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Thursday, July 23, 2020

A Highly Necessary Enviro Climate Show

Yes, it is a rather strongly worded title for this week's Enviro Show but given we've been trying to get highly respected climate scientist Professor Raymond Bradley of UMass Amherst on the show for some time now we thought we'd get into some....amplification? As we've been saying on the show since COVID daze began, the pandemic is actually  just another aspect of the Climate Crisis 'cuz both disasters have been brought about by the human propensity to trash Nature, OK? We are the Crisis, but we could also be the answer to the Crisis. Of course, we'll also bring you along to endure this week's Fool-on-the-Hill and to witness His Malignancy The Mad King and his enablers latest insults to life on Earth, but first it's time for.........Revenge of the Critters! Another snap happy tourist in Yellowstone Park gets too close to the Buffalo. This one comes complete with a video of a previous Buffalo Tourist Toss. They are not harmless Disney robots people! 

This week's Fool-on-the-Hill is Arizona Congressional District Five House Rep. Andy Biggs who apparently is big on foolishness. Awhile back he would not support any of the COVID 19 assistance measures because it would either raise the debt, legitimize same-sex families, or give people an incentive not to go to work. Recently, at a time when Arizona's COVID numbers are spiking and hospitals are near out of ICUs, Biggs stated  “As our economy is restored, it is imperative that President Trump is not undermined in his mission to return our economy to greatness. Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx continue to contradict many of President Trump’s stated goals and actions for returning to normalcy as we know more about the COVID-19 outbreak. This is causing panic that compromises our economic recovery. We can protect our most vulnerable from the COVID-19 outbreak while still protecting lives and livelihoods of the rest of the population. It’s time for the COVID-19 task force to be disbanded so that President Trump’s message is not mitigated or distorted.”.  O  wait, did we mention when masks were being required by local governments, Biggs said it was the mark of a tyrannical government?

 It was reported recently His Malignancy The Mad King's Environmental "Protection" Agency and some enablers in Congress are expected to propose a new rule detailing how burning biomass from forests can be considered carbon neutral in the United States. The report states: "..industry leaders believe they have science on their side, making a case that wood pellet production is barely putting a dent in the carbon-storage capacity of forests in the South." Really? [Insert hysterical laughter here]  We don't think so! Also, Inside Climate News reports: "new plants are being proposed in South Carolina, Arkansas and other southern states to produce wood pellets for export to Europe. The industry for this type of biomass energy has exploded, driven largely by European climate policies and subsidies that reward burning wood, even as an increasing number of scientists call out what they see as a dangerous carbon accounting loophole that threatens the 2050 goals of the Paris climate agreement." And this from our friends at Grist, "After three and a half years and 100 environmental rollbacks either completed or in progress this is no surprise: President Trump has spent more time defending Confederate monuments than voicing concern over COVID’s taking of 16,000 Black lives that would still be here if African-Americans weren’t dying at more than double the rate of white Americans."  The man is a monster and so are his enablers. HERE is more proof, as if you needed it. 

In The Enviro Show Echo Chamber our friends at Grist tell their readers about a new study scientists will soon unveil to help prevent future pandemics. Not sure why they didn't just ask us or the Center for Biological Diversity 'cuz we've been talking about the very same solutions for months now. Kidding!  We need all the science possible to protect threatened species and their habitats and put an end to wildlife trafficking. 

Of course our guest knows "It's the Climate Crisis, Stupid" and we'll get into that presently but here's a quote from Scientific American that touches on something Prof. Bradley is very familiar with: "Facebook appears to be weakening a firewall it has built to fact-check such climate denialism. The company recently overruled a fact-check from a group of climate scientists, in a move that concerns researchers about a potentially new precedent by the platform that permits inaccurate claims to be promoted if they’re labeled as opinions. At the same time, Facebook has placed restrictions on one of the country’s most visible climate scientists, Katharine Hayhoe, of Texas Tech University and a lead author of the Fourth National Climate Assessment. She has been blocked from promoting videos related to climate research, a move that has limited her efforts to refute false claims."

 After our conversation with Prof. Bradley it's on to the Bus Stop Billboard:

July—August 9, 2020  NOFA Summer Conference.
Just sit back and relax in your home while we bring you the rich and dynamic education program of the NOFA Summer Conference right to your home. We’re bringing the classic and innovative content of the conference to you via video/webinar sessions so you can continue to deepen your knowledge on topics such as Vegetable Production, Hemp/CBD, Chickens, Grazing Plans, Soil Carbon, Wild E dibles, Worms and more.If you haven’t been to the NOFA Summer Conference in years because of the distance, now’s your chance to attend. If you love the conference but can’t make the schedule work for your summer schedule, now’s your time. If you wish you could have the program in hand to experience on demand, whenever you choose, now is your chance too. What’s in store for the new virtual Summer Conference program? More INFO, REGISTER

Monday August 10, 7pm.  Brattleboro Biomass Zoom Webinar hosted by Community Action Works. Register HEREDirty energy pollutes our air and water, impacts our health, and contributes to climate change. Over the past 30 years, Community Action Works has helped communities all over the northeast retire dirty power plants responsibly, halt dangerous new fracked gas pipelines and win clean, local, renewable energy solutions. 

Tuesday, August 11, 11:30am – 2:00pm. (The meeting starts promptly at noon.) MA Elders Climate Action Zoom meeting. Zoom: This month we have the privilege of hosting Frances Moore LappĂ©, author Diet for a Small Planet, which gained world-wide attention 50 years ago. Since then she has written nearly 20 books. 

Wednesday August 12, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm. Extinction of Deer Ticks in North America. A virtual woirkshop with Dr. Stephen Rich, Professor of Microbiology, University of Massachusetts Amherst; Director the Laboratory of Medical Zoology. Dr. Stephen Rich will discuss a recent publication in Nature(June 2020) from the Laboratory of Medical Zoology that provides insight to the evolutionary and ecological origin of the primary Lyme disease vectors in North America.
Register at:

Wednesday,August 19, 6-8 pm. 350MA Berkshires  Node  Zoom  Meeting . All are welcome! Use the password 350ma.    Zoom link 

On August 20th, join a virtual lobby meeting with your senator’s office to speak out against extinction. Speaking out by telling staffers how much you value plants, fish, and wildlife and the laws that protect them is one of the most valuable actions you can take as an activist. When senators hear that constituents like you are taking the time to show up to a meeting to speak, they listen closely. Register HERE.   

Wednesday, August 26, 7:30-8:30 pm "Adaptive Silviculture: Examining Climate Change Forest Management Strategies" Anoither  CounterAct Climate Change program  via Zoom. 
Register here.

That's all for now everyone. Please remember to listen to your Mother!

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