Your Halloween may not have been so happy by the time we finished with you this night! It's very grruuuuesome going, we promise. We had a bit of a masquerade in the studio. Yes, we were pretending to be radio personalities! NO! It was a Halloween party! At least D.O. came in costume. DIDN'T YOU SEE?? He was Darth Chjeney! Tamara, the VFR house witch returned to shed some light on Halloween night and the thin veil tonight between the living and the dead. But first it was time for....Revenge of the Critters! Man eaten by crawly pets! ARRGHHH!
Then it was time for the countdown, Glen? Talk about scary, how about Bush as President for Life! ARRRGGHHHH!
Here’s something else scary: It's Humans as Cancer! You're not going to like this! from Wild Earth, going waaaay back to Winter '92/'93. Adding fuel to the fire: Giant Human Footprint Crushing Planet! AND, continuing the chill: Dead Zones on the rise. Brrr!
Rise up citizens! Don your V for Vendetta masks and get into the streets! Call for Sit-Ins at the White House, Nov. 6-9, We need at least 5000 folks to SURROUND the White House. Think about it, 100 from every state. Now that’s representation. Can you be there? Cindy Sheehan says...be a part of history!
Finally it's time for the Bus Stop Billboard:
Thursday Nov 2nd;4:30 pm - Out of Balance: ExxonMobil's Impact on Climate Change film only; 6:30pm - film & talk back w/Producer: Tom Jackson
Mount Holyoke College
Sponsored by: Center for the Environment, MHC
Contact: 538-3091
Saturday, November 4, 2006 at 1:00 pm; The BOSTON COAL PARTY, a global warming street drama featuring patriots vs. billionaire coal and oil barons in a modern recasting of the Boston Tea Party; Boston Common, Brewer Fountain, near Park Street Station; Brian Thurber, Clean Water Action, 617-338-8131, x209, bthurber@cleanwater.org ; also: http://www.climateusa.org/
Saturday, Nov 4 Noon No-nukes Die-in, Brattleboro, VT
Aside from giving us a false sense of security, sirens located throughout the Brattleboro area are primarily to warn people that a serious accident has occurred at Vt. Yankee. The sirens are always tested on the first Saturday of each month at 12 Noon.
At random locations within earshot of the siren testing at noon in Brattleboro, each person agrees to participate in a die-in protest whenever possible by freezing in place, standing silent or falling down "dead". For the full 3-5 minute test, people commit each month to stop their activities and reflect on what it would mean if this were not a test but the real thing. A group will be meeting at 11 am at the Harmony parking lot to walk through downtown and distribute literature and talk with people about what is going to be happening.
Contact Daniel Sicken 802-387-2798 or email dhsicken@yahoo.com
Nov. 6-9; Call for Sit-Ins at the White House, Cindy Sheehan & others need 5000 folks to SURROUND the White House. Think about it, 100 from every state. Now that is representation. Can you be there? Email: CampCaseyMom@yahoo.com
Thursday, Nov. 9; 5:30- 7:00 pm.;Tri State CAN meeting. Room 121, Greenfield Community College Downtown Office, 270 Main St, Greenfield
Sunday, Nov. 12; Nov 12; 7-8 pm (Every 2nd Sunday of the month)
Let Entergy know we want a green future!!
Let Entergy know we can live without their power!!
Unplug ALL your electrical appliances including the refrigerator for 1 hr from 7 pm - 8 pm, on the 2nd Sunday of each month.
Friday, Nov. 17; 7pm. “Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World”, a film about aspartame at Wide-angle Films, the Nacul Center, 592 Main St., Amherst Call (413)256-1760
That's it. Was it a trick or a treat? Don't forget: if you're out on your bike at night wear white and DON'T take any poison apples.
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