President Richard Nixon, a Republican who actually signed on to the founding of the EPA, was in office during the first few Earth Days but, as you no doubt know, he was a crook and eventually resigned. The present occupant of the White House is what we now refer to as a Repugnican and potentially a traitor to our country. We also refer to him as The Mad King 'cuz........well.....he just acts like it! More disturbing than his probable conspiracy with Russia and others to undermine our democracy are the efforts he and his court of climate criminals are making to DESTROY THE FUCKING PLANET!! As usual, we report the latest in that ongoing assault. Let's start with this headline from HuffPo: "With little notice, President Donald Trump ordered the Environmental Protection Agency on Thursday to dramatically overhaul national clean air standards and make it easier for industry to pollute in areas where it’s already dangerous to breathe." Hey, if you loved the 1950s you'll just love The Mad King! The good news is the New York AG got a judge to block the move....for now. And this from the Washington Post: "The Trump administration made it clear this week that it is sapping the strength of a century-old law to protect birds, issuing guidance that the law would not be used as it has been to hold people or companies accountable for killing the animals." Whoa! Now we're headed back to the turn of the LAST century? Let's get back to His Malignancy's Dark Prince at the EPA. As noted on our last show, little Scotty seems he can't do enough to trash the planet. The Editorial Board at The New York Times agrees with us (they just say it nicer). In fact, so many people hate Scott Pruitt he now seems to think he needs Kevlar seat covers?
Moving on to the other end of the National Mall, our Fool-on-the-Hill this week is another repeat offender, Representative Rob Bishop of Utah, leader of the House Committee on (Extracting All Possible) Natural Resources and the Repugnicans answer to that age-old question: "Can Satan really walk on Earth?" You can click on the link above and immerse your self in his sins or simply take our word for it; the guy is evil, OK?
Sooooo, the Valley Free Radio Spring Fund Drive will pretty much preempt the rest of the segments but we still want to inform you of a few issues and upcoming events here on The Enviro Show blog. Let's start with this sobering news we can only blame The Mad King partially for: "The warming of the Earth over the past several decades is throwing Mother Nature's food chain out of whack and leaving many species struggling to survive, according to new research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences." Of course, His Malignancy and the enablers will make matters worse by trying to rollback every regulation in sight, right? On the bright side, Patagonia is suing The Mad King for stealing your land (public lands that is).
OK, time to move on to the Bus Stop Billboard:
Tuesday May 8, 4pm. DCR Post and Pre-Harvest Tour. Wendell State Forest. Meet at the Wendell State Forest Headquarters, 392 Wendell Road, Millers Falls. The tour will be conducted “rain or shine”. Attendees are encouraged to dress for the weather and to wear sturdy shoes. For additional information about the tours and DCR forest management on state forests, parks, and reservations, please contact William Hill, Management Forestry Program Supervisor, at 413-545-3891.
Tuesday May 8, 2018, 5:30– 7:30pm. “Deep Green Your Meetings & Events” Location: Nueva Esperanza, 401 Main Street, Conference Room, Holyoke, MA Trainers: Deb Habib, Ed.D.
Free, more information and registration required here
Tuesday May 8, 6:00-8:00pm. Carbon Pricing in MA – A Key To Solving A Warming Climate. Dever Auditorium, Parenzo Hall, Westfield State University, Westfield. WSU’s Dept. of Chemical and Physical Sciences and the Dept. of Environmental Science will co-host this public educational forum which will: provide a brief overview of the current science on climate change; describe bills by State Rep. Benson & State Sen. Barrett proposing state-wide carbon fee and rebate legislation, and an omnibus bill by State Sen. Pacheco that would also institute carbon pricing; and lay out the ethical and moral dimensions for addressing a warming climate. Attendees will learn how each of these MA carbon pricing bills is economically designed to create jobs, improve the health of MA residents and fairly protect vulnerable populations and businesses while lowering state-wide carbon emissions. Click here for more information
Wednesday, May 9, 9:30am. Join members of the Animal Cruelty Task Force, legislators, and animal protection organizations, and together let's put an end to animal cruelty in Massachusetts!
Registration closes at 5pm on Thursday, May 3. However, space is limited and registration may close early. Massachusetts State House, Room 428, 24 Beacon St, Boston, MA 02133
Thursday May 10, Noon to 4pm, March for Science Lobby Day. Massachusetts State House. With the help of our allies in Mass Power Forward, we will continue to push our leaders to respond to our demands concerning clean energy and environmental justice. We are still working out the precise details for the event, so exact times are subject to change. RSVP now so that we can ensure that a meeting with your legislators and/or their staff is scheduled in advance. If you have any questions, please contact Andrew Gordon, 350 Mass Legislative Manager (
May 18, 2018 - May 20, 2018. Ralph Nader: Trump, Empire, the Military Budget, the Draining of America, and What You Can Do About It ‑‑ Now! To Register:, 413-339-4954
Monday, May 28, 7 to 9pm. Climate Action Now MA monthly gathering. Unitarian Society of Amherst, South Pleasant Street, Amherst, MA. Go to:
Monday, May 28, 7 to 9pm. Climate Action Now MA monthly gathering. Unitarian Society of Amherst, South Pleasant Street, Amherst, MA. Go to:
Happy Earth Day everyone and remember to listen to your Mother Earth!
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