Blog Archive

Friday, August 04, 2006

Bee's rock the car culture with new graphic!

Yes! Car Culture reaps the whirlwind. Here's the word from our friends at the Beehive Design Collective:

"Arf! We've just completed the first, in what we plan to be many,
illustrations on the theme of Climate Change as the beginning of our
collaboration with Rising Tide North America.
The image was created as the first of two for use in outreach materials
for the upcoming international Call for Critical Mass rides in
solidarity with the Hurricane Katrina Anniversary on August 25th. It's a Car Culture Hurricane.
All Beehive Graphics are anti-copyright for non-profit use only, if
you'd like to use the image in your work, go right ahead, that's what
it's for! We super appreciate copies of reprints, credit to the
collective, and stories of their use. Please tell us what you think!
pollinators (at)

The links below will take you to the image:

SMALL (just for looking at) [JPEG file - 272 KB * 96 DPI]

LARGER (for layout/press) [JPEG file - 2.1 MB * 300 DPI]

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