Blog Archive

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Another Very Scary Enviro Show

Greetings Earthlings. Are we ready for All Hallows Eve, the Pagan Festival of Samhain? Our new house witch, Michelle returns to set the stage. Also, we get a scary call from our favorite Nukebuster, Deb Katz on that very spooky nuclear power plant looming just over the border in Vermont. O, and guess what? Speaking of frightening, there are now 7 BILLION PEOPLE on planet Earth! Where will we put them all?? In any case, we'll take you trick or treating into The Enviro Echo Chamber and drag you kicking and screaming to Meet the New Boss and the Fools-on-the-Hill, but first it's time for...Revenge of the Critters! Beware of Sharks....on the links? No, not those golfing politicians, REAL sharks!

Following our All Hallows Eve celebration the Fool-on-the-Hill goes plural once again: This time the U.S. House Repugnicans walk away with the prize. They have manufactured the most anti-environment congress.....EVER! Are we surprised? No?? This is what you get when the Enemies of the Earth are allowed to play with the adults.

On to the Enviro Show Echo Chamber, where you might want to get into the swing of things and Occupy some boardrooms. We also have a list of ways to support the Occupy movement from YES Magazine. Also this from PETA: the recent wholesale slaughter of escaped exotic (AND highly endangered) species in Ohio puts a spotlight on that state's lack of regulation. You can take action here. And, a Halloween trick from MassPirg on the Bottle Bill. Finally, a treat! Corporados frightened of scary protesters!

In our E-Valley-uation segment the BIG news is that old frightening coal-burning power plant by Mt. Tom may be headed for the dustbin of history......or at least retooled for a less noxious fuel source. The folks at Toxics Action Center tell us "the Holyoke City Council adopted a resolution to do a reuse study and engage the public in how to reuse the plant in an environmentally friendly way once it closes." OK, how about we install treadmills and put some of those criminal banksters in them? Good idea?

Then it's time to Meet the New Boss and his Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton who seems to have some...umm...special relationship? with TransCanada and their bogus Keystone pipeline. Check the blog for all those treats! As for her boss: how about his old campaign promise to have genetically engineered food labeled? What? Campaign promises don't mean a thing? Who knew! More coming up.

After Deb scares the tar out of us we move on to the Bus Stop Billboard:

Everyday: Occupy Northampton. General assembly Tuesday-Thursday 8pm, Friday-Monday 4pm. Protesting on Main Street EVERY DAY from 5pm-8pm. This Saturday's Occupation 11am to 1pm at Pulaski Park. Go to: Email:

Wednesdays 5pm & Sundays 12pm: Occupy Amherst on the Town Common. See you all there! Email: Go to:

Mondays: Occupy Greenfield: on the Greenfield Common every Monday 5-6pm. Info: Joe Kurland & Peggy Davis,

Wednesday, October 26, 7-9 p.m. STUDYING MOUNTAIN LIONS WITH MARK ELBROCH . Sliding scale fee. Location to be determined. Pre-registration at Hitchcock Center for the Environment required; please call 413-256-6006.

Friday, October 28, 7:30 pm. The Echo Lake Coffeehouse presents WOOL&GRANT with special guest, Arjuna Greist. Town Hall, 9 Montague Rd., Leverett, MA. Email:

SATURDAY October 29th , 12-6 pm. Occupy Springfield! Converge together once again on Court Square in Springfield. Rally from 12-5 (get there when you can; you certainly don't have to be there the whole time to participate) - and then General Assembly from 5-6. Please bring food.

Sunday, Oct 30, noon. Call to Action: Rally at the Gates of the Vermont Yankee nuclear reactor. 546 Governor Hunt Rd. Vernon, VT. We will not allow this reactor to operate beyond its scheduled closure date. It is time to close up and clean up. Go to:

Thursday, November 3, 7:00 PM: Talk and film clips on nuclear power in japan with award winning Japanese film maker, Hitomi Kamanka. Also a Fukushima Exhibit.
at Unitarian Society of Northampton, 220 Main Street — preceded by 6:00 PM potluck with Ms. Kamanaka at same location.

Sat, Nov 5, 8:30a-4:30p
m. Creating Greenfield's Future: Our Food, Economy, and Community. Greenfield Community College, Main Campus

. Greening Greenfield Energy Committee. Call: 413-773-7004

Saturday Nov. 5, 9 – 11 am. Occupy Amherst & others do Bank Transfer Day in front of Bank of America, Amherst. Go to:

Sunday, November 6, Noon. Occupy Amherst. Contact: Dylan, at 339 364 4154 or email at

Sunday, November 6. All day. Encircle the White House in opposition to the proposed Keystone Tar Sands Pipeline. Go to:

Thursday, November 17, 9:30a.m. Meeting of Nuclear free Future in the AFSC office, 2 Conz Street, Suite 2B, Northampton. Call: (413) 584-8975

OK, time to turn out the lights, pull down the shades,and refuse to answer the door. This place is way too scary. O, one more thing: listen to your Mother!

Saturday, October 08, 2011

The Occupy Everywhere Enviro Show

Greetings Earthlings. We are fresh back from the front in the non-violent struggle against the corporados. D.O. & Jean will report back on their trip to both the #OccupyWallStreet and #OccupyBoston. We're hoping they will add The Rights of Nature to their declarations. Also, our roving reporter, Tom Neilson will report back from the DC Occupation of Freedom Plaza, then we remind everyone that the rape of the forests and the fouling of the biosphere is all about Corporate America with Chris Matera of Mass Forest Watch who joins us once again to connect the dots. As always we venture into our E-Valley-uation segment, the Enviro Show Echo Chamber and visit the Fool-on-the-hill, but first it's time for...Revenge of the Critters! Human rights? How about bats rights!

In The Enviro Show Echo Chamber we note The New York Times has discovered the importance of forests. How's that for hard-nosed reporting! Of course, we have to give them some credit for their front page, above the fold coverage of the Wall Street Occupation....but only some. And speaking of New York, how about YOU send Mayor Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Kelly a note reminding them about the First Amendment? Did we say Occupy Wall Street? How about the State Department! And this from Grist: UK activist denied entry into The States due to super glue attack on Obama!

In our E-Valley-uation segment we send out kudos to the folks who Occupied Northampton and Occupied Amherst. Who knows, maybe we'll even consider OccupiedQuabbin!

This week's Fool-on-the-Hill goes plural. GOP members of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee get to wear the Fool's cap for their opposition to a proposed regulation that would restrict the transportation and importation of nine types of snakes, including the Burmese Python, that are invasive and threatening to wildlife. Apparently, exotic invasives are job creators! Who knew! We thought all the snakes in the grass lying about job creation were Repugnican congressmen.

Our Enviro Show Quote of the Week comes from Anonymous:

"We are legion. We are everywhere!" Well.....yeah!

After our interview with Chris we head over to the Bus Stop Billboard:

Wednesday, October 12, 2pm. Occupy UMass, Student Union steps. Go to:

Wednesday, October 12, 5:30pm. Join Jobs with Justice, Occupy Boston, IBEW 2222, and CWA for a day of action for working people, against the wealthy 1% that holds our government and our country hostage. We are joining forces to march from OccupiedBoston at Dewey Square to Verizon and demand that the company accept the union's contract proposal. Verizon must not cut health care, pensions, wages, and security for the workers who keep Verizon running. Contact Jobs With Justice at 617-524-8778

Wednesday, October 12,7:00pm - 10:00pm. Free screening of "Inside Job" on the side of Bank of America, 144 Main Street, Northampton. The story of how Wall Street totally screwed us. Bring a sweater--Bring a seat--Bring a friend!

Saturday, October 15, 1:00 pm. March & Rally to Stop Wars Home & Abroad. Park Street Station at Boston Common (Park & Tremont), Boston. Call: 781-285-8622

Monday, October 17, 8:30am - 6:00pm. Occupy Springfield! Court Sq, Springfield. If your incensed about being economically marginalized and angry about the democratic process being usurped by big business and corporations -- meet at Court Sq. in Springfield on October 17th at 8:30 a.m. Bring your signs and defiance to this event. Let the world know that you aren't going to remain silent and complacent. Be angry -- it's all that you have left.

October 22, 3-9 p.m. Citizens Awareness Network's 20th anniversary party at Kiwanis Park in Bernardston, MA. Cover charge: sliding scale. B.Y.O.B. Now we are creating a sustainable energy future by replacing Vermont Yankee!
• Patty Carpenter and friends – Blues / Folk Rock / Jazz
• Wildcat O’Halloran – Blues / Classic Rock
• Brook Batteau and The New Cosmology - Rock / Dance Pop
• Rae C Wright’s tips on proper radiation hygiene
• Our favorite M.C., Will Nukem
• D.J. Emporer
No one turned away for lack of funds. For information and directions:
Citizens Awareness Network • 413-339-5781 •

Wednesday, October 26, 7-9 p.m. STUDYING MOUNTAIN LIONS WITH MARK ELBROCH . Sliding scale fee. Location to be determined. Pre-registration at Hitchcock Center for the Environment required; please call 413-256-6006.

Sunday, Oct 30, noon. Call to Action: Rally at the Gates of the Vermont Yankee nuclear reactor. 546 Governor Hunt Rd. Vernon, VT.
We will not allow this reactor to operate beyond its scheduled closure date. It is time to close up and clean up. Go to:

There. We've occupied your time long enough....'til next time, that is. There is however one more thing we must add: LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER!!

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

The Fall of Corporate America

There was the Arab Spring and there is the North American Autumn; the harvest time when the fruits of our labor are gathered up and stored. The Rites of Autumn concern a return to balance, darkness and light in sync. Following a long season of growing unrest, an economy out of balance and the social fabric torn and twisted, it's time for the fall of Corporate America. The 99% of North Americans who are not filthy rich want to harvest the promise of the United States of America and like the seed corn saved for the next growing season, they look forward to the democracy nurtured by our agrarian ancestors, by the founders.

No need to repeat what we already know here: the litany of inequality, the injustice of rule by oligarchs and their enablers, and the broken promise of the Pledge of Allegiance. You've read all that. You've lived it through unemployment or underemployment; through homelessness or dispossession; through the loss of liberty and the degradation of a democratic form of government. Now, at last, comes the turning. Now we take stock and prepare for the long hard winter.

Corporate America was genetically engineered by the filthy rich. It was always out of balance, a fabrication, a fake. The so-called Tea Party was a product of Corporate America. It was funded and promoted by the corporados and the banksters. They served the interests of Corporate America, disguised as patriots. The corporate media focused on the so-called Tea Party, misleading Americans to believe they spoke for the average citizen. They did not. Nor did Republican candidates who spoke in folksy ways or posed by tractors at county fairs. Republicans speak for the filthy rich, there is no daylight between them and the so-called Tea Party. That tea is tainted, poisoned.

Corporate America is not a person either. The myth of corporate personhood, like the myth of a patriotic Tea Party, was also a fabrication of the wealthy. Their minions on the Supreme Court began the process of corporate dominance long ago. The founders of the United States of America warned us about them. Now we begin to reverse that process, to return the power to the people, to their communities.

It is no accident that the Occupation of Wall Street grew out of the anti-corporate, anti-consumer society ranks, from operations like Ad Busters and the countless numbers of people fed up with money in politics, stolen elections, lobbyists in government, the destruction of democracy and the commodification of our society and the planet. We don't buy the concept of corporate personhood. We don't believe in Corporate America.

The Occupation of Wall Street and the growing occupations of other streets all across North America and around the world, tells us that we have finally reached a tipping point; a time when students, young couples, workers, the unemployed and underemployed, senior citizens of limited means, and untold numbers of other Americans have said to Corporate America and its enablers: enough! basta! We want an end to Corporate America. We want the return of the United States of America.

- d.o.