Blog Archive

Sunday, October 02, 2005

The October 4th Enviro Show: "The Bummer Show"

*musical relief with Dave Lipman...and the show hasn't even started!

* Jean’s back! It’s a special edition “The Enviro Bummer Show!” From the macro to the micro: your world is poison! Yuck!! From the toxic soup of storm ravaged, chemically/corporately assaulted New Orleans to baby’s own embryonic superfund site.

* The Weather Report (We're putting it up at the top 'cuz the weather rules)

* Bulletin Board:

>>Northampton Committee Peace and Justice Film Series, 7:00 p.m.,at the Media Education Foundation, 60 Masonic Street in Northampton, side door. This is the Old Fire Station; Woodstar Cafe is in the front of the building. The venue is accessible.
* Oct. 7 The Doctor, the Depleted Uranium, and the Dying Children
A team of DU experts visit contaminated Iraqi battlefields and civilian areas, as well as a Basra cancer ward.
* Oct. 21 The Forest for the Trees
The story of EarthFirst! activist Judi Bari, who was framed by the FBI for an attack that nearly killed her.

>>Thursday, Oct. 6, Radiation Health Risks, Downwinders in the Nuclear Age! At 6:30 PM, Dr. Ernest Sternglass speaks at All Soul’s Church, 399 Main Street at Hope and Main, across from the Greenfield Courthouse and Public Library. Sternglass will show many transparencies on the incidence of breast cancers, cancer deaths, autism, etc. A room will be available for children’s activities, including making ‘tooth fairies’. Discussion follows on how to prevent the dangerous increase in risks proposed at the Vernon reactor.

>>Wednesday, Oct. 19, 7pm at the Holyoke High School auditorium, 500 Beech Street, Holyoke there will be a forum on sewer issues. Folks will be raising a stink about the proposed privatization of the Holyoke sewer system.

* The Moyers’ report and a study in plastic (It's the bummer part, very toxic)

The links:
Plastic Oceans:

Bill Moyers:

* Musical relief..thank Goddess [The Baby Island” Jefferson Starship]

* Body Burden.....Glen’s burden!

The links:

EWG Body Burden 1 (adults):

EWG Body Burden 2 (new borns):

You Are A Toxic Waste Dump:

* Interview w/Tina Clarke of Cleanwater Action: Hey, don't be so bummed,You CAN do something!

* More Musical relief [ some mystery music maestro ]

* E-Valley-uation (Vermont Yankee ticking away in YOUR backyard!)

* The Ultimate segway! the Voice of Antidote Radio joins us before moving over to her show. Fasten that seatbelt dear listener.


Anonymous said...

We can hardly wait to hear your next show. No doubt you'll be attacking the American way of Life and all the progress that has led to such great things as freeze dried coffee. What's the matter with you people? Do you want us to return to living in caves!

Anonymous said...

Wrong. Daryl Cherney, Judi Bari's "friend," regularly bragged at a Southern Humboldt coffee shop that he had killed another winters' freezer-full of fish with his home-made pipe bombs. Kinda makes you wonder whose pipe bomb it was that went off in the car. Plenty of people in the Garberville area can substantiate this.