Blog Archive

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Commonwealth Enviro Show

Greetings Earthling. What's the state of our state environmentally speaking? Massachusetts State Sen. Stan Rosenberg calls-in with the details. Lots to cover, take the Wind Energy Siting Reform Act for instance! In The Enviro Show Echo Chamber we review the recent climate actions in New York & Pittsburgh. Meanwhile back at the ranch, Rep. Steve Kulik seems ready to save the old-growth in our Commonwealth. We'll lay the Enviro Show Quote of the Week on you, return to our new "Meet the New Boss" segment, and tour the Bus Stop Billboard, but first it's time for.... Revenge of the Critters! Who put the Bee in baseball? Was the swarm fed up with the astroturf?

The Enviro Show Quote of the Week is from David Susuki:

"The human brain now holds the key to our future. We have to recall the image of the planet from outer space: a single entity in which air, water, and continents are interconnected. That is our home."

In the E-Valley-uation segment the Shut it Down Affinity Group is at it again!

We open up The Enviro Show Echo Chamber to the words of Rep. Steve Kulik. It's good news/bad news for the old growth trees in the Commonwealth. If only our VFR Time Machine was in working order, we might save those old trees on Mt. Wacchusetts the Crowley's destroyed years ago! And this: Pirates raid UN sideshow!. The Climate IMC reports that a well-endowed Greenpeace did a monster banner hang at the G20 in Pittsburgh (why do THEY get all the nice toys??). Finally, our Enviro Show Blog Bonus Specials! Star Wars for Idiots!. And that faux New York Post the Yes Men put out during the UN Climate Summit.

We return to our "Meet the New Boss" segment with another disheartening look at Obama's EPA & U.S. Fish & Wildlife. Yes, we thought he could!

[Here's the updates on those State Senate & House Bills we talked about with Stan. The newly introduced bottle bills are HERE. Rep. Peter Kocot's Act Prohibiting Clear Cuttingin State Forests and Parks is H765. Rep. Kulik's Act establishing old-growth reserves is H.1381. Call your reps supporting these bills.....OK?]

After we talk with Stan we'll scan the Bus Stop Billboard:

Wednesday, September 30th, 6 pm. Springfield Stop Biomass meeting at Arise. Email:

Saturday, October 3, 10am-4pm. NESEA's "Green Buildings Open House". Contact: Pamela Lester, 413-774-6051, x14,

Saturday October 3, 2009. Starting at 7:30am NCC Bikefest '09. The BikeFest was developed to get children engaged in and excited about cycling through the festival itself, and by raising money for NCC youth programs, such as our free kids race series and our cyclocross camp. Go to: or email: hemp.mike(at)

Saturday, October 3rd Massachusetts Power Shift (MAPS) is pleased to invite you to our leadership and organizing training at Amherst College. MAPS is a coalition of college students from across the commonwealth, but we are reaching out to communities as well because we know that strong climate legislation comes from people of all types working together. Join us at 10:30 at Amherst College's Converse Hall (right by the PVTA stop) in the Red Room. Training will run until about 5pm. Call: 914-589-9539

Sunday, October 4, 1-4 p.m. LOST AND FOUND: NAVIGATION, MAPS, AND COMPASS. This workshop will be based outdoors so we can practice our new skills; please wear clothes and footwear suitable for hiking. Appropriate for adults and children age 10 and older accompanied by an adult. Hitchcock Center for the Environment. West Street, Amherst. Pre-registration is required; please call (413) 256-6006.

Sat & Sun, Oct 3rd & 4th‏, Hurricane Season. Doors open @ 6:45pm. Showtime 7:00pm. The Northeast American School of Dance, 25 Main Street Northampton, MA. Info at:

Tuesday, October 6, 9:30 AM. Blowin' in the Wind: Managing Renewable Energy Siting Conflicts (1-Day Workshop), Focusing on Massachusetts, this seminar will provide participants with strategies for addressing the conflicts that arise as communities wrestle with the dual objectives of land conservation and new investments in renewable energy. Space is limited. Pre-registration required. 464 Abbott Avenue, Leominster. Call (978) 840-4446

Wednesday, October 7, 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. The Impact of Climate Change on Our Forests, What We Can Expect and When. Join the Friends of Robinson State Park in welcoming Dr. Frelich and Bob Leverett for this rare opportunity to hear them speak about forests, locally and globally. Agawam Senior Center, 954 Main Street, Agawam. Call: (413)568- 9379

Oct. 15, 7:00 - 8:30 pm. New England Forests Thruogh Time. Come here John O'Keefe, co-author of the book New England Forest Through Time. Dr. O'Keefe will share information on the present state as well as the history of our local forests. Great falls Discovery Center,2 Avenue A,Turners Falls. Call: (413)863-3221

One final note: The Stop Spewing Carbon signature drive is critical for the ecological health of the Commonwealth. We need to collect 100,000 signatures by Nov. 16 from Massachusetts registered voters and we need YOUR help. If we get the needed signatures we can get a question on the ballot in 2010 to limit CO2 emissions from biomass incinerators. Go HERE to learn more.

We'll go out with Tom Neilson's new tune about the Biomess that made its debut on SOME OTHER STATION! (groan). That is all......except remember....listen to your Mother!

Friday, September 11, 2009

The Noise Free Enviro Show

Greetings Earthlings. Is it getting way too loud out there? Shall we kick all our sound effects to the curb? Would you rather hear dead air?? Ted Rueter of Noise Free America calls-in to sound-off. In our E-Valley-uation segment it's hi-ho, off to the fair! Also, it's Climate SOS in The Enviro Show Echo Chamber. As always, we'll checkout the Enviro Show Quote of the Week and The Bus Stop Billboard, but first it's time for.... Revenge of the Critters! Warning shoppers: Tubiflex Worms at six o'clock!

Our Quote of the Week is on theme. We jump back in the Wayback Machine to hear words of wisdom from good old Ben Franklin:

"The worst wheel of the cart makes the most noise"

In the E-Valley-uation segment we reminisce about last week's Franklin County Fair Parade (guess who brought the "Entering Brownfield" banner?). We had a Biomess booth and the Flying Wallendas got lots of air-time! Also, it's referendum season. Time to advance the peoples' voice. This year the Stop spewing carbon initiative! And, MORE!

What are we hearing in The Enviro Show Echo Chamber? An echo, right?? Sort of: it's the return of the carbon tax but in FRANCE!. Wake-up America!! And this Enviro Show Blog Bonus: Massachusetts' disappearing forests! Also, Why is the "Greenest City" silencing green voices?

The natural sounds of way late summer takes us to our interview with Ted Rueter of Noise Free America. Just think, soon you'll be serenaded by armies of leaf blowers and obnoxious snowmobiles!

Onto the Bus Stop Billboard:

Thursday, September 17 at 7:00pm at the Russell Elementary School, the Concerned Citizens of Russell invite all members of the public to a Community Information Forum on the impacts of the proposed Russell Biomass facility. (413) 454-1898,,

Friday, September 18 at 7pm. Bread & Puppet Cabaret! A benefit for the South Amherst Conservation Association. Amherst Regional High School, 21 Matoon St.,

Amherst, MA. Tickets available at Food for Thought Books in Amherst & Broadside Books in Northampton. For info call (413) 256-0433

Friday, September 18, 8pm. Concerned Citizens of Franklin County fund-raiser at the Guiding Star Grange Hall in Greenfield, 401 Chapman Street. Contra Dance to help raise money to fight the Greenfield Biomess Incinerator.

*September 20-25 Three Rivers Climate Convergence: United for Environmental Justice (Pittsburgh, PA)
*September 21-23 International Coal Conference (Pittsburgh, PA),
*September 24-25 G-20 Summit (Pittsburgh, PA) Go to:

Monday morning, September 21. Global Climate wake-up Flashmob. Go to:

Monday, September 21, 7:30pm. Hampshire Mall Cinema, Hadley. "The Age of Stupid" premier. Go to:

Tuesday, September 22. Climate SOS Action in Boston. Contact us for details:

Tuesday, September 22, 6:30pm. D.O. reading at the Leverett Library in Leverett Center. Call (413) 548-9220

Saturday, October 3, 10am-4pm. NESEA's "Green Buildings Open House". Pamela Lester, 413-774-6051, x14,

Tuesday, October 6, 9:30 AM. Blowin' in the Wind: Managing Renewable Energy Siting Conflicts (1-Day Workshop). This seminar is designed for staff and volunteers from planning boards, conservation commissions, openspace committees and land trusts, elected officials and others who care about conservation and sustainability in their communities. Focusing on Massachusetts, this seminar will provide participants with strategies for addressing the conflicts that arise as communities wrestle with the dual objectives of land conservation and new investments in renewable energy. Space is limited. Pre-registration required. 464 Abbott Avenue, Leominster. Call (978) 840-4446

That is all. Next time Sen. Stan Rosenberg checks-in. Until then you best listen to your Mother.