Blog Archive

Friday, July 18, 2008

The Return of the Wolf Enviro Show

Greetings Earthlings. It’s Koyanaskatsi, a world out of balance, thanks to industrialized human-centric society, but hey, we can evolve right?? Umm….right? Re-wilding, or reintroducing displaced species may be part of the solution. We have a conversation with Rob Edward, Carnivore Recovery Director for WildEarth Guardians. Of course we’ll always find time to bash Bush and the Empire, and checkout The Enviro Show Echo Chamber and Quote of the Week, as well as a call from Tom Neilson out on the road, but first it’s time for....Revenge of the Critters! We jump into the Wayback Machine for a tale of man and wolf.

The Enviro Show Quote of the Week comes from the dean of enviro thought, Aldo Leopold from the essay "Thinking like a mountain": "The cowman who cleans his range of wolves does not realize that he is taking over the wolf's job of trimming the herd to fit the range. He has not learned to think like a mountain. Hence we have dustbowls, and rivers washing the future into the sea." Ahmen!

Los Lobos' "Will the Wolf Survive?" takes us to the Enviro Show Echo Chamber where we revisit the Boston Globe story about the Gray wolf that was killed in Shelburne last March. This sorry incident is what led us to do this week’s show on wolf reintroduction. We also checkout the Restore the North Woods website and the latest on Northeast wolf reintroduction from the Maine Wolf Coalition. You can meet some LIVE reps from the wolf community right here in the Commonwealth, by the way. Checkout Wolf Hollow in Ipswich. Then we read from the Daily Hampshire Gazette’s coverage of the recent event concerning the Northampton landfill expansion proposal.

It's that Darth Cheney dirge again! When will it end!! Glen, what’s the count? How many days?? Of course you’ve heard Darth and the boy emperor want to drill their way out of the gas crisis (a scam within a scam within a scam...these guys are the worst!). Bush says he’ll lift the ban on offshore drilling signed by his father. That will go exactly nowhere since there’s also a congressional ban (though Cape Wind proponents might like the sight of more trashed coastlines!....sorry, couldn't resist). Luckily Barbra Boxer and Nancy Pelosi are digging in their high heels. Here’s the Enviro Show Blog Bonus: Dig your heels in too!. Did you catch the emperor’s farewell "joke" at the G8? He said to his fellow leaders: "Goodbye from the world’s biggest polluter." The rightwing flat-earth robos loved it. Gaia, help rid us of this plague!!

Meanwhile, here in the real world, we checkout the Bus stop billboard:

Wednesday July 23, 5:30-7:30pm, Green Economy Working Group meeting , Pioneer Valley CLC, 640 Page Blvd, Springfield. Contact Eduardo Suarez (335-6224),

July 22 – August 3; Northeast Climate Confluence; High Falls, NY. Check it out

Saturday, August 2; 12pm. STOP WAR ON IRAN ! Mass march in NYC. Go to:

August 6-9; Walk for a Nuclear Free Future
From Williamstown, MA to Montpelier, VT
For further info. Heidi 518-885-1806 or Hattie 978-249-6224

Saturday, August 9, Noon.
Valley Free Radio will be celebrating its third birthday with a benefit music event at Look Park, Route 9 in Northampton. Ride your bike, take the bus (Red 42 leaves Court House at Noon and 1pm) or walk-in and avoid parking fees!

Friday, August 15. Surround the Federal Building in Springfield! No war on Iran!
For more info call AFSC 413-584-8975 / 413-320-1002 c

August 10 – 25; Solar Rollers back on the trail in Vermont!!
Please contact us if you are interested in joining this ride! or would like to
organize a potluck and discussion group in a town on the route or near! or call David 413-863-9296 or Peg 802-387-4845.

End of story for this week. Next time we get down with the reptiles: let's talk snakes! Until then, remember to......LISTEN TO YUR' MOTHER!

Saturday, July 05, 2008

The Summer Grab Bag Enviro Show

Greetings Earthlings. Time to declare our independence from the enemies of the planet. Tom Neilson puts on his roving reporter’s hat and phones in from the heartland to talk about the proposed dumping of coal ash on farm land (what a concept!). We have a peek at local clearcutting facilitated by the Commonwealth (in their infinite wisdom!) and, as always, we give you the Enviro Show Quote of the Week, a visit with Darth Cheney and the boy emperor (both of whom experienced some un-welcomed rebellion on July 4 ), but first it’s time for......Revenge of the Critters! Slug epidemic in the UK!

Since it's the Grab Bag Enviro Show we thought we'd reference this past national holiday and the Bush regime's schemes for more war with "Army Nation" by the Boston band, Girl on Top. That'll take us to The Enviro Show Quote of the Week: A year ago, Barack Obama compared "the tyranny of oil" to that of Fascism saying, "The very resource that has fueled our way of life over the last hundred years now threatens to destroy it if our generation does not act now and act boldly." We assume such bold action does not include making war on Iran. How about a War on Corporados?

There it is again! Glen, is it over now?? Looks like the boy emperor caught some flak on his July 4 visit to Tomas Jefferson’s house! Meanwhile, here in the birthplace of Independence, Darth Cheney got a similar reception on the Fourth of July. So much for the good news, on to the Bush regimes usual misdeeds, like for instance White House tries to keep EPA from showing how greenhouse gases could be regulated. And this, Former EPA official talks about White House's unwillingness to regulate greenhouse gas emissions. No!

In the Enviro Show Echo Chamber we take a look at all the clearcuts here in the Commonwealth with a visit to the ClearcutMA blog. Stumps don’t lie, folks. You have to see it to believe it!

Finally, it's time to scope out the Bus Stop Billboard:

Thursday, July 10; 6:30pm. Friends of Southampton Greenway
speaker series at the Edwards Library. This month's speaker
is Mark Samsel, President of the Windham Rail Trail.
More info at:

Thursday, July 10, 17, 24; 4:30 - 5:30 pm
Weekly Green Energy Vigil!! Wells Fountain, Junction of Linden and Main, Brattleboro, VT. We will be here every week until Vermont Yankee is closed. Come join US!!
More info 802-387-4060

Friday - Sunday, July 25-27, Clamshell Alliance Reunion!
World Fellowship Center, Albany, NH. Call 603-447-2280

July 27 - August 3, Northeast Climate Confluence: High Falls, NY
At the convergences there will be dozens of workshops and trainings,
networking opportunities, and strategy sessions aimed at building a
strong grassroots movement for climate justice. The convergences are
spaces not only to fight climate change but to throw off the yoke of
corporate control over our lives, working to build community controlled
alternatives to Wall Street and Washington. The convergences will be
models of the world we wish to live in, utilizing sustainable living
skills and consensus based decision making by all participants.

The convergences are also an opportunity to hone your direct action
skills and put them into, well, action. While creating sustainable
alternatives is important, indeed necessary, we must also continue to
confront those that are creating and profiting from the climate crisis.
Each climate convergence will culminate in an exciting and empowering
direct action taking on a different aspect of the climate crisis in each

To register visit:

Saturday, August 2; 12pm. STOP WAR ON IRAN !
Mass march in NYC. Go to:

August 6-9; Walk for a Nuclear Free Future
From Williamstown, MA to Montpelier, VT
For further info. Heidi 518-885-1806 or Hattie 978-249-6224

August 10 – 25; Solar Rollers back on the trail in Vermont!!
Please contact us if you are interested in joining this ride! or would like to
organize a potluck and discussion group in a town on the route or near! or call David 413-863-9296 or Peg 802-387-4845.

OK for this day. Next time it's wolf reintroduction in the great northeast. Until then remember: listen to your Mother......and throw out the tyrants!