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Sunday, November 01, 2020

The See You In Court Enviro Show

Greetings Earthlings. We are devoting the entire show this week to an interview Glen and our friend Gia Neswald did with the crew at Occupy the Airwaves on Valley Free Radio in early September. The interview starts with an overview of the court case between members of the Wendell State Forest Alliance and the Department of Cut and Run......sorry, we mean "Conservation" and Recreation prompted by the action last year in the Wendell State Forest. That said, we will still treat you to the usual tricks by our Fool-on-the-Hill, His Malignancy The Mad King and his crazed enablers from the Super Spreader Repugnican Death Cult, but first it's time for...........Revenge of the Critters! Another selfie obsessed human takes a hit during the running of bulls.  

Another Enviro Show first! We have the same Fool-on-the-Hill as last time. Yes, it's Utah Repugnican Mike Lee who may as well don the cap and bells 'cuz he is one sorry fool. During a Senate hearing last Wednesday, Sen. Mike Lee said fact-checking is a form of censorship. Say what?? You know the old saying about facts, right Mike? “Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.” 

Here's a fact: His Malignancy The Mad King is also the COVID Super Spreader-in-Chief.  We don't much care if his far-right supporters get sick and die but their freedom to go to these fascist bund rallies without masks and social distancing doesn't include the right to spread the pandemic to others who wouldn't dream of setting foot in their Repugnican Death Cult hate fests. Speaking of hate, we hate to inform you that The Mad King has just opened the gates to “fully exempt the Tongass National Forest from the 2001 Roadless Rule,” which would open the 9 million acres of pristine public land to extractive development. The NY Times reports: "Environmentalists say that it could devastate a vast wilderness of snowy peaks, rushing rivers and virgin old-growth forest that is widely viewed as one of America’s treasures. Climate scientists also point out that the Tongass, which is also one of the world’s largest temperate rain forests, offers an important service to the billions of people across the planet who are unlikely to ever set foot there: It is one of the world’s largest carbon sinks, absorbing about 8 percent of the planet-warming carbon dioxide pollution emitted by the United States." Here is an Enviro Show Action Link on that travesty. Wait there's more! His Malignancy is also fighting in federal court to block states from giving billions of dollars in emergency food stamps to the lowest-income Americans during the coronavirus crisis. We could go on and on with The Mads King's endless cruelties but we don't want to distract you from masking up and showing up to vote him out. Onward!

In The Enviro Show Echo Chamber we repeat Common Dreams coverage of a study "the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, which has heightened warnings about the dire consequences of humanity's "absolute disrespect for animals and the environment," in the words of world renowned conservationist Jane Goodall earlier this year." The study
"shows an average 68% decrease in population sizes of mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, and fish between 1970 and 2016." So, with 4 more years under the reign of The Mad King you can bet it's far worse today. 

Finally, a reminder as if you needed it...."It's the Climate Crisis, Stupid!"  Sticking with Common Dreams, we note this piece titled "Stark New Visualizations Show How Climate Change Is Fueling Worsening Western Wildfires" It seems "Every year, millions of acres of land are consumed by fire in the United States," the group says in a report....By raising temperatures, melting snow sooner, and drying soils and forests, climate change is fueling the problem." Surprised? Nah! 

Here's our Bus Stop Billboard for the immediate future: 

Saturday November 7, 1:30 to 3:30pm. Stand Up and March for Democracy. Northampton TBA. If the Trump administration tries to steal the election or prevent every vote from being counted, the grassroots Protect the Results organization will help mobilize citizen actions across the country, including this event, to demand that all the votes be counted and for the peaceful transition of power. Go HERE


Wednesday November 11, 7 to 8pm. Green Zoning Webinar.  MCAN is hosting a webinar on green zoning in Massachusetts, both current successes and future possibilities. Members of Green and Open Somerville will speak about their roles as advocates in pushing for increased green spaces and other sustainable policies in Somerville's most recent zoning overhaul. Dan Bartman, senior planner for the City of Somerville, will discuss his experience working within municipalities to create more sustainable and resilient cities through zoning. And Kathryn Wright, the Programs Director for Building Energy at the Urban Sustainability Directors Network, will talk about models of green zoning in other states and what that could mean for Massachusetts. Please join us for a thoughtful and inspiring evening to learn about how you can make your city even greener!  RSVP here for information about the sign-in and log-on information.

Thursday, November 12,  6 pm. Environmental Policy in Historical Perspective: The 2020 Elections & the Future of the Planet.  We have only a few years left to make deep cuts to greenhouse gas emissions. This event will reflect on the implications of the U.S. election results for meeting this imperative. What are the prospects for a Green New Deal and other urgently needed measures, in the United States and beyond?  How can the destructive power of the fossil fuel industries be neutralized?  Panelists like Bill McKibbens and others will analyze the current moment while also offering a historical perspective on environmental policy and movements.  REGISTER HERE TO JOIN BY ZOOM

 Monday November 23, 7 to 9pm.  Climate Action Now Monthly Gathering. We alternate between Northampton and Amherst on the 4th MONDAY evening of each month from 7-9 pm (or til 8:30 if it’s a virtual gathering)All are welcome!  Go to:   

That is all.......for now. Please remember to listen to your Mother.

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