Greetings Earthlings. Happy Groundhog Day! We leave poor Punxsutawney Phil to his lame-ass jailers (unless some liberation is afoot, let us know!) and get the real story on woodchucks from Christine Maher at the University of Southern Maine. Her primary research focuses on woodchuck behavior and ecology. We'll also have a look at woodchucks being captured and used as lab experiments and the all-out war on chucks by suburbanites. Did we say Happy Groundhog Day? How about Happy Imbolc? It's the festival of the Maiden, for from this day to March 21st, it is her season to prepare for growth and renewal. Brighid's snake emerges from the womb of the Earth Mother to test the weather, (the origin of Groundhog Day), and in many places the first Crocus flowers began to spring forth from the frozen earth. Now you know! As always, we checkout the latest news in The Enviro Show Echo Chamber; checkout Obama's record in our Meet the New Boss segment, do some E-Valley-uation, and go for the Quote of the week, but first it's time for.............
Revenge of the Critters! You guessed it: Groundhog attack! A little correction here, the critter in the film "Caddyshack" was a gopher from the family Geomyidae. Groundhogs, or woodchucks are from the family Sciuridae BUT several ground squirrels of the family Sciuridae are often called it?
In The Enviro Show Echo Chamber we rewind Grist's coverage of the RFK, Jr. vs. Don Blackenschtick debate on mountain-top removal. Finally, some good news! It looks like the Cap & Trade charade may be kicked to the curb in the Climate Bill!
The Quote of the Week: "The animals of the world exist for their own reasons. They were not made for humans any more than black people were made for white, or women created for men". ~Alice Walker
In our Meet the New Boss segment let's checkout Obama's enviro report card. It looks like The One is just an average student (Huh? We thought he was the smartest guy in the room??) BUT he aced the test on energy efficiency!
Then it's time for some E-Valley-uation! Worried about that clunky old Vermont Yankee nuke just over the border leaking Tritium into the groundwater? Imagine if your kids attended the Vernon Elementary School across the street or if you happened to live along the Connecticut River? (ahem!). Read more here. This from Northampton Media: Noho Board of Public Works bails on that bogus landfill extension over the Barnes Aquifer BUT not without saying it would've been safe! (pass the hot-air sickness bag again!).
"O Groundhog" by Lisa Loeb from "Catch The Moon" takes us to our interview with Christine Maher.
Finally it's on to the Bus Stop Billboard:
Wednesday February 3 , 7-8:30pm, The Biomess & Green Jobs. Mary Booth, Jon Weissman & others consider the issues. Traprock Center for Peace and Justice, 24 Miles St, Greenfield. Call (413) 773-7427).
Friday Feb 5 - Sunday, Feb 7, A Feast of Lights, The Clarion Hotel, 1 Atwood Dr. (just off of I-91), Northampton. A festival of community, hope, Earth spirituality, and the arts taking place at the ancient Celtic midwinter festival of Imbolg. The Stag King's Masque, a masquerade dance and ritual performance on Saturday night, February 6th, is a journey into another realm. Come in costume. Call 413-238-4240.
Tuesday, Feb. 9, 5 p.m. – 7 p.m. MA State Department of Conservation and Recreation public forum on recommendations on the best way to manage forest lands within the state parks system. Whoa! Do we have input!! Jones Library, 43 Amity St., Amherst. Call 617-626-1453
Saturday Feb. 13, 1 - 2pm. Moose on the Loose. Come learn about the effects of: urban sprawl on moose; the changes in the moose range; and the overall biology of the moose. Great Falls Discovery Center, Avenue A, Turners Falls. Call (413)863-3221.
Saturday, February 13, 8 to 10 a.m. Winter Nature Walk. Get out on a winter Saturday and see what is happening in nature in the cold. We will explore a portion of the Quabbin Reservation. Hitchcock Center for the Environment, Amherst. Pre-registration is required; please call (413) 256-6006.
Saturday, February 13, 1-5 pm. Awakening the Dreamer. 2nd Congregational Church, Greenfield. Through videos of indigenous leaders, activists, philosophers, and scientists the workshop will help participants awaken from the seductive trance of unlimited progress, private interest and unrestrained growth and material accumulation and help us reconnect with the earth and reclaim our future. Call (413)773-7004
Friday, Feb 19, 9 AM to 2:30 PM. Do you know any young men or women who would benefit from the opportunity to learn green jobs skills? The program will begin February 19th and candidates should sign up now by calling The Brick House at 413-863-9559 or emailing
Saturday March 6, 8 pm, Burrito Rojo in Turners. Tom Neilson's new CD release gig. Call (413)863-3111
Saturday, March 13 at 9am. Mountain Justice Spring Break 2010. "Stand in solidarity with communities impacted by dirty coal!"Southwest Virginia. Email: mdriggs[at]gmail[dot]com or call (508)361-0136
We do believe that is all for now. Next time it's our Department of Consternation and Reprobation (DCR) show. F'get about conservation & recreation! This is the Commonwealth of Massachusetts! Until then, remember: listen to your Mother!