Jean was off to Gene Town this week (that’s with a "G", formerly Bean Town but now what with all the Frankenstein genetic engineering going on...). In any case, Steve McCormick of the U.S. Geological Survey and the Conti Fish Research Lab in Turners Falls joined us to talk endocrine disrupters in the water. Yes, water, water, everywhere but not a whole lot to drink. We talked water quality on the show: in the brooks, rivers, ponds, lakes, the oceans, how about that stuff coming out of your tap? We had a look at some local water issues as well as broadening our scope onto the big picture. AND another Enviro Show First: Ticket giveaways! No, we're not going corporate rock jock on you, just helping our friends at the Citizens Awareness Network (CAN) stage a showing of "Marx in Soho" in Shelburne Falls on April 22nd.
Also, we didn't find time to ship out to the high seas for a bit and see what kind of damage humans are contemplating or already engaged in, such as oilwells off the Atlantic coast, ocean dumping, over-fishing and other assorted threats. Being here in the hills of Western Mass it's often easy to forget what's going down off the coast, but even a cursory look is liable to make you feel a bit....err...sea sick? Maybe we'll get to this on the Enviro Water Show, Part 2.
This week pasted on the Bus Stop Billboard:
Saturday, April 8th, 10 am – 5 pm. GREEN FAIR at Indoor Action, Bernardston Rd (near the Greenfield/Bernardston town lines), in conjunction with the Better Living Show. Presented by the Greenfield Business Association, Green Fields Market, and Franklin First Federal Credit Union.
April 5 to 7
Curtis Muhammad of the People’s Hurricane Relief Fund will visit
Western Mass. Local Katrina Solidarity Committee needs help with his visit,
such as with petitioning at the events he is speaking at and collecting
funds for relief. There have been a lot of promising developments in the
people’s movement for a just rebuild of New Orleans and the Gulf States.
Info: Chris Darrow, mailto:peilapush(at)yahoo.com.
April 7 to 9
Friday: 7:30-9pm, The Church, 120 Main St, Brattleboro VT.
Saturday: 8-9pm, Hampshire College Gymnasium, Rt 116, Amherst.
Sunday: 3-4pm, All Souls Unitarian Church, 399 Main St, Greenfield.
Suggested donation $8 - no one will be turned away. Nationally-known
playwright and performance artist Bill Talen, aka Reverend Billy, and his
NYC-based Church of Stop Shopping Gospel Choir are bringing us their
anti-consumerist "Fabulous Worship!" service.
Sat, April 22, 8 PM, Memorial Hall, Bridge St, Shelburne Falls,MA
Marx in Soho is a one man play by Howard Zinn, historian and social activist.
To benefit CAN, the Citizens Awareness Network
Tickets available at: World Eye Books, Greenfield, Boswell's Books, Shelburne Falls and at the door. For info call 413.625.6177
Friday, April 28, Arbor Day, 3 to 7pm, Mt. Holyoke College Green, S. Hadley; "Roots of Community Festival: Environment, Equality, and Economy". Rain or Shine. Green Parade; music; games; maypole, you get the picture! The Enviro Show will be there with "The Question of the Day". C U there? Info: lmbrunie@mtholyoke.edu
OK folks, tune in Tuesday night, April 18 6-7pm, 103.3fm, same bat channel, same bat time!
1 comment:
We would like correct the posting about the Roots of Community Festival--the correct date is April 28th from 3 to 7pm.
Thanks for listing it!
Hope to see you there.
contact rootsofcommunity@gmail.com
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