Saturday, Jan 9, 10am-5pm: Nonviolent direct action workshop
and strategy session
Sunday, Jan 10, 6:30pm-8:30pm: Panel discussion "Selling
the Sky: Carbon Trading and the Failure of Copenhagen"
Monday, Jan 11, 7 pm - 9:00 pm: Presentation: "From COP 15
to Climate Justice Movement"
Tuesday, Jan 12, noon: Press Event: Featuring renowned climate scientist DR. JAMES
HANSEN, and FATHER PAUL MAYER, of the Climate
Crisis Coalition
Wednesday, Jan 13, 11:30pm: Rally and protest action outside of
the 2nd Annual Carbon Trading Summit
Following closely on the heels of the failed UN Copenhagen climate
conference, the Second Annual Carbon Trade Summit will convene in New
York City, bringing together representatives of some of the most
polluting industries, industry associations, carbon financiers, banks,
government officials and corporate "big greens."
Participants will include executives from JP Morgan Chase, Goldman
Sachs, Duke Energy, and many more.
Here they
will discuss how to take advantage of the emerging carbon markets.
Under a veneer of greenwash, they will be determining ways to ensure
that marketable allowances for greenhouse gases (a.k.a.,
"cap-and-trade" schemes) remain the centerpiece of global
climate policy.
Never before in history has the need for a grassroots resistance
movement been more urgently needed. Climate scientists now tell us we
are on course for 4 to 7 degrees of warming in the coming century, a
death sentence for much of life on this planet, including human
populations starting with the most vulnerable. If the climate movement
is going to have any chance for success, it must confront the true
source of this emergency. Placing the future of life on the altar of
market fundamentalism is a path to annihilation.
Join us and take a stand for climate justice!
*Nonviolent direct action and civil disobedience workshop
WHEN: Saturday. Jan. 9 from 10am to 5pm
WHERE: The Change You Want To See Gallery: 84 Havemeyer St. (at
Metropolitan Ave), Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
Discussion: "Selling the Sky: Carbon Trading and the Failure of
Copenhagen." With Dr. Michael Dorsey, Professor of
Environmental Studies at Dartmouth College, Cecil Corbin-Mark of West
Harlem Environmental Action (WEACT) and Brian Tokar of the Institute
for Social Ecology. (also invited but not yet confirmed: Patrick Bond,
University of S Africa and Joan Yang, Deputy Ambassador from
WHEN: Sunday Jan. 10, at 6:30 p.m.
WHERE: Unity Hall, 235 W. 23rd St., between 7th and 8th Avenues (1, C,
E, F, or V train to 23rd St.)
***Presentation and discussion: Climate Change: From COP15 to
Climate Justice Movement, with Tina Gerhardt (journalist,
academic, activist just returned from Copenhagen)
WHEN: Monday Jan 11 at 7 p.m.
WHERE: Bluestockings Bookstore, 172 Allen Street (between Houston and
**** Tuesday, Jan 12 at noon: Press Event: Featuring renowned climate scientistDR.
the Climate Crisis Coalition and representing concerned members of the
religious community.
***** Rally and protest outside of the Carbon Trading Summit (Embassy Suites Hotel)
WHEN: Wednesday Jan. 13th, 12 noon
WHERE: Irish Hunger Memorial Park
(Nearest stop:
World Trade Center (E train): walk 1 block south to Vesey St.,
turn right (west), cross West St., and continue west past the Embassy
Suites Hotel to the Irish Hunger Memorial.
OR: From Chambers St. station (A, C, 1, 2, 3): 5 short blocks south to
Vesey St., continue as above.
OR: From City Hall station (R, W) or Park Place (2, 3): 2-3
blocks south to Vesey St., continue as above.
What is carbon trading and why is it a false solution that blocks
positive alternatives?
Corporations are claiming the atmosphere as a private commodity
and buying and selling "rights" to pollute it. Manipulation
of these "rights" - in combination with so-called
"offsets" (projects that claim to reduce emissions on their
behalf, but most often do not) - will allow the industry to stonewall
real pollution reductions for another 15 to 20 years, with devastating
consequences for all life on earth. Carbon markets in the European
Union have proven extremely volatile, prone to manipulation and
gaming, and they do not help reduce emissions.
Why would this stalling be dangerous and immoral?
The consensus of science is that we do not have time to waste. Tipping
points of runaway global warming are already being approached. It is
absolutely necessary that real pollution reductions begin immediately
and proceed expeditiously. It is grossly immoral to turn this greatest
threat to humanity into yet another economic bubble for Wall
How did corporate power sabotage Copenhagen?
The U.S. went to Copenhagen with an abysmally weak offer. Obama
claimed (incorrectly) that he could not go beyond the targets that had
been approved in the House of Representatives. At both the UN and
Congressional levels, this is the product of a corporate war on
reason, combined with lobbying in the extreme (e.g., 4-5 climate
lobbyists per member of Congress). They are blocking efforts to secure
a safe future, misleading the public about the seriousness of the
threat, and advocating persistently for so-called "market
mechanisms" as the only means to reduce emissions. These
corporations have a stranglehold on both the U.S. Congress and on
international climate policy.
What can we do?
Join the movement! Demand "system change, not climate
change"! As tens of thousands of people chanted a few weeks ago
on the streets of Copenhagen, "Our climate is not their
business!" Carbon trade won't save us: it's up to us.
Climate SOS, ( Beyond Talk (Climate Pledge
of Resistance), Institute for Social Ecology, The Change You Want to
See Gallery and others are gathering allies to protest this event. To
join this effort and take a stand for climate justice, for real
solutions, and for the future of our planet, please
or visit us on facebook:
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