Blog Archive

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Another Pesty Enviro Show

It’s time once again to step on the toes of our sister show, Farm to Fork, with another interview with Robin Spitko & Glenn Morin of New England Fruit Consultants. While they consult with fruit we’ll be looking at more of those Toxic Tales of Chemical Agriculture. Also, did we mention a certain housing development proposed for the Amherst/Leverett town line? We did?? Glen has more. Plus, the latest on the climate crisis and more, but first (as always) it’s time for...Revenge of the Critters! Crazy poopin' bird attacks big auto….well, A big least it must’ve seemed big to the

There’s the theme: Glen, what’s the countdown? Finally! A Darth Cheney story that doesn’t piss you off! (can I say that on radio?) The Veep told to clean out his desk! ALSO: The boy emperor addresses the nation change?. We'll see what THAT'S about! Here’s some bad news for Big Oil and their reps in the White House (and good news for the likes of us): House Votes to Rescind Oil Drillers' Tax Breaks. They giveth and they taketh away! (Errrr!) There's the buzzer. Sorry! AND (finally!) Climate chaos drives ski-heads to even more extremes! Somebody stop these guys!!

"Simple Dirt" sung by Ethan Miller & Kate Boverman from their "If all the land would rise" album takes us to our interview with Robin & the Glens. Then it's on guessed it! The Bus Stop Billboard:

Saturday, January 27th, Washington, D.C. march for peace. If you want the war in Iraq to end, D.C. is the place to be on the 27th! The Climate Crisis Coalition and Friends of the Earth have joined together to organize a Stop Global Warming/No More Oil Wars contingent in this march. The lead banner of this contingent will say, No More Oil Wars/Clean Energy Now!
We will be gathering on the Mall down by the U.S. Capitol beginning at 11 a.m, somewhere between 3rd and 7th Sts. To find out exactly where our contingent will be go to;

Weds, Jan 31; 1:30pm, 7pm NRC Generic Environmental Impact Statement Final Presentation. Lathchis Theatre, Brattleboro, VT
The NRC will Again hold public hearings to present findings on the
GEIS. They will make their power point slides and dress up in suits.
There are going to be 2 sessions. one in the afternoon and another in
the evening. call Richard Emch or email for a time to speak. 1-800-368-5642, ext. 1590 or

Wednesday, January 31, 7-9pm; PIONEER VALLEY COALITION TO CHANGE & CHALLENGE WAL-MART. Porter Lounge (3rd Floor) or another room, Converse Hall, Amherst College, Rts 116 & 9, Amherst. Fighting the Wal-Mart in Hadley and maybe in Greenfield, working on Wake-Up Wal-Mart campaigns, Info:

Sat, Feb 3; Noon **Vermont Yankee Die In**
Brattleboro, VT. sirens are always tested on the first Saturday of each month at 12 Noon. At random locations within earshot of the siren testing at noon in Brattleboro, each person agrees to participate in a die-in protest whenever possible by freezing in place, standing silent or falling down "dead". A group will be meeting at 11 am at the Harmony parking lot to walk through downtown and distribute literature and talk with people about what is going to be happening.
Contact Daniel Sicken 802-387-2798 or email

February 3-4; NEW ENGLAND “SOS” – CREATING SUSTAINABILITY RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW! OPEN SPACE 10am-6pm Saturday, ACTION PLANNING!! 9am-2pm Sunday, Sirus Community, 72 Baker Road, Shutesbury. This “SOS” – Sustainability Open Space – is a free community event (meals and lodging not included at this time). It’s time for the sustainability movement in New England to relocalize, reorganize, and revitalize. This is a getting down to business,making things happen kind of an event. There are no keynote speakers, no panel discussions, and no pre-set agendas. Through the format of Open Space Technology, we self-organize as a community to develop our projects in less time and with more fun than we ever thought possible. Info, to register: Frank Deitle, 992-2555,,

We'll go out with "The Lion & the Lamb" by the Get-up Kids in honor of the big anti-war demo in DC on Saturday the 27th. So much for another grueling hour with the dirt worshiping treehuggers, huh? Tune in next time, February 6 at 6pm for our Nature Deficit Disorder Enviro Show. Please don't confuse that with social anxiety disorder, a malady pretty much invented by Big Pharma but utterly refined! Remember: listen to your Mother.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

The Dumb Growth Enviro Show

It's another year on the calendar but is it gonna' be the same-old, same-old in the everyday world of business and politics? We’ll have a look at some of the dumbest ideas to come down the pike in a while proposed under the euphemism of "development" and "progress". Our favorite bardic insurgent,Tom Neilson joins us once again to put some of these ideas to music. He'll be sitting in for D.O. who will be recertifying his grandfather status (incredulous as that might be!). We’ll also take a peek at some recent news stories. And, our first product placement of the New Year! (ha!) but first it’s time for.....Revenge of the Critters! Turkey attacks SUV!

OK, on to the important stuff: product placement. We thought we’d start the New Year out right by reminding you all to BOYCOTT EXXON/MOBIL! That SHELL IS HELL! And to PASS ON CHEVRON! If you must buy gas go to CITGO. Support the Bolivarian Revolution and the Venezuelan heating oil assistance program for low-income families in the Commonwealth. Here’s an excerpt from a kick-ass op-ed Joe Kennedy had in the Globe.

In the News: The government declared Thursday that food from cloned animals is safe to eat. Eeewwwww! Not bad enough? How about this: World faces hottest year ever! And this: Giant ice island breaks off Arctic shelf. All this bad news is the result of DUMB GROWTH. Get it?? Maybe it’s time to hear that song of Tom’s that debuted on this show last year:"Greenland's melting to the sea"? Take it away Tom.....PLEASE!

Glen gives us another rant on the proposed Haskins View housing development in Amherst: how about a McMansion view? YUCK! AND: how about that soon-to-be even worse view on Rt.9? More big box anyone?

Then it's on to the Bus stop billboard:

Tuesday January 9; 8pm, GREENFIELD CONSERVATION COMMISSION MEETING – MEGA-MALL COMING? 321 High St, Greenfield. The notorious Connecticut-based mega-mall developer, Ceruzzi Holdings, is moving forward with plans to develop one or both of two sites in Greenfield with one or more big box stores. Greenfield residents are urged to come to the next Conservation Commission. Info: Sprawl-Busters, 772-6289, mailto:, go to:

Saturday January 13; 2-6pm WESTERN MASS INDYMEDIA WORKSHOP & FILM SCREENING; Media Education Foundation, 60 Masonic St, Northampton. A special screening of the new documentary "((i))" will set the stage for understanding what Indymedia is all about. The workshop itself is both an introductory session on utilizing the Indymedia site for your group or individual projects, and a media skills information exchange. Go to: and check out the site.

Sunday January 14; 3pm. PETER BARNES: "CAPITALISM 3.0: A GUIDE TO RECLAIMING THE COMMONS", Odyssey Bookshop, 9 College St (Routes 116 at 47), in the Village Commons, S Hadley, 534-7307 or 800-540-7307; mailto:; Go to: Barnes will discuss and sign his new book on reclaiming the commons, Barnes argues that these threats (from Social Security privatization to global warming) can be countered by "upgrading" capitalism (

Thursday January 18; 5-6:30pm. TRI STATE CITIZENS AWARENESS NETWORK (CAN) MEETING at the upstairs meeting room, Green Fields Market, 144 Main St, Greenfield. Join our neighbors working to shut down the Vermont Yankee nuclear reactor. Broad public involvement is essential. Info: Citizens Awareness
Network (CAN), 339-5781, mailto:;Go to:

Depart midnight before protest, return that night. $45. Info: UMass
Anti-War Coalition, 615-351-6913, mailto: If you can’t go to DC, please consider sponsoring a seat for someone else.