Greetings Earthlings. Are corporations people? We don't think so! Are they busy at work destroying the planet? Well.....yah! Gail Darrell of the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund calls in to discuss local home rule and the end of Corporate America (to which we say: YES!). As always, we'll also checkout our Fool-on-the-Hill, The Enviro Show Echo Chamber, our Quote of the Week, and the E-Vally-uation segment, but first it's time for....Revenge of the Critters! This one from our favorite hydrologist: cowboys choose the wrong bear!
In The Enviro Show Echo Chamber we have this excellent piece on the Wall Street Occupation where the banksters & corporados get exposed to the light. For daily updates on the Occupation go here. Then, some "Sustainable Forestry Initiative" greenwashing corporados getting an earfull from Green Mountain State tree-huggers. Also, could this Scottish nuke that will never, ever be cleaned up just as easily happen up the river at Vermont Yankee? Better hope not! And, another Enviro Show Blog Bonus: this Rainforest Action Network graphic just might keep you from shopping at all!
Speaking of vile corporados, this week's Fool-on-the-Hill is Rep. Eric Cantor (again!) who is leading the charge to put corporate polluters ahead of public health & the planet......SURPRISE! Here's an action link for a League of Conservation Voters effort to counter Cantor.........counter Cantor.....we like that! O, and some droppings from the bottom of his fellow Repugnicans' cage: a House vote to fund FEMA assistance for those recent disasters? Not without cutting green jobs! Where do we get these people??
Our Enviro Show Quote of the Week comes to you from our second favorite president, Thomas Jefferson and is in complete keeping with our theme here:
"I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial by strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country."
In our E-Valley-uation segment anti-biomass incineration/pro-clean energy activists took it to Beacon Hill last week for a demo under the dome. Yo Gov, got the message? For a more in-depth report on the issue go here. And this coming Saturday, October 1 is the Irene edition of the annual Source to Sea Connecticut River watershed-wide cleanup! Sign-up for the river, OK? Finally, on the theme of signing-up, how about kicking in for Valley Free Radio during our E Pledge Drive? You'd be supporting our work here on the show and hopefully cutting down on Autumn Pledge Drive interruptions to your favorite programming. We are passing the virtual hat on to you here.
Once again we air "The American Dream" by George Carlin (we can't get enough of this, sorry......wait! We're not sorry at all! Listen up, will you!!). Then it's on to our interview with Gail Darrell of the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund.
Then we visit the Bus Stop Billboard:
Wednesday September 28, 12:30-2pm, GREENWORK: THE WESTERN MASS GREEN ECONOMY WORKING GROUP Brown Bag Lunch at Noon, Pioneer Valley AFL-CIO Hall, 640 Page Boulevard, Springfield. Call: (413)732-7970.
Wednesday, Sept. 28, 1 to 3:30 p.m. HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT/HEALTHY AGING. What do clean air, water, and soil have to do with aging? Why should be concerned about our environment as we get older? What does the recent tornado clean-up have to do with our health? A community discussion. Springfield Hobby Club, 309 Chestnut St. (off Franklin St., behind YMCA). Contact: Mass. Senior Action, 543-2334
Wednesday, September 28, 6:30pm. Meeting at the Holyoke Public Library about a coordinated effort to start moving the gears faster towards retirement and redevelopment of the Mt. Tom coal plant.Please feel free to invite any die-hard coal activists in the area who have time on their hands. Contact: Claire B. W. Miller Community Organizer, Toxics Action Center at 617.747.4408/Cell 781.775.1429. Email:
Thursday, September 29, 4:00pm to 5:30pm. Internationally acclaimed author, anti-hunger activist and food policy reformer Francis Moore Lappé, best known for her 1970s book, “Diet for a Small Planet,” will be the keynote speaker at the Franklin Permaculture Garden at UMass Amherst. Students and administrators will dedicate the campus’s permaculture garden and celebrate the UMass Amherst Permaculture Initiative’s first harvest. Contact: (978)314-1176 or email: rharb@mail.aux.umass.edu
Friday September 30, 2pm. TAKE BACK OUR CITIES! HISTORIC MARCH & RALLY. Boston Common Band Stand. 11am: Bus from Springfield Plaza, 1225 Liberty St. Big banks are destroying our communities! Big businesses are killing our jobs and our environment! Reserve your seat on the bus, call 413-342-1804 or 347-385-8049.
Friday, September 30, 7pm. Screening of "Gashole". Corporate interests work behind the scenes to keep America dependent on oil. 7:00 p.m., Frances Crowe Community Room, 60 Masonic Street in Northampton. Enter via Woodstar Cafe, at the front of the building. The venue is accessible. Contact: info@northamptoncommittee.org
Sat, Oct 1,7 pm. "Windfall" A film documenting the experiences of Meredith, NY residents as industrial wind turbines are debated as an option to help counter economic challenges. Cost: $5 Memorial Hall, 51 Bridge Street, Shelburne Falls, MA,
(413) 625-3052
Sunday, October 2, 10am to 2:30pm. 26th Anniversary of the New England Peace Pagoda. Keynote speaker: Dr. Vincent Harding, speech writer for Martin Luther King, including King's famous anti-Vietnam War speech, "A Time to Break Silence". 100 Cave Hill Road, Leverett, MA. Call: (413)367- 2202
October 2, Jones Library, Amherst 2-4 PM; October 3, Art Space, Greenfield, 7-9 PM; October 4, Jones Library, Amherst, 7-9 PM. Auditions for RADIUM GIRLS, a play that takes an unflinching look at the peculiarly American obsession with health, wealth, and the commercialization of science as one lone woman battles a corporation, her own family, and friends to seek justice in the story of a landmark case in occupational safety and the environment. Large cast, multiple roles. Men and women, 17-70. Actresses 17-30 a necessity. Details: Robert Freedman, director, 413-586-6095, rpaulfre@gis.net.
Thursday, Oct. 6 - We call on people of conscience and courage—all who seek peace, economic justice, human rights and a healthy environment to join together in Washington, D.C., beginning on Oct. 6, 2011, in nonviolent resistance similar to the Arab Spring and the Midwest awakening. A concert, rally and protest will kick off a powerful and sustained nonviolent resistance to the corporate criminals that dominate our government. "Stop the Machine! • Create a New World!" is a clarion call for all who are deeply concerned with injustice, militarism and environmental destruction to join in ending concentrated corporate power and taking direct control of a real participatory democracy. Some people from the Valley are planning to go by the Megabus which leaves from the Ingleside Mall in Holyoke at 11:00 AM on Wednesday, getting in DC at 10:00 PM. Contact cjmoos@crocker.com for further info. Also go to: http://october2011.org.
Wednesday, October 26, 7-9 p.m. STUDYING MOUNTAIN LIONS WITH MARK ELBROCH . Sliding scale fee. Location to be determined. Pre-registration at Hitchcock Center for the Environment required; please call 413-256-6006.
Sunday, November 6, 2-4 p.m. DEEP-ENERGY-RETROFITTING YOUR HOME with Bick Corsa, Energy Efficient Builder (35 years' experience in residential renovation & construction with a focus on energy efficiency & passive solar design). Free. Pre-registration required at Hitchcock Center for the Environment; please call 413-256-6006.
We go out with "Corporations are People, Too" by Dave Rovics who always listens to his Mother. And you?