Blog Archive

Sunday, May 28, 2006

The Enviro Back to the Pleistocene Show

One of our favorite local wildlife biologists, Jennifer Seavey, returned to talk about....well, bringing back the mastodons! We checked out the latest from the usual suspects at Wild Earth and their plans to re-wild Turtle Island (never heard of that place? YOUR LIVING ON IT!...unless you're reading this from somewhere other than the U.S.). Also, wildlife overpasses! Not many U.S. flags hanging from them.....we hope.

It’s Revenge of the Critters once again. This week: Bambi Attacks! Then we had a listen to another of Neil Young's latest whacks at the present occupants in the White House and their neocon goons, "After the Garden is Gone". That set us up nicely for our traditional Bush bashing. It’s the Neocon Crash & Burn Watch! We love it! Some folks make maps of other peoples oil fields,like Iraq's for instance, when Darth Cheney’s Energy Task Force divided up the spoils back in March 2001 waaaaay BEFORE 9/11...hmmmmm, interesting timing, no?. Others make bioregional maps, but we’ll get to that shortly.

Also, A study commissioned by the Bush regime concluded that the lower atmosphere was indeed growing warmer and that there was "clear evidence of human influences on the climate system". What? No rewrite?? The enemies of the Earth in the White House took some other hits too. We had a gloat-in.

"They had small brains" by Dana Lyons brought us Back to the Pleistocene! Hang on to skin? This was the retro part of the show.

Then it was on to our Bus Stop Billboard:

    Reel World Film Series
    May 31, 2006, 7-9 pm
    Arms Library, Shelburne Falls, MA
    Information: (413) 625-9543

  • Clamshell Alliance Meeting
    June 4, 3 – 6 pm
    Cathedral of the Pines, Rindge, NH (outside of Keene)
    The Clams are coming back to work on shutting down the Vermont Yankee Nuclear reactor. Join them in their efforts to organize NH.
    For more info call Chris Nord (603)382-8153

  • Tack Back the Public Meeting!!
    NRC Environmental Scoping Meetings on Vermont Yankee
    June 6, 2-8 pm
    Quality Inn, 1380 Putney Rd, Brattleboro, VT
    Informal open house to provide information about the environmental
    review process.

  • June 7, 1:30-4:30 pm, 7-10 pm
    Lathchis Theatre, Brattleboro, VT
    Request an opportunity to participate in the scoping process.
    Contact Richard Emch by phone at 1-800-368-5642
    or email at no later than May 31, 2006.
    The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is conducting Public
    Participation meetings for the Scoping process of the Generic
    Environmental Impact Statement (GEIS) for the Relicensing Application of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Reactor for an additional 20 yr

  • CAN Meeting
    Thursday, June 8, 5:30- 7:30 pm
    Meeting Room, Greenfields Market Coop, Greenfield, MA
    Learn what CAN is up to and how you might get involved. We have ongoing efforts to shutdown Vermont Yankee nuclear reactor (just over the border in Vernon, VT). There is much going on! Broader public involvement is essential!

  • Friday, June 9, 7pm. Media Education Foundation, 60 Masonic Street in downtown Northampton NORTHAMPTON COMMITTEE FRIDAY NIGHT FILM SERIES
    "The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil"
    As the world faces the end of affordable oil, it can look
    to Cuba, for whom cheap oil ended 15 years ago when the
    Soviet Union collapsed. The country survived through a
    rigorous crash program of community-based organic agriculture.

    Next time: The Enviro Filthy War Machine Show, Part II
    That's it. Don't forget: listen to your Mother! AND: Boycott Exxon/Mobil!!

  • Friday, May 12, 2006

    The Enviro Blowin' in the Wind Show

    Jean’s away in Portugal hugging trees and who knows what all. We opened the show with a few short riffs on news of the planet. In the Revenge of the Critters Dept. this week: Bug smasher blows himself up!

    Elenor Tillinghast of Green Berkshires rejoined us along with Tina Clarke of Clean Water Action for our continuing discussion of industrial windpower. This civilized debate took up most of the show. Let us reason together. We set the scene with Para Noise's "Private Power".

    "Spit on the ground", by the Commonwealth's own Reagan Babies will brought us up to the Bus Stop Billboard:

    ·Friday, May 19, 7pm Activism, Deep Ecology, and the Gaian Era:
    A Panel Discussion, A Wisdom Council With Stephen Buhner, Lynn Margulis, & John Seed Moderated by Larry Buell of Earthlands at Stirn Auditorium, Amherst College, Preregistration is not required. Seating will begin at 6:30pm. For more info, email John or call (978) 724-3428

    ·Monday, the May 22, in Agawam the Friends of Robinson Park are hosting a forum regarding the pending timber sale of both sick and healthy trees within a 130 acre section of Robinson State Park. Contact Owen at:

    ·Friday, May 19, 7pm, “Lovejoys’ Nuclear War”, Media Education Foundation, 60 Masonic street. Northampton

    ·Monday, May 22, 4:30pm Regional strategy session to replace Vernon nuke with sustainable energy. Kellogg Hubbard Library in the East Montpelier room (in the basement), Montpelier, VT. CAN at 413-339-5781

    *Saturday, May 27 thru Monday 5/29 University of the Wild - Series III - Permaculture: Hands on Training for Creating Sustainable Culture. Earthlands, Pertersham, MA. Contact: Jono Neiger (413)367-2304;

    *Sunday, May 28, 1pm, The Stories of the Forest. Meet at the Village Co-op, Rattlesnake Gutter Rd., North Leverett. Join Mark Gamble to stroll the woods and discover the tales recorded in the manuscript of the land.

    *Wednesday, May 31, 7pm. Films: The Reach of Chernobyol & Three Mile Island Revisited. Arms Library, Shelburne falls, MA. Contact: (413)625-9543

    We went out with Gina Citoli's "Breakdown of imagination". D.O. wants to dedicate that one to the good citizens of Leverett who voted to loosen septic regulations. That stinks!

    Speaking of D.O., he still wants to bend your ear some more about Cape Wind: the right project in the wrong place. Maybe next time. For now you'll have to be satisfied with the anti-cape wind screeds he's plastered below and in thr links.

    Next week: The BIG VFR fund drive. Time to pay the piper folks. You won't find this stuff on National Public Relations....errr..Radio.

    Wednesday, May 10, 2006

    Cape Wind proponents in bed with the enemies of the Earth

    Proponents of the Cape Wind project, the industrial windfarm proposed for public waters in Nantucket Sound off the coast of Massachusetts, are now supported by the far-right anti-environment Bush regime. Why? Could it have something to do with future placement of offshore oil-drilling? Duh!

    Here's the story from the Boston Globe:

    >>US official opposes Cape Wind measure
    Calls it unwise to give state veto
    By Stephanie Ebbert, Globe Staff | May 6, 2006

    The Bush administration weighed in on behalf of the wind farm project proposed off the Cape and Islands yesterday, urging Congress to drop a measure that would allow the governor of Massachusetts to block the controversial project.

    In a strongly worded letter dated Thursday, Under Secretary of Energy David K. Garman called the measure backed by US Senator Edward M. Kennedy unwise and said it could threaten future renewable energy projects that the administration hopes to foster.

    "More broadly, singling out wind generation in this manner could have a chilling impact on the continued investment and growth of this promising renewable energy resource," Garman wrote to the House and Senate chairmen of the committees involved with the legislation.

    The statement put the Bush administration at odds with Kennedy and Governor Mitt Romney, who oppose the offshore wind farm, which would be the first in the nation.

    Under the measure backed by Kennedy, the governor would be given the authority to block the project, even though it would be built in federal waters.<<

    So, forget about State control over future oil rigs off the Massachusetts coast in PUBLIC WATERS (remember the theft of the commons?). If Cape Wind and its supporters have their way, future oil rigs off the Massachusetts coast may be a shoe-in.

    If Cape Wind proponents think they have just had some sort of victory, think again! Their pyrrhic victory will come back to bite them in the ass as the proposals for renewed offshore oil drilling continue to increase. Big Oil just LOVES Big Wind!