Greetings Earthlings. We return to the subject of the climate crisis once again, this time we head north with a call-in from Chris Cuomo on the impact of climate change to native Alaskans. This week we take a little more time delving into the sins of Darth Cheney and the boy emperor, as well as the presumed successor to the throne, John McSame. We'll give you the Enviro Show Quote of the Week and stop off at the Bus Stop Billboard (this time we'll take time to read the notices), but first it's time for......
Revenge of the Critters! Tree attacks golf cart! It was another one of those days on the links in Minnesota. One golfer says: “I’ve seen this happen time and time again. You make the turn after shooting a 48 and polishing off two dogs and a six pack of the Beast, when out of nowhere a tree attacks your golf cart!” One of the occupants had his leg impaled by the tree they rammed on what was believed to be drunk driving in the rough.. Hey, no one ever said there’s no such thing as payback! Get a clue: golf courses are part of the problem!
Here's our Quote of the Week:
"What is the use of a house if you haven't got a tolerable planet to put it on?"
- Henry David Thoreau
There it is again! What’s the Bush regime countdown now?? Speaking of the Dark Lord, it seems Cheney wants to drill for oil everywhere! Naturally, the boy emperor (and his would be successor) couldn’t help but....err..pipe up about it? Then, as if by plan (hmmm...) the emperor from Big Oil tries coercing Dems into opening our coastlines to Big Oil, effectively blaming Dems for the high price of oil! Is anyone stupid enough to believe him?? Big Oil already has thousands of unused leases and idle wells in the U.S.! AND, of course, the Repugnicans in Congress already showed their true colors on climate change the week before Darth, the emperor, and John McSame began their latest surge for Big Oil. Did we mention that crazy John McSame wants to build 45 new nukes by 2030?
Here's the Enviro Show Blog Bonus: checkout this video about how Big Oil fuels McSame’s not so Straight Talk Express!
The tune "Excuse me your planet is burning" by Andy Vine takes us to our interview with Chris.
Duct taped to the Bus Stop Billboard we find:
Wednesday June 25, 5:30-7:30pm, ARE "GREEN JOBS" UNION JOBS? Pioneer Valley CLC, 640 Page Blvd, Springfield. Green Jobs are all the rage now - for good reason, especially in Western Mass, where retrofitting buildings could provide a lot of jobs and we have the expertise, BUT are they union jobs? Info: Jon Weissman, 827-0301, wmjwj@wmjwj.org.
July 4. Brattleboro, VT and Amherst, MA. Ideas for float or display? Interested in participating? Handing out Info? Join Nuclear Free Vermont or CAN or a Safe and Green Town group! Call for more info Claire 413-863-8952 or cchang@nukebusters.org
Sunday, July 6, 2008, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. PLANTS OF BARTON'S COVE. This field trip, covering about two miles, will focus on plant identification and natural history. The trail is steep in spots, so wear hiking boots or sturdy shoes. Bring a bag lunch, a hand lens if you have one, a favorite field guide or two, and perhaps a pair of binoculars in case we spot any eagles. Limited to 15 participants. Call the Hitchcock Center for the Environment at (413) 256-6006
July 30th – August 3rd . You are Invited to the Northeast Climate Confluence at Epworth Camp & Retreat Center, High Falls, NY. THE CONFLUENCE is a week long event where we will come together to share ideas and skills, strengthen our relationships, and create solutions to take care of our basic needs. There will be workshops, performances, trainings and strategy sessions about the issues affecting our communities and our planet. Call: (413) 863-6383 Or write to: northeast@climateconvergence.org http://www.ClimateConfluence.org/
That's it. Not much happening. It's summer in the Valley. Enjoy it, take a hike! BUT, remember to.....LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER!
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