It was time to step on the toes of our sister show, Farm to Fork, with an interview with Roberta Spitko of New England Fruit Consultants, an independent agricultural consulting firm. We looked at some of the Toxic Tales of Chemical Agriculture. You all know there’s no real line between the environment and agriculture, right? Given that a sizable portion of some of the best bottomland in the nation has been paved over or turned into suburban barbecue zones here in the Happy Valley it seems sane to protect what little is left, no? Also, the DEP and the EPA: are they just useless acronyms or can they be made to work again? But first.......It was time for Revenge of the Critters! Orca performance slave says: ENOUGH ALREADY!
There’s that theme again! Glen, what’s the countdown? When do Bush & Cheney leave DC and crawl back down to the Underworld? Whenever, the Bush regime is about to discover a holiday gift from We the People: the new chair of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, John Dingell is no Kris Kringle, but he is gonna’ find out who’s naughty or nice in the White House! Speaking of far-right enemies of the Earth or Fools on The Hill, can we gloat once again over Sen. James M. Inhofe, FORMER chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, emptying out his desk?
Also, the boy emperior's EPA considers getting the lead out.... from the list of air pollutants, that is. They have other really bad ideas down at EPA as well, such as shredding the books! And speaking of bureaucratic b.s., Glen pulled out of his hat: The Massachusetts DEP has for nearly a decade allowed hundreds of industries to discharge 1.4 million gallons of toxic wastewater per day into the Commonwealth's municipal sewage plants. Where do we get these people???
As always, we took a peek at the Bus Stop Billboard before the PVTA takes down all those unsightly fliers:
Saturday, 16 December 2006, 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM. The next monthly planning meeting of Five Rivers Council. Greenfield Community College downtown center, 270 Main St.
Wednesday December 13, 7pm, JOHN NICHOLS: “THE GENIUS OF IMPEACHMENT” Odyssey Bookshop, 9 College St (Routes 116 at 47), in the
Village Commons, S Hadley, 534-7307 or 800-540-7307
Thursday, Dec. 14 & 21, 4-5 pm Weekly Green Energy Vigil. Wells Fountain, Junction of Linden and Main, Brattleboro, VT. We will be here every week until Vermont Yankee is closed. Come join US!! for more info 802-387-4060
Thurs, Dec 21, 5:30-6:30 pm Anti Nuke Caroling, Downtown Greenfield, MA
Start at the Greenfields Market. Come Sing in Joyous Protest
These wonderful, funny, serious anti-nuke lyrics to traditional christmas carols!!
Friday December 15, 5pm, “AMERICA, PRAY FOR WAL-MART TO CHANGE” CANDLELIGHT VIGIL. Wal-Mart parking lot, 337 Russell St (Rt 9), Hadley. Join WakeUp Wal-Mart, Pioneer Valley AFL-CIO, and WMass Jobs with Justice in a candlelight vigil with several religious speakers praying for affordable health insurance for Wal-Mart workers. Info: Tyrone Housey, 732-6209 x17 To which we add a prayer for sustainable consumption,of course!
Week of December 17 “THINK BEFORE YOU BUY” NATIONAL WEEK OF HANDBILLING AT WAL-MART STORES. JwJ needs many to help handbill throughout the week. Please contact Tyrone Housey, 732-6209 x17,or
Friday, Dec. 29, 7pm Advertising and the End of the World, The Northampton Committee Peace and Justice Film Series.
The implications of advertising on sustainability: a presentation by UMass professor and Media Education Foundation executive director Sut Jhally. Media Education Foundation, 60 Masonic Street in Northampton. Enter via Woodstar Cafe, at the front of the building. The venue is accessible.
Next time Bob Leverett, THE old-growth guru of Turtle Island joins us to talk old trees. Happy Solstice!
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