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Thursday, September 12, 2024

A Pushing Back Enviro Show

Greetings Earthlings. Sick & tired of governments overstepping their bounds? When it comes to trashing Mother Earth we sure are. Our roots go back to Earth First! and support for edgy groups like ALF & ELF. Perhaps one of the Highest profile defenders of the planet is Capt. Paul Watson, founder of Sea Shepherd Conservation who is now imprisoned by the Danish Government in Greenland for interfering with the Japanese whaling fleet. Closer to home (and closer to legal), we were gratified to discover our Massachusetts Auditor Diana DiZoglio was interested in running an audit "to promote accountability and transparency, improve performance, and make government work better." She even sings about it. Enviro Show listeners well know our concerns about the lack of accountability on Beacon Hill and with agencies like the DCR and MassWildlife (to name a few). Auditor DiZoglio joins us with the interview. As always, we will also introduce you to this week's Fool-on-the-Hill and "Those who Brains Were Small" and more but first it's time for.......Revenge of the Critters! Lions take pride in consuming poachers

This week's Fool-on-the-Hill is Ohio Senator JD Vance, scourge of the "childlless cat ladies" and His Malignancy's pick for Veep in a dreaded imaginary Mad King's administration.  It's hard to decide which examples of incompetence or foolishness to bring up with this phony given how many such examples are out there. Since this is The Enviro Show let's stick with his far-right positions on energy and climate. "JD Vance's positions on climate change, the environment, and clean energy reflect a significant evolution from initial acknowledgment to skepticism and opposition. These positions have earned him a 0% Lifetime Score from the League of Conservation Voters. His alignment with fossil fuel interests and market-driven policies underscores a commitment to energy independence through deregulation and expansion of traditional energy sources" notes Clean Choice Energy. 0% says it all, This fool is a big zero.....and a danger to humanity.

As noted, JD once acknowledged that "It's the Climate Crisis, Stupid!" but now? Not so much. It matters not, the Crisis continues on and a fitting example of its ongoing threat is science's perplexity about what to do about the "Doomsday Glacier" ?  One of The proposal calls for a series of giant overlapping plastic or fiber curtains tethered to concrete foundations. To hold the warm current at bay, the curtain would stretch for 50 miles across the entrance to the Amundsen Sea and extend upwards for much of the 2,000 feet from the sea floor to the surface.” That should go well, no? You think the storm torn Antarctic around the Thwaites Glacier will be kind to a massive.....curtain? 🤔. It seems most of our neighbors here in the USA don't think about it at all!  "In a 2024 Pew poll on Americans’ top concerns, the economy landed at the top while protecting the environment came in 14th and dealing with climate change came in 18th. In a 2024 Gallup poll of Americans’ most pressing problems, the environment didn’t even make the list." There it is. No wonder nobody listens to this show. Finally this sobering headline from Al Jazeera: "UN chief issues climate SOS, warns of ‘unimaginable’ catastrophe" and this from Axios: "The globe just had its hottest summer on record."

On to those "Whose Brains Were small and They Died" since we're talking about dinosaurs, wannabe corporado, Gerard Barron, Chairman & CEO of The Metals Company comes to mind. He and his fellow plunderers want to mine the ocean floors for magical balls that will save the world. Really?? "Manganese nodules are roughly the size of potatoes and can be found across vast areas of seafloor in parts of the Pacific and Indian oceans and deep abyssal plains in the Atlantic. They are valuable because they are exceptionally rich in 37 metals, including nickel, cobalt and copper, which are essential for most large batteries and several renewable energy technologies" The Conversation notes. That said, Scientific American points out, "Now researchers have discovered that the valuable nodules do something remarkable: they produce oxygen and do so without sunlight. “This is a totally new and unexpected finding,” says Lisa Levin, an emeritus professor of biological oceanography at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography..." With that we turn to this: "..Scientists have begun studying the potential impacts of disturbing a largely unexplored ecosystem. [A] Nature Geoscience paper contributes insights about the baseline conditions of the area before any large-scale mining begins. “We don’t know the full implications, but to me this finding suggests that we should deeply consider what altering these systems would do to the animal community,” a researcher says, "since all animals need oxygen to survive." We guess! Perhaps, Capt. Paul Watson & friends will pay The Metals Company a visit on the High Seas after we #FreePaulWatson ?

On that last note let's head over to The Enviro Show Echo Chamber where we repeat actions you can take to #FreePaulWatson. You can contact Denmark’s Justice Minister Peter Hummelgaard Phone: +45 7226 8400, Email: and demand he free Capt. Watson.  And don’t forget to tag Denmark’s Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen @mette on social media with the same message. If this edgy video doesn't convince you to step up we don't know what else will??  Also here's a LINK for YOU to help protect endangered whales.

Time for our new Doublespeak of the Week segment. Ready? The forest management strategy in MAGA's 2025 Project says increasing timber sales could “play an important role in the effort to change the behavior of wildfire because there would be less biomass.” Wait, is that really doublespeak or just bullshit?

Are we Abidin' with Biden this week? Not if The Prez gets behind ideas like this: "Biden Administration Backs Plastic as Coal Replacement to Make Steel. One Critic Asks: ‘Have They Lost Their Minds?’ "  Thankfully, "That commitment is conditional: The company’s plans must undergo an environmental review and meet other financial and technical requirements. The [Biden] Energy Department asserts that swapping out coke, a coal-derived fuel, in blast furnaces used to make steel will reduce global heat-trapping emissions. But in their Aug. 26 letter to Energy Czar Granholm, [opposition] groups asserted that “burning plastic in place of coal is not a climate solution, it merely substitutes one form of fossil fuel with another.” Did someone say a form even more toxic?? Wait, there's more: what about continuing to send arms to the genocidal IDF?

Our Critter of the Week is none other than the beleaguered Monarch Butterfly. "In 2022, the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the world’s foremost scientific authority on the status of species, listed the monarch butterfly as endangered, citing climate change, drought that limits the milkweed monarchs need to survive, and severe weather that killed millions of butterflies." One way we can help them to survive is to plant milkweed in sunny spots where deer won't eat them. "The National Wildlife Federation has a program that can teach people to turn any outside space into a complete habitat for monarch butterflies — whether in their own yards, at schools or churches or business courtyards. Entire communities are launching efforts to create monarch habitat, NWF said. Click here to learn how to create a wildlife-friendly garden. Or, create a monarch butterfly way station, a great option for city-dwellers who don’t have big back yards. Container gardens on balconies, rooftops and stoops will lure monarchs. Also, avoid using pesticides, many of which contain glyphosate, the compound found in Roundup, which has been linked to the collapse of monarch populations. Click here to learn how to garden organically."

Now for our Enviro Show Quote of the Week:

The whole art of government consists in the art of being honest.

- Thomas Jefferson

 Time to visit the Bus Stop Billboard:

Monday September 16, 6-8pm. Speak Up for Vermont State Lands. After two years of public pressure from Standing Trees and allies, the State of Vermont is embarking on a first-ever rulemaking process that will shape state land management policies for years to come. Join in for an upcoming public meeting and submit a comment to help put the "public" back in public lands! : Okemo Mountain Resort, Jackson Gore Inn, Roundhouse Room, 111 Jackson Gore Road, Ludlow, VT 05149

WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 18, 7- 8 pm.  Thoreau, Landscape Scale Wildlands & Natural Democracy with Jamie Sayen. Virtual event.  Thoreau’s Maine Woods provides the most lyrical and ecological introduction to the “mossy and moosey” landscape of undeveloped northern Maine before lumberjacks, paper companies and contemporary land speculators degraded this wild place “not bound to be kind to man.” Thoreau proposed the establishment of reserves decades before the designation of the first national parks. Register HERE. 

Thursday September 19, 7 pm.  Save this Date. Stop Private Jet Expansion at Hanscom or Anywhere webinar. This Webinar will launch our fall plans and actions, so don't miss out! Special Remarks by Susan Solomon, atmospheric chemistry professor at MIT, founding director of the MIT Environmental Solutions Initiative and author of the book Solvable: How We Healed the Earth, and How We Can Do It Again, published in June 2024. Solomon is well-known for her pioneering work on the Antarctic ozone layer. She also co-led the IPCC Working Group I which won the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize.  Go to: 

Friday September 20, 2pm line up. March starts at 2:15 pm. Rally ends at 5pm. Location: Foley Square,   NYC. This is not just another protest. This is a powerful movement of change, and we need your presence to make a resounding impact. Together, we will send a clear message to Polluters, Funders, and Leaders that it's time to put an end to the era of fossil fuels, and invest in a renewable and sustainable future for all. Remember, the power to make a difference lies within each of us. Join to be a part of the movement that will shape a sustainable and just future   for all. Join the Pillars of Fossil Fuels Climate Strike!

Saturday September 21, 2024.  Global Protest, Mothers Rebellion for Climate Justice. The climate crisis is not slowing down! Mothers* Rebellion is planning our next global protest, save the date and check in our social media outlets and here for updates. Go HERE

Sunday September 22 through Saturday the 28th. Boston XR Week of Rebellion is the place to be. XR Boston is thrilled to present the plan for Week of Rebellion 2024: Mass. Climate Action Now! After a devastating lack of MA Climate Bill from the recently-closed legislative session, we need to let our government know that we demand No New Fossil Fuel Infrastructure. We will be celebrating from Sunday September 22 through Saturday September 28. The "main" Week of Rebellion event is the Rally, Die-In, and Dance party on Thursday September 26. Be sure to check this webpage between now and then, because events might be added. 

Monday September 23,  2 pm.  The Global Stakes.  No story is more global than climate change. No story is as consequential for future generations. As world leaders gather for the United Nations General Assembly this September, Washington Post Live will explore the course of climate change across all seven continents, one at a time.  Register HERE.  

Monday September 23, 4-5:30 PM ET, on Zoom. Protect Our Public Watershed Forests as Wildlands Now! The recent surge in interest and concern about Massachusetts forests focuses on their ability to mitigate the global climate and biodiversity crises. Meanwhile, MA state agencies in charge of our public forests continue policies and practices that emphasize active management, i.e. commercial logging. This includes the 130,000 acres of public forest lands in the Quabbin, Ware, and Wachusett watersheds, which supplies water for over 40% of Massachusetts residents.   The Division of Water Supply Protection, charged with managing these watersheds, promotes logging in these forests. They claim that this enhances “forest resistance and resilience” against increasing natural disturbances (hurricanes and other climate related events). There is a better alternative that is rooted in current science that challenges these practices - leave forests as wild reserves. Go HERE

 September 23-27. Rise up this September to stop Chevron fueling genocide. Over the last year we've been building a global movement to hold Chevron accountable for its crimes and complicity in gross violations of human rights, and now it's time to escalate. Our international partners are calling on all #BoycottChevron activists to plan an action September 23-27. Can you join us in action or plan your own event next month?  

Tuesday September 24, 12pm.  Governor Healey, don't kick the climate can! Join us at the state house to call on Governor Healey to not kick the climate can down the road. We must stop expanding the for-profit gas utility system, and right now Governor Healey is proposing a flimsy climate bill with no plan for ending the expansion (the only silver lining is an excellent environmental justice definition of cumulative impact analysis). Also: NO Deforestation for solar, OK?? Meet at Nurse's Hall, 2nd Floor of the Boston Statehouse.  You are invited to  a) wear a suit jacket and play a legislator "kicking the climate can" b) wear red and hold a sign with our call for a robust climate bill now! RSVP:

Tuesday September 24, 7 pm on Zoom. Presenting a slide show about Valley Green Energy, our new regional electricity aggregation. And answering frequently asked questions. Other questions will be referred to VGE customer service. Northampton, Amherst and Pelham are set to launch our new joint municipal electricity aggregation, Valley Green Energy, on November 1. Eversource and National grid customers should have received a notice in the mail.This is an opportunity to hear about how the new program will work, and what its benefits are. You will learn the answers to commonly asked questions so you can spread the word. Go HERE.  

Wednesday September 25, 1 to 2pm. Scientists & Activists vs Fossil Fuel Finance. In June more than 750 scientists wrote to the executives of Citi highlighting the urgency of the climate crisis and calling on the bank to stop financing fossil fuel expansion, respect human rights and Indigenous sovereignty, and invest in a clean energy future. According to the 2024 Banking on Climate Chaos report, Citi is the second largest financier of fossil fuels and the largest financier of fossil fuel expansion since the Paris climate agreement. Register for the virtual discussion today. 

Wednesday September 25, 1 – 2pm.  Hispanic Heritage Month- Latinos and Climate ChangeVirtual event. Marginalized people will be most affected by a changing climate. In honor of Hispanic Heritage month, NextGen America, the nation’s largest youth vote organization, will host a live stream to discuss the climate impact on US Latinos. The event will discuss the health and social impact on the Latino population and the benefit of legislation such as the Inflation Reduction Act. Go HERE.  

Wednesday Sept 25, 4:30-6 pm.  The in-person/tree activities of Tree Oracle are focused in metro Boston, and include wider ranging activities.  There is limited room available for the next convening at Boston University.  Please email or text me (617-997-1057) if you are interested! Go to: 

Saturday September 28, 10am to Noon.  Fort River Cleanup & RiverFest 2024.   The Fort River Watershed Association is hosting a FREE community event in Amherst to clean-up and celebrate the Fort River. We’d be grateful to have you join us! To celebrate the amazing Fort River, we are going to clean it up! The Fort River Cleanup, part of the Connecticut River Conservancy’s 28th Annual Source to Sea Cleanup, will take place at Groff Park in Amherst, MA

Saturday September 28, 11am to 3pm. : [SOLIDARITY] Urban Agriculture & Climate Justice Fair.  Nightingale Community Garden, 512 Park St Dorchester MA. The event is sponsored by a large coalition of organizations, including Extinction Rebellion.This is a fun, educational, and family-friendly event with food, music, produce from local farms, fruit/vegetable/flower competitions with prizes, climate games, and demonstrations about making cider, beekeeping, raising chickens, composting, mushrooms, and gardening. 

Saturday, September 28, 3pm. Cummington Tree Alliance Community Gathering & Fundraiser. Honey Hill Pavilion (also known as Alice's Kitchen and A Wing and A Prayer Nursery) 48 Trouble St. Cummington, MA. This event is a chance for friends and neighbors to come together, celebrate our efforts, and share with each other the things we are doing to make a difference this election season. Let’s inspire one another and explore how we can amplify our impact as we head toward the election. Please feel free to forward this invitation to friends and neighbors! RSVP: Kindly let us know you're coming by replying to this email at 

Saturday September 28 & Sunday the 29th. North Quabbin Garlic & Arts Festival, Forster's Farm, 60 Chestnut Hill Road, Orange, MA. Saturday 12:30: d.o. at The Word Stage. Sunday 2-3pm:   Anna Gyorgy, of NAB and Wendell Energy Committee, Ivan Ussach, director of the Millers River Watershed Council, and all present will discuss a "clean energy future." See the full Renewable Energy and Local Living Talks schedule.

Thursday October 10 6:00 pm Shea Theater, 71 Avenue A Great Falls MA
The public will have a very important opportunity to state their objections to the relicensing of Northfield Mountain Pumped Storage by participating in the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP)’s “Public Information Session”  at the Shea Theater, 71 Avenue A, Great Falls MA. Mass State officials will make presentations and answer questions from the public.

That's all folks.......except to remember to listen to your Mother