You've seen His Malignancy's Repugnican Death Cult in action by now, yes? It seems restarting the economy is more important than ensuring Americans stay home to prevent more deaths from coronavirus. Checkout this Fool-on-the-Hill: “It is policymakers’ decision to put on our big boy and big girl pants and say it is the lesser of these two evils,” Rep. Trey Hollingsworth, a Repug who represents Indiana’s 9th district says. “It is not zero evil, but it is the lesser of these two evils and we intend to move forward that direction.” That would be the direction of more deaths and exposure, especially among the elders, people of color and those with medical conditions, the Death Cult's fascistic goal all in the name of alleged freedom.
One thing the majority of U.S. citizens can agree on is The Mad King's utter lack of empathy (much less sympathy) for those who have succumbed to COVID-19 and their loved ones. Given that his appalling dereliction of duty, vindictiveness, dishonesty, irresponsibility, and....well, madness is it any wonder we refer to him as His Malignancy?? Once again The Mad King, when he's not sentencing wild critters to death, has thrown his lot in with nazis and assorted far-right goons referring to heavily armed Repugnican Death Cultists in Michigan as "Very good people". Also, Senator Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut said: "In the CARES Act, Congress established a number of independent watchdogs to prevent any fraud, corruption, or mismanagement of the approximately $2 trillion in emergency relief for the American people. But even as [His Malignancy] signed this bill into law, he was already undermining these critical oversight bodies." Now, where do you supposed The Mad King wants most of that flow to go? Click on the link to just say NO. And this: The Mad King's new press secretary isn't just another pretty face, she like her boss, seems to be his equal when it comes to bullshitting! Do we miss Sarah Huckabee Sanders ? Nah !
Time to remind those who may have forgotten "It's [Still] the Climate Crisis, Stupid!" You'd think the CO2 emission numbers would tank given all the sheltering in and lack of air and surface travel,yes? Not so fast, folks. The numbers have only dropped 5.5%. The utilities and many industries are still going full bore. Sooooo, what would you say if we told you the Solutions to Coronavirus and the Climate Crisis are the same? Dr. Aaron Bernstein, a pediatrician at Boston Children’s Hospital who heads the Center for Climate, Health, and the Global Environment at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health says in fact, they are one and the same. Read the interview HERE.
On to the Bus Stop Billboard:
Friday May 15 Endangered Species Day! This would be the perfect day for you to step up for the most ancient and endangered species in our Valley. Go to Karl Meyer's blog and scroll down to the action links at the bottom of his post and Take Action! Go to: Also go here for pre-event planning for Endangered Species Day elsewhere.
Tuesday, May 19, 7pm. Climate Action Now & Save Massachusetts Forests present “Our Forests: To Cut, or Not to Cut?” Dr. Bill Stubblefield’s current focus is on the role forests can play in mitigating catastrophic climate change and biodiversity collapse. Michael Kellett is Executive Director and co-founder of RESTORE: The North Woods. Go to:
OK, that's it for now. Remember to stay safe and LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER!!
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