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Thursday, November 09, 2023

An Act for a Livable Planet Enviro Show

Greetings Earthlings. Are you sick & tired of "open-ended executive privilege"?  Zak Porter, Executive Director of Standing Trees returns to the show to discuss the mishandling of our Public Lands by government and industry. We will discuss some clear cut examples during the interview segment. As usual we will also bring you along to meet this week's Fool-on-the-Hill and Those Whose Brains are Small, as well as a reminder that "It's the Climate Crisis, Stupid!" and more but first it's time for........Revenge of the Critters! "Researcher Says Giant Crabs Keep Stealing and Destroying Her Cameras"

This week's Fool-on-the-Hill is none other than the new House Speaker, and noted bible-banger, Representative Mike Johnson (Repug-La.). He’s a climate-science skeptic who has, in his short time as Speaker, helped pass a bill to cut renewables funding from the Inflation Reduction Act and is a major recipient of campaign donations from the oil and gas sector. "John Delgado, a former Baton Rouge Metro council member who was critical of Johnson when he was still a state representative, said Johnson’s climate skepticism is borne out of evangelical “dispensationalist belief”—the idea that the end times herald the second coming of Christ. “There are people who just want to see the world burn because they are waiting for the next one,” Delgado told Sierra. He explained that those who are eager for the Rapture “want it [the world] to end sooner.... And so they’re not going to care about the environment, they’re not going to care about the coastline, they’re not going to care about rising ocean temperatures.When you talk about climate change,” Delgado said, “he [Johnson] truly doesn’t care.” Of course, we don't care for MAGA Mike either. Wait, there's more! Saying he has just given “a seminar … to a bunch of high school kids in Shreveport”, Johnson quotes George Washington and John Adams, saying the first two presidents and other founders “told us that if we didn’t maintain those 18th-century values, that the republic would not stand, and this is the condition we find ourselves in today”. Values from the 1700s?? Think about that one.

On to some other dinosaurs "Whose Brains are Small". "A public statement signed by more than 1,000 scientists in support of meat production and consumption has numerous links to the livestock industry, the Guardian can reveal. The statement has been used to target top EU officials against environmental and health policies and has been endorsed by the EU agriculture commissioner. The “Dublin Declaration of Scientists on the Societal Role of Livestock” says livestock “are too precious to society to become the victim of simplification, reductionism or zealotry” and calls for a “balanced view of the future of animal agriculture”. One of the authors of the declaration is an economist who called veganism an “eating disorder requiring psychological treatment”. We'll ask Glen about his "eating disorder".

One can only wonder if  all 1,000 of those scientists are aware "It's the Climate Crisis, Stupid!" Are any of them aware that 2023 was most likely the hottest in the past 125,000 years.  And this: "During the past year, the needles on the climate dashboard for global ice melt, heatwaves, ocean temperatures, coral die-offs, floods and droughts all tilted far into the red warning zone. In summer and fall, monthly global temperature anomalies spiked beyond most projections, helping to drive those extremes, and they may not level off anytime soon, said James Hansen, lead author of a study published today in the journal Oxford Open Climate Change that projects a big jump in the rate of warming in the next few decades." And yet, "Governments are literally doubling down on fossil fuel production; that spells double trouble for people and planet," said United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres. "We cannot address climate catastrophe without tackling its root cause: fossil fuel dependence." 

Over in The Enviro Show Echo Chamber we repeat WaPo's piece on Earth's Freshwater getting Saltier , care to guess whose fault that is? "Human activities are making the globe saltier, specifically in our soils, fresh water and air, according to a study released Tuesday in the journal Nature Reviews Earth & Environment. The excess salt has already caused serious issues in freshwater supplies in recent decades."  Here in the Northeast with winter approaching you can bet road salt has something to do with that problem. The article goes on to point out, "Over the past 50 years, salt ions have increased in streams and rivers as people have begun using and producing more salts, the study says. The team found that across the globe, about 2.5 billion acres of soil — an area about the size of the United States — have become saltier. Salt lakes are also drying up and sending saline dust into the air." Remember the Roman Legions back in the day spreading salt on their perceived enemies land so crops would fail? Who needs legionaries, we are it. Finally, go HERE for Glen's slide show on that recent tour of Miles Standish State Forest (if you dare!). Finally, our flagship station WXOJ is having its Fall fundrive and they are replacing the transmitter. The little 60-lb box is the heart of the FM signal that blasts the frequency into an FCC-allotted signal range. This is a large cost and one that will keep programmers like yours truly on air. PLEASE contribute, OK? 

Here's an Enviro Show Quote of the Week that addresses what our guest said at the top of the show:

“The truth is that all men having power ought to be mistrusted.” 

James Madison 

After our conversation with Zak it's on to the Bus Stop Billboard


 November 25, or 26, 1:30 - 3:30pm. Invasive Plant Clipping Parties. Greening Greenfield, MA invites everyone to join them for a ‘clipping party’ to start the process of getting rid of invasive burning bush around Poets Seat Tower and Highland Park. Go HERE.  

Monday November 27, 7 to 8:30pm via Zoom. Climate Action Now Monthly Gathering.  Impact of climate change on workplace health and safety. The climate crisis is already having a major impact on workers in multiple settings. Climate Action Now is committed to building solidarity among climate justice organizers, climate activists and the labor movement so that we can take action together to address this growing risk to workers’ health and well being. Go HERE 

Tuesday November 28, 6 to 7 pm.  You are invited to a webinar about the proposed expansion of Hanscom private jet service and its disastrous climate effects in Massachusetts. If the proposed expansion goes ahead, private jet emissions from Hanscom alone could cancel up to 70% of the climate benefits from all the solar PV ever installed in Massachusetts. While our cities and towns are trying to drastically decrease our carbon footprint, Massport & Runway Realty are planning to expand theirs at Hanscom. This is chiefly for luxury trips to resort destinations for the privileged few, with enormous cumulative costs to the climate and the vulnerable many. Go HERE.  

Wednesday November 29, Noon.  ENR Hearing on Forest Bill H4150 An Act relative to forest protection.  In person & virtual (see above link for details). H.4150  would give all Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) state-owned lands and watersheds permanent protection as reserves, similar to National Park protection. We had a hearing on October 11th for H.904 - An act relative to increased protection of wildlife management areas - which would  mandate that 30% of all state-owned lands under the Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (MassWildlife) be given permanent reserve status.  Simple, easy and quick action you can  take:  Please show support for H.4150 and H.904. Support both bills:  Individual Sign-on Letter:     Organization Sign-on Letter:    


Wednesday December 6, 6pm.   A community forum about the climate impact of private jet expansion. Massport is planning a massive hangar build-out for private jets at Hanscom Field, which is the largest single development in Hanscom’s history. This will impact our community by increasing greenhouse gas emissions levels and more.  Please join in person at the Concord Free Public Library or on Zoom (Visit for Zoom registration). 

Saturday December 9, 11am.  Stockbridge Old-Growth Forest Hike: Ice Glen Trail. Join  MA Sierra Club  for a winter outing! The Ice Glen trail is an 1.4 mile round-trip hike. There will be stops along the trail to learn how to “read” an Old Growth Forest and discuss the unique qualities of this special place.  Go HERE.    

We are done for now but do remember to.....LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER!



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