Greetings Earthlings. It's just shy of April Fools...umm...Fission Fools Day? Also known as Fossil Fools Day (take your pick! choose both!!). Deb Katz of Citizens Awareness Network returns to The Enviro Show to update us on that God-awful leaky old nuke just over the border in Vermont (did we mention The Valley is just downwind & downstream from there?). Also, we finally get to that E-Valley-uation segment that got away from us last time, and we checkout The Enviro Show Echo Chamber for the news of the week. Did we say "week"? How about the Quote of the Week! We may even get to the Bus Stop Billboard, but first it's time for.... Revenge of the Critters! Bird bombs Hadron Collider with Baguette!
In our E-Valley-uation segment it's the old good news/bad news schtick. First the good: you can get rebates for all those old clunker appliances through Mass Save. Sorry, broken down old nukes don't qualify! The bad comes from Greenfield's Mayor Bill Martin who seems to think he can qualify the town for Green Community designation while still promoting a dirty biomass incinerator! You might want to contact him and deter him from his folly! Also, please take a moment to sign the petition asking the Massachusetts Legislature to act on the Act to Repower Massachusetts - a bill that calls for a real clean energy portfolio that excludes biomass incinerators! Yes, biomass INCINERATORS, like the wee pellet-burning one now proposed for Pelham......next to the school and library......and another in Greenfield....(groan).
In The Enviro Show Echo Chamber we replay Evo Morales' Questions for a Global Referendum on Climate Change. Also, it's back to the bad news with an international death sentence for the Bluefin Tuna. And speaking of death sentences at the hands of us two-leggeds, how about the deaths of rare tigers at a Zoo in China; you know, the place where they use tiger parts to cure themselves of what? sickness??
Our Enviro Show Quote of the Week is all about those critters we abuse:
"The animal shall not be measured by man. In a world older and more complete than ours, they move finished and complete, gifted with extensions of the senses we have lost or never attained, living by voices we shall never hear. They are not bretheren; they are not underlings; they are other nations, caught with ourselves in the net of life and time, fellow prisoners of the splendour and travail of the Earth"
-- Henry Beston
"The Great Unknown" by our own Dar Williams takes us to our interview with Deb. We have never been so close to shutting that leaky old Vermont Yankee nuke down. What can we do to put it out of OUR misery? Stay tuned!
Lastly, it's time to visit the The Bus Stop Billboard:
Wednesday, March 31, Noon. Picket Bank of America! Monarch Place, corner of Main Street and Boland Way, downtown Springfield. The reckless greed of big Wall Street banks helped wreck the American economy, kill American jobs, and divert money away from safe, sustainable energy. Other area BOAs may be picketed as well. Call (413) 732-7970
Wednesday March 31, 4:30 pm. Helen Caldicott returns to Vermont! "In Our Backyard: The Health Risks of Nuclear Power". Moore Hall, Filene Auditorium, Dartmouth College. Call the Sierra Club, 802- 885-4826
Tuesday, April 6, 6:30 - 8:30 pm. Come see the Greenfield Public Library's rain garden, and learn how you can beautify your yard or community, while attracting butterflies and birds, restoring streams, ponds, and water supplies, and reducing human health risks. For more information see below or call 774-5667.
Tuesday, April 6, 4:30-5:30pm. Pioneer Valley Planning Commission ABP Bicycle and Pedestrian Outreach Meeting. Conference Room, 1st Floor, 60 Congress Street
Springfield, MA. Contact Bryan Slack at 508-929-3818 Bryan.slack@state.ma.us
Wednesday, April 14th, 11 am to 4 pm. Westfield State College energy fair.
Monday, April 19. Walk for a Nuclear Free Future walks from Amherst to Northampton along Rt. 9 Join them! Call AFSC: (413)584-8975
That's it 'til next time. Peter Vickery returns to talk about that other power plant by Mt. Tom (speaking of shutting down!). Until then, remember: listen to your Mother!