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Friday, September 02, 2022

A Rather Mature Enviro Show?

Greetings Earthlings. Now that the show is over 18 years old we may as well start acting our age and get serious about protecting our public lands. With that in mind, we thought we should share this recent news item with all of you as well as one titled "Why mature and old forests are so important for climate mitigation and adaptation". Dr. Dominick A. DellaSala, Chief Scientist, Wild Heritage, a Project of Earth Island Institute joins us to discuss the issue which seems lost on many pro-logging participants in the ongoing DCR Landscape Designations and Management Guidelines "Listening Sessions" ?  As always, we will also bring you along to meet this week's Fool-on-the-Hill and to remind any other fools out there that "It's the Climate Crisis, Stupid!" Also, in The Enviro Show Echo Chamber we check in on the "Severe Drought" here in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and elsewhere in the nation, among other disturbing things, but first it's time for.......Revenge of the Critters! Another listener pick. "Killer whales are 'attacking' sailboats near Europe's coast. Scientists don't know why"?

This week's Fool-on-the-Hill isn't on The Hill and hopefully never will be. Georgia Republican U.S. Senate candidate Herschel Walker obviously hasn't done his climate homework. He recently said the Biden administration’s sweeping new climate law represents unnecessary spending because it sets aside money to plant and protect trees. “They try to fool you and make you think they are helping you out — they’re not. You know that some of this money is going into trees? We got enough trees — don’t we have enough trees around here?” Walker said according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Well, since you asked 😏

In The Enviro Show Echo Chamber we replay this in-your-face action moment that took place at the UMass Amherst's Faculty Orientation last Wednesday to demand UMass stop torturing  marmosets in experiments. You may recall our show last year on this outrage.  And this, dry enough for ya'? Yes, we here in Massachusetts are officially in a "Severe Drought" and so is a better part of the entire nation.  With this in mind, be careful about your water usage and water those newly planted trees!  While some parts of North America are besieged by torrential rains and floods others are quite to opposite. The same holds for the entire planet. It's called climate chaos and it is no longer in the future and with that, lets move on to...

Reminding anyone not paying attention that "It's the Climate Crisis, Stupid! Like we've said:The fossil fuel-driven Climate Crisis already locked in so much ice melt in Greenland that sea levels will rise by a foot in the coming decades. Recent peer-reviewed research warns us:"This is a result of increasing mass turnover from precipitation, ice flow discharge and meltwater run-off." On top of that (depending on where you are) "
The vast East Antarctica Ice Sheet, which is about the size of the United States, used to be considered less vulnerable to climate change than the Greenland and West Antarctica ice sheets — where several glaciers have been losing ice rapidly as they are undercut by warm ocean water. Over recent years, however, research has started to emerge challenging that view. The latest study is published in the journal Nature.

Meanwhile, here in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, how is our Gov doing? 😉


Dirty Biomass Baker seems to have no problem with his rogue Department of Conservation & Recreation (or is that WreckCreation?) We'll get into that in our interview but you can bet Glen has a lot to say on that.


Time for some actual Abidin' with Biden given his most excellent speech in front of Independence Hall in Philadelphia regarding the MAGA Repugnican insurrection and its ongoing threat to our nation. We notice he didn't use the phrase "semi-fascism" to describe His Malignancy and the cult this time. Perhaps because he was criticized for not using the phrase "total fascism"? Also, the Prez's Environmental Protection Agency announced that it proposes to label certain "forever chemicals" (or PFAS) found in hundreds of household items and pollute drinking water systems across the country as hazardous substances. That works, though what's "certain" leaving out? 


Finally, how about an Enviro Show Quote of the Week?

I frequently tramped eight or ten miles through the deepest snow to keep an appointment with a beechtree, or a yellow birch, or an old acquaintance among the pines.

                                                                                       - Henry David Thoreau

After our conversation with Dominick it's on to the Bus Stop Billboard: 

Wednesday September, 14, 1 to 2:30pm. Electrify Everything. Join Elders for Regenerative Living (ERL) by attending Electrify Everything, a two session program to provide up-to-date information to help you reduce your fossil fuel footprint and learn how you can electrify your home, business, and personal vehicles. Go HERE.

Wednesday, September 14, 7:00 - 8:00 pm. Climate Change: What Would Thoreau Say? Henry David Thoreau was an astute observer of the natural world and kept careful records in his journal. Scientist Bill Moomaw, a lead author of five Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Reports, will share current insights and proposals for addressing and adapting to a changing climate and speculate about how Thoreau might react were he here today. Would his commitment to simplicity prevent him from endorsing or adopting climate friendly technologies like solar panels? What would his reaction be to the changes taking place in Nature? What are some of Thoreau's words of wisdom that might inspire us to more effective action? This event is brought to you by The Walden Woods Project and RESTORE: The North Woods.   Register HERE

Saturday September 17, 3pm.  Dinosaur Die-in. We’re starting the Boston Week of Rebellion with a Dinosaur Die-In! Bring your best dinosaur costume and join XR Youth Boston as we remind people that burning fossil fuels and destroying ecosystems is leading to the same mass extinction that killed the dinosaurs. We are calling on the Massachusetts and federal government to ban all new fossil infrastructure and make a rapid transition away from existing fossil fuel infrastructure and onto renewable sources of energy. Please sign-up for events in advance!  Free public event. Hosted by Extinction Rebellion Boston.  

Wednesday September 21, 2:30pm. (Eastern).  SETTING THE STAGE: Distinguishing Science from Falsehoods - The Truth abour Carbon, Wildfire & Biodiversity.  Join panelists Drs. Bev Law, Chad Hanson, and Monica Bond for presentations on carbon capture and storage, the role of forests, and the real steps needed to reduce carbon emissions by 40% by 2030; the importance of wildfire and how best to protect communities; and an overview of post-fire habitat and biodiversity. Webinar Registration Required 

Thursday September 22, 10am.  Protecting the Northern Forest: Why the Boreal is Critical to Saving the Planet.  Participants will learn about Indigenous-led work addressing climate change in the boreal forest of Canada, one of the world’s most carbon-rich places, and how Indigenous Peoples are pioneering ways of adapting to a changing world.  Location: Hybrid event with virtual attendance on Zoom or in person at The Loft at the Bryant Park Hotel, 40 W 40th St, Fl 25, New York, NY 10018.  Please indicate if you plan to attend in person, as venue capacity will be limited at around 30 individuals. Register HERE.

Thursday September 22, 4:30 to 6:30pm.  Attrack Native Pollinators to Your Land.  A Free Workshop for Farmers. Just Roots Farm, 34 Glenbrook Drive, Greenfield, MA. Go to: click on "Events" 

Friday, September 23, 4-6pmA “Welcome to the Movement” rally to kick off the start of the school year, focused on future climate action goals and a celebration of our wins.  Outside of the Massachusetts State House. The Massachusetts Youth Climate Coalition is looking for youth that are interested in speaking at our September 23rd “Welcome to the Movement” rally. Acknowledging the disproportionate effects of the climate crisis and climate policy,  we are looking to highlight the voices of youth living in environmental justice and frontline communities for this speaking role. For more information on this rally, see below.  If you are interested in telling your story and speaking at this rally, or if you would like to learn more about this opportunity, email Nidhi at Thank you!  

Sunday, September 25, 12noon at TBA - Climate Justice Means Justice for All  Join members of Extinction Rebellion in a protest centering & expressing the intersectionality of the Climate Emergency. We'll rally with speakers & representatives from social, climate, racial, or economic justice movements, as well as groups of a political nature, interested in coming together to protest government inaction on the climate crisis. See link above.  

Monday, September 26, 6:30pm.  Speak Out Against Holtec!  Plymouth Town Hall. Join Save Our Bay on Monday, September 26 at the Nuclear Decommissioning Citizens Advisory Panel meeting at Plymouth Town Hall. Holtec plans to dump waste from the closed Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station into the Cape Cod Bay and we can't let them! Also join a rally before the meeting, starting at 5:00pm on the front lawn.  Go HERE

Tuesday September 27, 11am.  Join us at the Danversport bridge to call for a halt to the Peabody power plant construction.  The Peabody Peaker represents the failure of our utilities and our grid operator to recognize the climate crisis that we are facing, and our desperate need to rapidly transition away from fossil fuels and towards a clean energy future. Join MCAN, 350 Mass, Breathe Clean North Shore, and Slingshot on September 13th to demand: no more pollution, no more harming our neighbors, and no more investments in dirty and outdated energy infrastructure. This is our line in the sand. RSVP using this link:


Thanks for stopping by and remember this: Listen to YOUR Mother, OK?

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