It was Part 2 of our ongoing coverage of water, THE issue of the 21st century. We had a look at privatization issues around water with Jean and with Jonathan Leavitt of Mass Global Action. Also, local film-maker/videographer Liz Miller called in about her soon to be released work "Water Warriors". First off though we had a peek at what the enemies of the Earth in the Bush regime are up to recently and then we failed to move on to some of the threats industrial civilization is throwing at the ocean. Also: more ticket giveaways! We had three pairs of tickets to "Marx in Soho", a CAN fundraiser in Shelburne Falls on April 22 but the phone was busy w/the interview!
We listened to "Get out the Bushes, Get out the Theives" by Stephanie Lee before we engaged in our traditional Bush-bashing. The Bush regime declares wet land are wetlands! Also, King George and the Court of Big Oil are licking their greasey lips over new coastal oil drilling plans. Things looking dim at home? How about a new war!
we were listening up to "Veolia" by Tom Neilson from the "Only Outlaws will be Free" album which set us up for a conversation with Jean, Liz, Glen, d.o. and Jonathan Leavitt on privatization of water. That went on and on and on. Soooo many people, sooooooo many thoughts, so little time.
Then it was on to Bus Stop billboard:
>April 17 – 21, Tent State UMass, UMass Amherst Student Union Lawn
>Thursday, April 20, 2006 NRC Meeting on Vermont Yankee, 2pm Brattleboro Quality Inn,Brattleboro, VT . Let NRC know what you think about how Entergy is doing.
>Saturday, April 22, 2006, 8pm, Memorial Hall, Shelburne Falls, MA. "Marx in Soho" by Howard Zinn . Join us for a great evening with Jerry Levy, who will present this one man play written by Howard Zinn about Karl Marx and his return to earth for one day. This is a benefit for CAN!! $15/$10 students, retired or unemployed
Tickets are available at World Eye bookshop and Boswell's books.
> Sunday April 23rd, 10 – 5pm. Amherst Earth Day on the Amherst Common.
Environmental organizations offering information on the Amherst Common. Come to hear Deb Katz and others speak of the latest developments regarding our aging Vermont Yankee reactor. There will be a tribute and annual Amherst Earth Day award given to CAN, Deb and Fred at 12:40. 11 - 12 Interfaith Prayer Circle including Sacred Circle Dances with Rowan. All kinds of wonderful music from 12 - 5 including local folk singers Annie Hassett, Molly Scott, with Sarah Benson - country bluegrass - accoustic raggae - blues - alternative indie rock - folk pop. Please join us. 413 549 5503.
> Tuesday, April 25-26 Brattleboro, VT Chernobyl Action and Rally
check the website for more info as it develops. www.nukebusters.org
Hattie Nestel is initiating a three-day water only fast. She will be in
front of the Wells Fountain on Main St. in Brattleboro, which is less than 10 miles from Vermont Yankee on April 25, 26 and 27 from 10:00 A.M. until 4:00 P.M. and invites anyone to join her. Info: hattieshalom@verizon.net
This is the twentieth anniversary of the catastrophic accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Northern Ukraine.
>Friday, April 28, Arbor Day, from 3 to 7 pm on Skinner Green, Mt. Holyoke College, The First Annual MHC Roots of Community Festival. The festival will bring the Five College community together with local businesses and organizations working towards sustainability. Everyone is invited to join for an afternoon of community exhibits, music and entertainment, local sustainable businesses and community organizations, outdoor games, a "Green Parade" put on by the Environmental Action Coalition, and a May Pageant. email: rootsofcommunity@gmail.com.
NEXT TIME: Back to the Pleistocene! Sweep out that cave, industrial civilization (such as it is) is headed down the tubes. Hang on!
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