As usual we will also introduce you to this week's Fool-on-the-Hill and expose you to His Malignancy The Mad King and his morally challenged enablers' latest outrages, as well as remind those who have not been paying attention that "It's the Climate Crisis, Stupid!" but first it's time for........Revenge of the Critters! The Animal Kingdom is taking over as the humans are sheltering in? Finally some justice!
Repugnican Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas makes a repeat performance as this week's Fool-on-the-Hill given his recent op-ed that made its way into the New York Times [now removed] in which he advocated for sending the U.S, Military into U.S. cities to deal with the nation-wide protests over police violence and racism. In essence, Cotton wanted to further his "proto-fascist" tendencies as was pointed out in one Times op-ed. We guess it goes without saying that a certain occupant of a white house down the street from The Hill was fully supportive of the senator's screed.
And now, on to that White House occupant, His Malignancy The Mad King who went full-out wannabe Rambo when the protests broke out after George Floyd's killing calling crowds on the streets “anarchists,” “terrorists,” “losers,” and “lowlifes,” demanding state govs “get much tougher” and calling on Antifa to be designated as a terrorist organization. Let's be clear: anti-fascism is not terrorism; our fathers and grandfathers fought against fascism and came home heroes, OK?? We all know what a phony tough guy His Malignancy is with his bullshit poses and loud-mouth bather but as phony as his act is his fascist mentality is the actual threat. The Mad King is the true terrorist and his words and actions make that apparent almost daily. His Malignancy is also an environmental terrorist, one of the latest examples being an executive order he signed that would waive requirements under a group of important environmental laws like NEPA. The new order expedites the permitting of construction projects and energy projects overseen by corporate captured federal agencies, using emergency authorities to avoid environmental regulations. It's just more of the same but now he's doing it under cover of the COVID-19 pandemic he's actually doing nothing about. His criminal negligence is right up there with his climate crimes and all the enablers in his Cabinet are equally guilty. Another example is he will open up a 5,000 square mile conservation area in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of New England to destructive commercial fishing. That allows commercial fishing to resume in the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument, a sanctuary created during the Obama administration to allow fish populations to recover from bad practices in the past. It also cancels a planned phase out of red crab and lobster fisheries in the area. The plunder continues.
How about we move on another matter His Malignancy avoids, even though we keep reminding him "It's the Climate Crisis, Stupid!" Did you know it was 84 degrees near the Arctic Ocean last month as carbon dioxide hit its highest level in human history? You may have missed that amid all the other bad news but hey, we're "Reopening America" right? Get out there and exercise your growing carbon footprint! With all the sheltering in with COVID a lot of folks are more focused than ever about their diet. Grist asks: "What’s the more climate-conscious diet: Plant-based or place-based?" Inquiring minds need to know!
After we plot against business-as-usual with the Usual Suspects we go to the Bus Stop Billboard:
Wednesday, July 1, 7pm (ET). Organize to Prevent Wildlife Trade - an online event. Wildlife trade is one of the leading threats to biodiversity. It is also a major threat to public health, as it is the most probable cause of COVID-19 and several other pandemics. The United States plays a major role in wildlife trade, importing more than 224 million live animals and 883 million other wildlife species every year. Experts predict that new diseases will emerge from wildlife to infect humans somewhere between every four months and every three years. If we want to avoid future pandemics and stop the extinction crisis, we must fundamentally change our relationship with wildlife and nature. Join this call to learn how you can organize to protect wildlife and public health by ending wildlife trade. Register HERE.
We'll add more events as they arise, meanwhile remember to Listen to Your Mother!
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