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Friday, April 26, 2024

A Coming Home Enviro Show

                                     [Listen to our podcast of the entire show HERE]

Greetings Earthlings. We followup our Earth Days activities with an Earth-based story that warms the heart and stirs the soul. Rob Edward, president of the Rocky Mountain Wolf Action Fund joins us to talk about the reintroduction of wolves to Colorado. Some humans wiped them out, other humans brought them back. How's that going? Stay tuned. As always, we will also introduce you to this week's Fool-on-the-Hill and Those Whose Brains were Small and way more, but first it's time for........Revenge of the Critters! More on the Elephants' Revenge.

This week's Fool-on-the-Hill is creepy Repugnican Sen.Tom Cotton of Arkansas talking about a recent Golden Gate Bridge protest that took place at which some protesters blocking traffic glued their hands to the pavement. Responding to a question from a Faux "News" reporter Cotton said, " If something like this happened in Arkansas on a bridge there, let’s just say I think there’d be a lot of very wet criminals that have been tossed overboard, not by law enforcement but by the people whose road they’re blocking. If they glued their hands to a car or the pavement, well, probably pretty painful to have their skin ripped off, but I think that’s the way we’d handle it in Arkansas. And I would encourage most people anywhere that get stuck behind criminals like this, who are trying to block traffic, to take matters into their own hands."  This from a foolish criminal insurrectionist sympathiser yet to be arrested. 

It was Tom Cotton who said "We should be building more [coal plants]... We should be building more nuclear facilities. We should be expanding exploration for oil and gas. Market forces will make technology more efficient and reduce carbon emissions.." To which we say: "It's the Climate Crisis, Stupid!" We guess he has no answer to the question, "What Is The Amazon “Tipping Point,” Exactly?"  but if he read that article he might have a better idea 'cuz it says: "..the Amazon Rainforest is dying a slow, degradative death as a result of climate change and human-caused habitat destruction. Scientists worry that these trends may soon push the Amazon over the edge."  Here's another tipping point: "The world’s coral reefs are in the throes of a global bleaching event caused by extraordinary ocean temperatures, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and international partners announced." And this from Bill McKibben: "A new study released today in Nature examines data from 1,600 regions of the earth for the last forty years, and concludes that by 2050 climate change will be causing economic damage worth $38 trillion every single year. That seems like…a lot. The entire world economy at the moment is about $100 trillion a year; the federal budget is about $6 trillion a year."

The headline in WaPo was "Timber companies claim carbon credits for trees they don’t cut down" to which we say "Their Brains Were Small and They Died". We always knew those guys and their lackeys in government were dinos and we patiently awaited their asteroid but exactly how long do we have to wait?? The piece goes on, "...the approach, known as Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation, or REDD+, raises questions about how to protect the world’s forests, which sequester billions of tons of carbon, and about the booming carbon credit market. As the window to avoid catastrophic climate change closes, scientists are questioning the intricate methodologies used to calculate this lucrative counterfactual, known as “avoided deforestation.” We guess the operative term is "lucrative counterfactual".  😠

We have another Enviro Show Action Link in our Echo Chamber where you can clue in U.S. Fish & Wildlife about protecting Gray Wolves in Wyoming. It only takes a minute, OK? Go HERE. Also, checkout these anti-Wildlife bills in Congress and ACT! 

We are still Abidin' with Biden these days who "marked Earth Day by announcing a $7bn investment in solar energy projects nationwide, focusing on disadvantaged communities, and unveiling a week-long series of what the White House say will be 'historic climate actions'...Biden also announced a new website to encourage citizens to join the American Climate Corps....According to the White House, [last] Tuesday’s theme will be clean water for all communities; Wednesday will focus on accelerating the US’s clean transportation future; Thursday will focus on steps to cut pollution from the power sector and strengthen the US electricity grid; and Friday will see measures to promote cleaner air and healthier schools." We trust it will all be substantial actions. Stay tuned!

Our Enviro Show Quote of the Week is in keeping with our interview:

We reached the old wolf in time to watch a fierce green fire dying in her eyes. I realized then, and have known ever s'ince, that there was something new to me in those eyes something known only to her and to the mountain. I was young then, and full of trigger-itch; I thought that because fewer wolves meant more deer, that no wolves would mean hunters paradise. But after seeing the green fire die, I sensed that neither the wolf nor the mountain agreed with such a view.

   - Aldo Leopold 

 After our interview with Rob it's on to the Bus Stop Billboard:

Nature camping season for kids is back. Some Mid-CT Valley options HERE. Berkshire HERE.  

Saturday May 11, 9 -- 11am (To car pool, meet at Staples parking lot, Greenfield,MA 7:30am). Join naturalists Pat Serrentino and Alex Haro for an exploration of this unique Wildlife Management Area located in the hills of Windsor. The diverse habitats of the site support an amazing variety of resident and migrant birds, in addition to those that are just passing through to areas farther north. Habitats range from open meadows to huge marshes and swamps, and forests of spruce, fir, maple, and birch. If we are lucky, we may see a barred owl or northern harrier, in addition to warblers, vireos, and many others. The walk is free and geared to adults and children over 8 yrs.  Heavy rain cancels.  To register or for any questions, please call Pat Serrentino at 413.325.6828 or email her at

Monday May 13, 7-8:30pm. Regenerative Farming, Forests and Food Systems Community Conversation. Climate Action Now invites you to a virtual community conversation about the future of our Regenerative Farming, Forests and Food Systems Group (RF3). Our intention is to bring together people who have worked with us over the years and to encourage new voices and leadership as we envision the next chapter of our work. Zoom registration here

Thursday May 16, 9am. Embodied Carbon Reduction Challenge! On Zoom.  MCAN's May Better Buildings Advocates(BBA) zoom offers a one-of-a-kind opportunity: climate advocates have a few days left to participate in this amazing program assembled by MassCEC and Built Environment Plus. The Embodied Carbon Reduction Challenge reveals how embodied carbon is currently being addressed in sixteen actual Massachusetts building projects. Bev and Irene will guide us through, and encourage you to vote for your favorite projects. A great way to gain familiarity before your next school/municipal project, whether construction or renovation. Please register here

Saturday May 18, 11 a.m.  Sierra Club Outing in Myles Standish State Forest. Myles Standish State Forest, 194 Cranberry Rd, Carver, MA 02330.  Event Details Here! Please join the Sierra Club MA Chapter, Friends of Myles Standish State Forest, and Community Land & Water Coalition (CLWC) on a 5-mile spring hike through the exceptional Myles Standish State Forest. This area contains Atlantic coast Pine Barrens, kettle ponds, cranberry bogs, and habitat for rare, endangered plants and animals and is only one of three ecosystems like this in the world.    We will be discussing at the event the state forest’s geology, floral, and fauna as well as environmental issues in the region - i.e., forest protection, sand mining, and solar siting. In addition, CLWC is offering an option to car camp at one of the state forest's campgrounds for the night of May 17.  They have reserved a group campsite with a limit of 20 people and 4 cars.  A small donation is being asked to reimburse CLWC for the group campsite. See the Cost section below. If you are interested, please Fill out this form.  

Monday May 20, 5:30pm. No Radioactive Waste Water Evaporation! Rally at Plymouth Town Hall Green before 6:30 Hearing in the Great Room. Save our Bay! Go HERE

Wednesday May 22, 4pm. Join American Bird Conservancy (ABC) in celebrating its 30th anniversary with a virtual behind-the-scenes look at some of our most inspiring conservation projects         Go HERE

May 29, 2024 beginning at 1:30 p.m. — Remote Only FirstLight Power has filed its application for a 401 Water Quality Certification (WQC) with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protections (MassDEP). The WQC application is available here: will conduct two public hearings on the WQC application. Registration is required in advance 

May 29, 2024, beginning at 7:00 p.m. — Remote Only [see above]


Sunday June 2, 2pm-4pm. The UnConvention: Uniting Progressive Activists for Change. A virtual event. We are concerned about the loss of 15,000 members in the Democratic Party and want to re-engage those and other people at this critical time in our history. Our goal is to organize around progressive issues that are in the platform but not supported by the Party or the convention.  Please fill out our questionnaire so we can know your thoughts and also register for the event: The UnConvention Activist Survey. While we are not charging a registration fee, we do have costs and appreciate your donation.

That's all, folks......except to remember to listen to your Mother!

Tuesday, April 09, 2024

A Good Earth Scouts Enviro Show

[The podcast for this show is HERE ]

Greetings Earthlings. Happy Earth Week! Back in the day, both Girl & Boy Scouts had the motto "Be Prepared" but today the Girl Scouts have apparently replaced that motto with The Girl Scout Law which includes "use resources wisely" & "make the world a better place". Our guests on the show this week have done that and way more, they saved a forest with mature & old-growth trees!Sounds like they were more than prepared, yes? Us elders would love to do that here in Massachusetts but our time is running short (can you hear us @MassDCR @MassGovernor & @MassEEA ? ) No? Better think twice, the scouts are watching! How about all those #ClimateGoals ??  More on that later. As always we will bring you along to meet this week's Fool-on-the-Hill and to see Those Whose Brains Were Small, as well as our constant reminder that "It's the Climate Crisis, Stupid!" but first it's time for......Revenge of the Critters! When Elephants tire of tourists. Watch it

This week's Fool-on-the-Hill is MAGA Repugnican "Tim Walberg [who] became the latest Republican lawmaker to openly call for the genocide of Palestinian people in Gaza, saying at a town hall that instead of sending humanitarian aid to starving civilians there, the U.S. should "get it over quick" by dropping a nuclear bomb on the besieged enclave." Worse than a fool, yes but a fool none-the-less.

We know Tim Walberg doesn't give a damn but we'll still keep yelling, "It's the Climate Crisis,Stupid!" Sad to say, Big Oil & Gas doesn't give a damn either as this story states: "The science is clear: No new oil and gas fields, or the planet gets pushed past what it can handle," said one analyst.It goes on to point out: "A new report published Wednesday by Global Energy Monitor (GEM) suggests the U.S. in particular has abandoned any plans to adhere to warnings from climate scientists and the International Energy Agency (IEA)..."  And this, the NY Times reports: "Despite major progress in protecting vast tracts of rainforest, the world failed again last year to significantly slow the pace of global forest destruction, according to a report issued on Thursday. Record wildfires in Canada and expanding agriculture elsewhere offset big gains in forest protection in Brazil and Colombia, the report found. The annual survey by the World Resources Institute, a research organization, found that the world lost 9.1 million acres of primary tropical forest in 2023.." Any good news on climate, you ask? Nah!

We have soooo many options for our "Their Brains Were Small and They Died" segment because there are so many humans out there who seem thoughtless (even though they keep lumbering around, seemingly alive!)  Take these guys for example: "A report released by Carbon Majors.... says that 57 companies were responsible for 80% of the world's CO2 emissions from fossil fuel and cement production between 2016 to 2022."  Guess who is on top? "In terms of investor-owned companies, Chevron, ExxonMobil, and BP contributed the most to CO2 emissions. ExxonMobil alone was responsible for 3.6 gigatons of CO2 emissions over a seven-year period." Do we ever get tired of exposing these guys? We just want you to "Be Prepared".

OK, another week another edition of Abidin' with Biden. The Prez has FINALLY gotten the message that Bebe and the IDF need to clean up their act. In The Prez's call to Netanyahu last week, "He made clear that U.S. policy with respect to Gaza will be determined by our assessment of Israel's immediate action on these steps." according to Axios. Sadly, it took  outrage over the deadly attack on international aid workers and the ongoing starvation of Palestinians to initiate the call 😕.  On a more positive note, there's his ongoing support for a women's right to choose and another shot at student debt relief. The AP reported last week: "The Biden administration on Thursday restored rules to protect imperiled plants and animals that had been rolled back under former President [His Malignancy]. Among the changes announced, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will reinstate a decades-old regulation that mandates blanket protections for species newly classified as threatened." Which brings us to this: There is more to do. Finally, another good move by Biden's EPA: "The US Environmental Protection Agency just finalized updated regulations for light-duty and heavy-duty vehicles—enacting some of the most consequential US climate regulations. These new rules will cut global warming emissions in all new vehicles sold from model year 2027 through 2032, in sizes ranging from a hatchback to a tractor-trailer." Wait, why wait three years?? 

In The Enviro Show Echo Chamber we echo's piece of good news: "A recent deep-sea expedition off the coasts of Chile and Peru is revealing the secrets of a vast underwater mountain system — and making the strongest case yet for greater protections there. Using underwater robots capable of descending more than 4,500 meters (14,760 feet), researchers say they may have discovered more than 100 never-before-seen species living on the Salas y Gómez and Nazca ridges, which stretch across the southeastern Pacific."  And this: All you elder anti-nuke folks and others may recall the Solar Rollers here in WMass? They biked their way to many demos in the effort to rid of us the nuclear menace over the years and now......their baaaack! This time they rally on the Greenfield Common on Saturday April 20th starting at 9AM before peddling off along the CT River in defense of aquatic critters under assault by FirstLight's shad-o-matic fish blender in Northfield, MA. You can join them on bike or at any or all of he three rallies. Go HERE.  Also, don't forget all the other Earth Days events listed at the top link or in the Bus Stop Billboard, OK?

Time for our Enviro Show Quote of the Week now, and one that takes us to our inspiring guest interview:

“You are never too young to lead, nor too old to act.” – Kofi Annan

On to the Bus stop Billboard:


THURSDAY APRIL 25, 6 pm. Amherst Zoning Board of Appeals meets partly to discuss deforestation for solar. The PureSky Shutesbury Road Solar Project [in Amherst,MA], which would clear cut 41 acres of forested land (equivalent to 31 football fields) is scheduled to come before the Conservation Commission (ConCom) and the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) this month. No virtual link yet.  Since the application was accepted by the Zoning Board of Appeals last August, it has been a waiting game for PURESKY to receive a new ORAD (Order of Resource Area Delineation) from the Conservation Commission.  Go HERE.

Saturday April 27, 9a.m. - 2p.m.  What is Forest Bathing? Slow down, unplug and awaken your senses on a guided nature therapy experience at Franklin Park, led by certified forest therapy guide Tam Willey. Go HERE.  

Saturday April 27, 11 am to 4:30 pm. An Energy Fair, organized by the Shelburne Energy Committee. Buckland-Shelburne Elementary School in Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts (75 Mechanic St.).  Have you wondered how to determine if the solar options and third party electricity rates being marketed are credible? If a heat pump system might be right for your home? What you can do to reduce your home’s oil or propane consumption? Did you know that you can increase the benefits of your energy-saving actions through federal credits and rebates which can add to the incentives from Mass Save? Celebrate Earth Day  

Sunday April 28, 11am - 3pm. Come together fellow Earth people to learn, play, and take action to protect our environment. Learn with a variety of educational activities! Participate, play! Let's make a difference and show our love for Mother Earth! Navy Yard, Pier Five, Boston, MA 02129  Go HERE.  

Monday April 29, Noon to 4pm. The People’s Science Fair, at The UMass Amherst Fine Arts Plaza is organized by Western Mass Science for the People, will showcase diverse efforts by Western Massachusetts residents to harness STEM for social, economic, racial, environmental, climate, and cultural justice. Participants will include campus-based researchers with justice-oriented projects, grassroots organizers whose work involves STEM knowledge, and student activists committed to building a just future. Go HERE.  

Monday April 29, 7 to 8:30pm.  Climate Action Now virtual monthly gathering. Why Our Brains Need Wildlands with Dr. Susan MasinoGrowing evidence for the brain health benefits of nature span across all age groups and levels of ability, and include improved cognition and emotional regulation, and decreased depression and anxiety. These benefits do not require a wilderness trip – they can happen here in our communities. Go HERE.  

April 30,  7:30pm-8:30pm.   Worried about toxic PFAS pollution? So are we. But we can turn that worry into action! Join us for a screening of the documentary “The Poison In Us All” and stay for a brief discussion on what YOU can do to support a ban on toxic PFAS in Massachusetts!  Go HERE.

Tuesday April 30 , All Day.  Join us at Massachusetts’ annual Lobby Day for Animals.   During this event, you can expect to: learn about current animal protection bills and skills for effective advocacy;   participate in meetings in your legislators’ offices to discuss animal protection; and meet legislators, make friends, and make a difference for animals. Massachusetts State House, Great Hall 24 Beacon Street, Boston, MA 02133  Registration will close April 22 — be sure to register today!  

Friday May 3, Noon to 1pm. Stop Funding Climate Chaos! Why are we doing this AGAIN? Because in the year that has passed since the 3.21.23 Day of Action, these mega-banks have invested many more billions of dollars in fossil fuel infrastructure, all while 2023 was the hottest year in 125,000 years! They are financing an ecological crisis of global proportions which is already having devastating effects on people worldwide. And they are stealing the future from coming generations. Assemble at SUNY Plaza @ State & Broadway, procession led by bagpiper, followed by Red Rebel Brigade, followed by Assembly of Faith Leaders, followed by group carrying coffin to symbolize deaths caused by climate chaos and loss of our children's future walk up State Street to three mega-banks: Chase Bank - 50 State Street; Bank of America - 69 State Street; TD Bank - 125 State Street & closing at Academy Park - across from City Hall, Albany, NY 

Friday, May 3, 7:00-9:00pm {doors open 6:30}.  Voices of Working People’s History Free program of dramatic readings and lots of songs, with emphasis on Western Mass. voices, telling the origin story of May Day as International Workers’ Day in Chicago with an inspiring introduction to US labor history up to present-day voices of workers rising up ~ inspired by Howard Zinn. Holyoke Media , 1 Court Plaza (Suffolk St), Holyoke, MA.  Parking lot across the street.

Monday May 6, 1pm.  This is a reminder of MCAN's Monthly Networking zoom covering the critical next 3-year $13B plan for the Mass-Save program. The draft is released and the Energy Efficiency Advisory Council is holding multiple public comment listening sessions. Join us as experts Mark Dyen(JCAN, Gas Transition Allies, 350Mass) and Hessann Farooqi(Executive Director of the Boston Climate Action Network) advise on what the plan will mean for our climate and equity work, and what actions they recommend now. Please register here   

Monday  May 6, 3:30 to 5pm. Rally for Clean Air Justice. In front of Dudley Café, 15 Warren St, Boston, 02119. This free community event will feature public health experts, members of local grassroots organizations, public officials, and residents of Environmental Justice communities willing to share their personal experiences. Attendants will learn more about air quality in Massachusetts and how to act in honor of World Asthma Day! Please join us in fighting for Clean Air for Everyone!   

Monday May 6, 6:30-8:00pm.  The Numbers Don't Add Up: capitalism and clean energy with Brett Christophers  J oin the Climate and Community Project, Verso Press, and Metro DC Democratic Socialists of America for a conversation between Johanna Bozuwa and Professor Brett Christophers about Prof. Christophers' newest book from Verso, The Price is Wrong: Why Capitalism Won't Save the Planet. The event will be moderated by Dharna Noor from the Guardian (US) and will explore the current slate of policies that hinge on making climate action 'investable', the limitations of that approach, and more promising pathways to a resilient, just, zero carbon economy.   The event will be both in person and available to stream live.

Tuesday May 7, 7pm.  Starting May 7th to dive deep into 350's utility campaigning & Ballot Initiatives! Each session will feature different guest speakers who will share their expertise and then lead attendees in interactive breakout sessions. You don't need to attend every week, but register for as many sessions as you'd like! Register HERE.

Saturday May 18, 11 a.m.  Sierra Club Outing in Myles Standish State Forest. Myles Standish State Forest, 194 Cranberry Rd, Carver, MA 02330.  Event Details Here! Please join the Sierra Club MA Chapter, Friends of Myles Standish State Forest, and Community Land & Water Coalition (CLWC) on a 5-mile spring hike through the exceptional Myles Standish State Forest. This area contains Atlantic coast Pine Barrens, kettle ponds, cranberry bogs, and habitat for rare, endangered plants and animals and is only one of three ecosystems like this in the world.    We will be discussing at the event the state forest’s geology, floral, and fauna as well as environmental issues in the region - i.e., forest protection, sand mining, and solar siting. In addition, CLWC is offering an option to car camp at one of the state forest's campgrounds for the night of May 17.  They have reserved a group campsite with a limit of 20 people and 4 cars.  A small donation is being asked to reimburse CLWC for the group campsite. See the Cost section below. If you are interested, please Fill out this form.  

That's all, folks......except to remember to listen to your Mother!