Blog Archive

Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Entergy Endtimes Enviro Show

Greetings Earthlings. This time around, as we dwell once again on that scary Vermont Yankee nuke and get a call from Deb Katz of Citizens Awareness Network, we'll focus on the nuclear reactor's owner/operator, Entergy. These corporados aren't just threatening the health and well-being of you and your loved ones here in the Valley, they are all over the map with their crap. We will hip you to regional campaigns getting in Entergy's corporate face as well as turn you on to The-Fool-on-the-Hill and some E-Valley-uation, amongst other things but first it's time for....Revenge of the Critters! Little critters shutdown devilish nuke.....again!

We're going plural again with Fools-on-the-Hill. This time it's unnamed Repugnican teabaggers in the House trying to strip bike path funding from the Transportation Bill. Sorry kids, you'll just have to take your chances out there in the traffic. It's the Repugnican way!

In The Enviro Show Echo Chamber we first ask you to take action on the global consequences if that unstable reactor #4 nuclear fuel pool at Fukushima collapses. Then we rewind Rachel Maddow's recent blog post on old King Coal's recent astroturf effort. Check it out: they really are "job creators". Finally, something good comes from Kentucky: to protect batsthe USDA Forest Service renewed an order that closes all caves and abandoned mines on national forest lands in the Southern Region. Also, this good news (we hope) for the beleaguered Brown Bat. And, a powerful actionby women of Appalachia meeting at the West Virginia state capitol wearing white and shaving their heads to represent the stripping of the land. They stood in solidarity with the mountains that have been stripped of their trees, plants and top soil.

We have an E-Valley-uation segment here on our blog (we'll get into the issue on the show at a later date) concerning wind turbines on Mt. Tom. Who wins? Who loses?......Well, sounds like the endangered rattlesnakes lose for sure. What do YOU think?

Time for the Quote of the week: "Eight years involved with the nuclear industry have taught me that when nothing can possible go wrong and every avenue has been covered, then is the time to buy a house on the next continent." - Terry Prachett

Now for our Enviro Show blog tour of Entergy operations around the region. You know, your friendly local radioactive threat? Actually, it's a tour of citizen campaigns AGAINST the friendly local radioactive threats. Let's start right here in the Bay State with the folks hoping to shutdown Entergy's Pilgrim nuke in Plymouth (yes, it's another scary old BWR reactor, just like the one at VT Yankee......and just like the ones melting down in Fukushima!). The folks at The Pilgrim Coalition just got the bad news from the NRC that the nuclear dog? has extended Pilgrim's license to radiate...opps, sorry...that's operate. We had the distinct pleasure of demonstrating to a captive audience on the Sagamore Bridge with the folks from the Coalition recently during the usual weekend traffic jam. As you may know, there's only two bridges going off the Cape and if an evacuation was ever necessary due to a Pilgrim nuke meltdown, well....don't think about that. Look over here! It's Entergy's Indian Point nuke (talk about evacuation problems). Indian Point Energy Center is a three-unit nuclear power plant located in Buchanan, New York just south of Peekskill. It sits on a small earthquake fault on the east bank of the Hudson River, 38 short miles north of New York City. Unit 1 is already decommissioned due to safety issues. Unit 2and Unit 3 are operational right now. There are several anti-nuke/pro-safe energy groups trying to shut this sucker down but in the city Shut Down Indian Point Now is our favorite. These guys are connected to Occupy Wall Street's Enviro Solidarity working group. Speaking of New York, up in Scriba the Alliance for a Green Economy is working to shutdown Entergy's Fitzpatrick reactor, the only one of its kind in the nation that did not install a hardened vent system that could reduce the severity of a nuclear accident. And that brings us back to Western Mass & Southern Vermont where Entergy's VT Yankee nuke radiates away on the shore of the Connecticut River just upstream from us. Of course, the SAGE Alliance, consisting of some 40 affinity groups, is flat-out in Entergy's & the NRC's face looking to put an end to the dangerous BWR with all that hot nuke waste sitting in a swimming pool seven stories above ground. We've covered that extensively here on The Enviro Show, but did you know that Entergy is part of the far-right corporate American Legislative Exchange Council? How much worse can it get??

After our interview with Deb it's on to the Bus Stop Billboard:

* As we speak, the Solar rollers are spreading the anti-nuke/pro-safe energy gospel throughout Vermont. You can follow their progress on Facebook at:

We call for a global mobilization on 5 June (World Environment day), on June 18 against the G20 (which this time will focus on “green growth”) and the progress of the People’s Summit on 20 June in Rio de Janeiro and in the world, social and environmental justice, against the “green economy”, the commodification of life and nature and the defense of the commons and rights of peoples. Go to:

Thursday June 7, 9:15am. The NRC's licensing board is having a hearing in Boston at the McCormack Building, 5 Post Office Square. The hearing concerns NRC orders meant to enhance the safety of U.S. nuclear reactors using lessons learned from the disaster at Fukushima, Japan in March 2011. We feel the NRC's proposals are "band-aids" and inadequate for the Pilgrim nuke. Go to:

Friday, June 8, 7pm. Screening of "Just Do It", a year in the secretive world of nonviolent environmental direct action. Frances Crowe Community Room, 60 Masonic Street in Northampton. Enter via Woodstar Cafe, at the front of the building. The venue is accessible. Email:

Saturday, June 9, 10:30 am - 11:30 pm. Renewable Energy. The Great Falls Discovery Center staff will be holding activities exploring water wind and solar power. Join us for a craft afterwards. 2 Avenue A., Turners Falls, Call: 413.863.3221.

Monday, June 11, 2012. In keeping with the SAGE Alliance request for civil resistance at Entergy HQ in Brattleboro, the Shut It Down Affinity Group plans to risk arrest during a presence at Entergy headquarters at 1:30 pm . Shut It Down invites other affinity groups to join us in this civil resistance in accordance with the Shut It Down plans for the day or to attend the action as legal witnesses. Shut It Down trusts that SAGE Alliance members and affinity groups will not betray this plan to any members of the law enforcement community nor to any Entergy employees or officials. This invitation is tendered to the SAGE Alliance on behalf of the Shut It Down Affinity Group. If you want to join the June 11 presence, please contact Hattie Nestel at or Shut It Down does not expect participating affinity groups to adopt our pro se, no bail, no fines guidelines. Shut It Down does expect participating affinity groups and individuals to honor nonviolence.

Tuesday June 12, Noon. STATE-WIDE DAY OF ACTION FOR TRANSIT JUSTICE. MA State House, Boston. Current proposed fare hikes and cuts in both of the MBTA and Pioneer Valley region (PVTA) are disproportionately impacting the elderly, disabled and young. If implemented on July 1st, an adult bus rider taking a trip requiring one transfer will see a fare increase of 20% on the MBTA and 67% in the Pioneer Valley. Seniors taking the same trip will see an increase of 66% in Boston and 79% in Springfield, while disabled clients relying on paratransit will see increases of at least 200%. Call (617) 723-2639

Tuesday, June 12, 7:30pm, 9:00pm. Shutdown Indian Point demo. Tompkins Sq. Park (Avenue A and 7th Street, NYC). 30 years ago on June 12th, over a million people gathered in Central Park to protest against nuclear energy and weaponry. To commemorate the beautiful memories and break through of the anti-nuclear movement, we are going to walk again! Come march/dance/shout with live n.o.n.u.k.e.s. DJs via WBAI NY, 99.5FM! Bring your own radio or boombox to the march and tune to 99.5FM at 8PM. If you are not in NY, listen live on and join the demo wherever you are.

Thursday, June 14, 7 - 8:30pm. A public meeting that DCR will be holding at the Notch Visitoe Center, 1500 West St. (Rt.116) in Amherst relative on the preparation of a Resource Management Plan for the Mount Holyoke Range Planning Unit, including Holyoke Heritage State Park, Joseph A. Skinner State Park, Mount Holyoke Range State Park, and Mount Tom Reservation. Call: (413) 626-4974

Saturday, June 16 9:00am to 12:00 Citizens Awareness Network 21st Anniversary and Annual Membership Meeting. Elections, Year in Review, and the Road to Close VT Yankee. First Congregational Church in Greenfield, 43 Silver St , Greenfield. Breakfast, prepared by Chef Brian Knox, will be served by from 9:00-10:30 am to the first 100 people who RSVP by June 6th. Reply to

Monday, June 18th, at 8am until 10am. Occupy Monsanto, Millions Against Monsanto, & food democracy activists. A Sidewalk Session – An open mic for activists to share & expose the dangers of the biotech industry. The biotechnology industry is conspiring to unleash more GMOs into the environment along with more toxic pesticides. WHERE: Sidewalk in front of the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, 415 Summer Street, Boston. Go to:

Monday, June 25, 8:30 am—12:00 pm. Massachusetts Regional WasteWise Forum, EcoBuilding Bargains, 83 Warwick Street, Springfield. Who Should Attend: Businesses, Institutions, Non-profits, Recycling Professionals, Colleges & Universities, Municipalities, and Other Organizations. RSVP: June 18, (413) 586-7350 x 289.

June 28th Regional Occupy gathering at Occupy New Haven perhaps with a true All New England March that evening, then the next day Occupy Caravan goes to Occupy Wall Street en route to final overnight in Newark June 29th before reaching Philly for the 5-day National Gathering on June 30th (the big day there will be the final day, July 4th). Go to:

Thursday, June 28 at 7:00pm Pioneer Valley Green Rainbow Party Meeting in the Frances Crowe Community Room, 60 Masonic Street, Northampton

That's it for to speak. Next time it really is the end of the world as we know it, so remember: listen to your Mother!

Monday, May 21, 2012

The Hidden Risk Enviro Show

Greetings Earthlings. We knew mercury makes us stupid, didn't we? I can't remember. In any case, "mercury accumulation, previously considered a risk for aquatic ecosystems, is also found in many wildlife species living on the land", that according to the Biodiversity Research Institute (BRI) and the Nature Conservancy. Allyson Jackson, Mercury in Forest Songbirds Project Leader and Associate Wildlife Research Biologist for BRI's Migratory Bird Program calls in with the details and our co-host, Glen calls in on another line as well, maybe from poolside at some fancy conference center. You know how Glen gets all mercurial on us when the subject of heavy metals comes up. BTW, Robin from Farm to Fork will join us on the board. As always, we'll checkout The Enviro Show Echo Chamber, visit the Fool-on-the-Hill and some E-Valley-uation, but first it's time for....Revenge of the Critters! Bengal tigers attack busload of tourists!

In our E-Valley-uation segment we think you might want to checkout the fledgling falcons and their parents nesting on top of the UMass library. We've been watching since the three chicks were eggs. Very cool (though you might not care for feeding time). Meanwhile, up in Maine, the Biodiversity Research Institute have their own eagle cam here. BRI has a Raptor Program as well. Since we're straying from the Valley here, checkout where Garrett and Maure from our anti-nuke SAGE Alliance strayed to: one of Entergy's other radioactive horror shows out at Plymouth, MA.

Speaking of cool, in The Enviro Show Echo Chamber we pass on this excellent story from Grist. Also, eco-warrior Capt. Paul Watson finds himself in another legal dust-up, this time in Germany facing extradition to Costa Rica on trumped-up charges after monkeywrenching some shark fining operation. Treehugger has the update. And, Treehugger also gives us an update on that North Sea mega-gas drilling leak we covered on an earlier Enviro Show. It looks like the leak has finally been plugged. But guess what: oil & gas drilling leaks and blowouts happen all the time, it goes with the territory (and everything in the territory suffers). Finally, an Enviro Show Blog Bonus Action Link: bats are victims of a hidden risk as well. Please help them out!

Our Fool-on-the-Hill has once again morphed into a plural Fools-on-the-Hill. Remember last year (or was it the year before?) when we reported on the record of the worst Repugnican Congress ever? Well guess what, they've out done themselves and beat their own record!

One of our favorites, "Nature Hatin' Blues" by The Lone Tones takes us to our interview with Allyson Jackson and our experiment with the phones. Then it's on to the Bus Stop Billboard:

Wednesday, May 23, 12:30 - 1:30; Brown Bag lunch - Noon. GreenWork. Pioneer Valley AFL-CIO Hall, 640 Page Boulevard, Springfield. GreenWork (the Western Mass Green Economy Working Group) consists of advocates for a Green Economy which serves local communities; guarantees workers' rights to organize; and promotes community-owned sustainable projects. Call: 413-565-2381

Wednesday May 23 5:30 - 8:30pm NRC Open House on VY Yankee Multipurpose room, Brattleboro Union High School Brattleboro VT The Nuclear Regulatory Commission will be in Brattleboro on Wednesday, May 23, to discuss the 2011 performance assessment for Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant. An open house will kick off the meeting, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., followed by a public meeting from 7 to 8:30 p.m. The 2011 assessment was issued on March 5. NRC staff will be available to answer questions on its role in ensuring safe plant operation. In addition, the NRC will host a question and answer session, during which members of the public will be able to ask questions or make statements in a public meeting. There will not be a formal NRC presentation during the public meeting. There are plans underway for street theater and other actions. More info: or

Friday June 1. Wade Rathke | The Battle for Lower Ninth: ACORN and the Rebuilding of New Orleans. 11:30am, lunch & discussion on the anniversary of the Springfield area tornado, 640 Page Blvd, Springfield. We need a head count – RSVP to (413) 827-0301 or 7pm, discussion & book signing, Odyssey Bookshop, 9 College St (Routes 116 & 47), in the Village Commons, South Hadley; 534-7307 or 800-540-7307;;

Friday May 25 to Thursday Jun 14 Solar Rollers Ride Again Brattleboro, VT and throughout the 14 counties of Vermont. The Solar Rollers are an anti-nuclear bicycling group formed to ride to Seabrook in 1978. Their first stop was the Vermont Yankee nuke – and they’ve been working to shut it down ever since.Beginning May 25th at 9:00am , the Solar Rollers will ride again, for their 34th anniversary tour. They will travel through all 14 counties of Vermont, talking to citizens along the way at potluck gatherings, through local media, and handing out informational fliers about the campaign to close VY. The Solar Rollers pedal what they preach – Turn on the Sun; Turn off the Nuke. They’ll bring that message to every corner of Vermont this spring.We need the informed citizens of the entire state behind us when we shut Vermont Yankee down – and the Solar Rollers need your help to reach ‘em. So get on a bike and join the Solar Rollers, or make a donation to their outreach tour; contact: 413-863-9296 for more information. Support events in different locations are being planned. Complete itinerary at:

SATURDAY JUNE 9, 9 AM – 6 PM NEW ENGLAND ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE SUMMIT. Clark University, Higgins University Center, 950 Main Street, Worcester. At this daylong event, community residents and activists, EJ advocates, citizens, lawyers, and policymakers will meet to discuss environmental issues in New England and their impacts on low-income people and people of color. Summit workshops will cover toxics and women’s health, energy justice, urban and rural issues, food justice, and a workshop on Title VI geared to lawyers interested in assisting environmental justice groups. Free breakfast/lunch/child care. Free admission. Go to:

That's it. We are out of here. Please be sure to listen to your Mother.....OK?

Sunday, May 06, 2012

Calling all Enviro Show fans!

Do you remember almost six years ago when everyone was so enthusiastic about having our own low-power community radio station in the Valley? We really need that kind of enthusiasm again in these troubled times. WXOJ-LP Valley Free Radio is struggling to survive, but we won’t let the Great Recession, the corporate media and endless distractions throw this community radio station under the bus. Together, we can not only keep VFR on the air broadcasting The Enviro Show and other excellent programs like the new Farm to Fork, but work to build a NEW Valley Free Radio! We’re just putting the finishing touches on our new website and putting out the call for new shows. We REALLY need you to help create the momentum going forward.

Only with your support can VFR broadcast shows like ours that go way beyond mainstream environmentalism. Only with your help can new programmers from community start their own shows on WXOJ-LP. On May 6 through 12th Valley Free Radio will be hosting our annual Spring On-air Fund Drive. We’ll have all sorts of premiums and incentives for listeners who pledge to keep VFR up & running. The Enviro Show will have the usual premiums like Tom Neilson CDs and those zany endangered species condoms, but this year we'll have a few extra surprises as well.

Please tune-in to 103.3fm Tuesday evening at 6:30 or catch our webcast at and help support progressive community radio. You can call in your pledge during the drive at (413)584-1160. But there’s no need to wait until next week. You can donate right now!

Go to and click on the “Donate” button to make your pledge. Help progressive programming on VFR by pledging your support now or by calling in during your favorite show.

OK, here's an Enviro Show Spring Pledge Drive Special Premium. There's only one of these on the face of the planet. It's the original art work for the Mass Earth First! logo done by Wendell artist Bob Ellis. The graphic is 15x20" posterboard suitable for framing. If you make a $250 pledge tonight on the show it's yours:

Pledge Drive or no, we still want to take a peek at the Bus Stop Billboard.

* Wednesday May 9, 16, 23, & 30 4-5pm CLOSE VERMONT YANKEE AS PLANNED Weekly Rallies In front of the Vermont State House, Montpelier, VT The Vermont legislature gets it, the PSB gets it and we get it: Entergy is a rogue corporation manipulating Vermont's democratic process Bring your banners and signs! Bring your chants and songs! Bring your friends! Call: (802) 476-3154

* Thursday, May 10, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Western Mass. Affinity Group Cluster Meeting Location: Equity Trust, 177 Avenue A. Turners Falls. More info:

* Sunday May 13 Noon No Escape from the Cape Demonstration Rt. 6 Cape Cod side of the Sagamore Bridge Mobilize to call attention to the serious dangers of the continued operation of the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Reactor in Plymouth and the fact that the Cape Cod bridges will be closed in the event of a radiological accident. More info: Paul Rifkin

* Tuesday May 15, 7pm, Northampton UU Meetinghouse. Why ending Corporate Personhood at the local level is the right place to do the work. 150 communities in seven states are doing just that, banning harmful corporate activities in their own back yards. Paul Cienfuegos , known for his advocacy of "rights-based organizing," will speak, sponsored by the Occupy Affinity group of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship.

* Wednesday May 16, 7am-10am, Bay State Bike Week is quickly approaching, and the Northampton Bike Week on the courthouse lawn kicks it off. Email:

* Sunday May 20 1pm Shut Down Pilgrim NOW! Plymouth, MA, near the main gate of the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station. Park at 1 Elliot Lane, Plymouth, Ma and walk to Pilgrim gate. Groups of concerned citizens from across New England will gather in Plymouth to demand that the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Reactor's 40-year operations expire with it's present license: by June 8, 2012. The General Electric Mark 1 Boiling Water Reactor is the same design that failed at four reactors in Japan. For more information, contact David Agnew or Diane Turco

* Wednesday May 23 5:30 - 8:30pm NRC Open House on VY Yankee Multipurpose room, Brattleboro Union High School Brattleboro VT The Nuclear Regulatory Commission will be in Brattleboro to discuss the 2011 performance assessment for Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant. There are plans underway for street theater and other actions. More info: or

* Friday May 25 to Thursday Jun 14 Solar Rollers Ride Again Brattleboro, VT and throughout the 14 counties of Vermont. We need the informed citizens of the entire state behind us when we shut Vermont Yankee down – and the Solar Rollers need your help to reach ‘em. So get on a bike and join the Solar Rollers, or make a donation to their outreach tour; contact: 413-863-9296 for more information.

OK, that's it for now. Please support the show and.....listen to your Mother!