect signatures and send to: Paradise City Forum PO Box 472 Northampton, MA 01061-0472. For more information, contact Lilly Lombard, jollypair@comcast.net
Saturday, May 19 Benefit concert in Leverett for small-scale development projects of Aymara Indians in Bolivia (see qbl.org.) Annie Patterson is performing contemporary and traditional folk songs from Appalachia and the British Isles and Eduardo Reyes, performing Latin American folk songs and Brazilian jazz with vocals and classical guitar. Potluck at 6, concert at 7:30, at the Mount Toby Friend Meeting, 194 Long Plain Road in Leverett.
Sunday, May 20, 10am. Tom Neilson & potluck brunch. 110 Prospect St., Northampton. Call 413-584-4607 for info. 4pm. ALSO: Tom & potluck desert will be at 30 Grove St., Turners Falls later that day. 10 bucks gets you in the door. Eat! Sing! Fight!!
Sunday, May 20, 1 p.m. Happy Birthday, Rachel Carson. Donna Dufresne, Historical Performer, as Rachel Carson. Hitchcock Center for the Environment, 525 S. Pleasant St., Amherst, MA. Pre-registration is strongly encouraged and can be done by calling (413) 256-6006
Wednesday May 23rd. George W. Bush will be speaking at the commencement ceremony of the Coast Guard Academy at 31 Mohegan Dr. in New London
Join patriotic students, soldiers and veterans, activists and more to protest Bush's visit. To become a co-sponsor, get involved, or for updates call 203-404-9965 or email Connecticut@answercoalition.org
Saturday, May 26th. Protest Darth Cheney at West Point. 8:30 am at the Veteran’s Park in
Highland Falls, NY on Main Street. March to Thayer Gate into West Point for a rally. Go to: http://www.westpointrally.org/ or contact: bennett@westpointrally.org
Fri, June 8, International Day of Action Against Climate Change and the G8. Direct action and civil disobedience are the rational response in this time of
crisis. Support the 8th of June International Day of Direct Action against Climate Change and the G8! Tell us about planned actions for climate justice being planned in your community. Contact us - contact@risingtidenorthamerica.org.
Yes! Another hour of your life enhanced with our Enviro Show Magic Elixir. What better way to celebrate Spring, rite? We'll be back in two weeks. Same bat time, same bat channel!
[We went out with a listener's suggestion: Amherst musician, Paul Kaplan, composed the song "Run, Al, Run", which the listener said "is beginning to achieve national publicity". The song's at: http://www.draftgore.com/RunAlRun.mp3]
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