Greetings Earthlings. All Hallow's Eve is nearly upon us so it's time to bring Michelle, our favorite house witch, back to remind us what it's all about. Also, given that spirits of the departed may be lurking upon the Earth and its environs, we hear from Tania and Brenda of Chicopee Paranormal Investigators, the Valley's own ghost busters. This and more scary stuff in The Enviro Show Echo Chamber, our Fool-on-the-Hill and New Boss segments and who knows what all, but first it's time for...Revenge of the Critters! Squeamish about cockroaches? Not this guy (but maybe he should have been!)
Speaking of fools let's do as promised on the last show and go straight to Rachel's gallery of Fools-on-the-Hill: Would you believe these guys are on the House Science Committee? Yes, it is truly scary..........but surprising? Nah! Not on THAT Hill!
Did someone say science? In The Enviro Show Echo Chamber we get the Union of Concerned Scientists take on Faux News' war on science! And this: it's not just the far-right propaganda machine that's dumb as a post, checkout these....err...sorry excuses for humans? Here's our Enviro Show Blog Bonus: some Federal agencies are still censoring scientists. Tell them to back off!
Our E-Valley-uation segment gets off the ground with our house witch, Michelle followed later by a call-in from the Chicopee Paranormal Investigators. Witches! Ghosts! What's Halloween without them??
Meet the New Boss here: Whomever the New Boss will be, neither seems to think the climate crisis is a big issue. What were we saying about science now?
"All you Zombies", by the Climate Change Zombies takes us to our interview with Chicopee Paranormal Investigators. Then we close with a walk in the dark of night to the presumed safety of the Bus Stop Billboard:
Tuesday, October 23rd through Tuesday, October 30th. The Vigil to End Climate Silence at Government Center in Boston. It's time to break the silence on climate in the Massachusetts Senate race. We ask that candidates for federal office in Massachusetts spell out their positions on climate change between now and the election, particularly at the October 30th debate. We need to know whether the candidates acknowledge the climate crisis as the biggest issue of our time. Contact:
Wednesday, October 24, 11:00 a.m. Please join Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine members to help end Hartford Hospital’s use of live pigs in trauma training courses. The entrance of Hartford Hospital between Jefferson St. and Zwieback St. at 80 Seymour St., Hartford, CT Contact:
Wednesday, October 24,12 pm - 1:30 pm. GreenWork Roundtable - Creating
a Sustainable Public Transit System. Pioneer Valley Central Labor Council, 640
Page Boulevard, Springfield. Bring
a brown bag lunch and join the conversation. GreenWork consists of advocates
for a Green Economy which serves local communities; guarantees workers' rights
to organize; and promotes community-owned sustainable projects. Call: (413)565-2381
The Williamstown Rural Lands Foundation is offering weekly drop-in autumn nature classes for preschoolers at its Sheep Hill property on Monday afternoons beginning Oct. 15th. The weekly classes will include nature explorations focusing on how nature prepares for winter. Come to all or just a single class.
Sunday, October 28, 8:30am-11:30am. Field Walk Series: Bear Swamp. Join John Green for an autumn exploration of this cool rocky habitat circling a pond with diverse plants and wildlife. FREE • Space is limited • Registration required at The Hitchcock Center for the Environment, 525 South Pleasant Street Amherst, MA. Call (413) 256-6006
Monday, October 29, 6 to 8pm. SAGE Alliance dinner & forum. at the Congregational Church on Main Street in Brattleboro. The purpose of the forum is twofold: to help us all prepare comments on Entergy Vermont Yankee's license extension for two November public hearings by the Vermont Public Service Board. We have invited speakers from groups that are parties to the license extension application to speak on the issues the PSB will be considering. And to organize volunteers to make phone calls to get people out to the public hearings. Contact
OK, we hope none of this keeps you up at night (what was that noise?). All that's left to say is....remember to listen to your MOTHER!