Greetings Earthlings. It's down to the sea once again! This time: still trying to save Nantucket Sound from Big Wind corporados and their privatizing friends at GreenPee! (did i spell that right?). We talk with Audra Parker, Executive Director of the Alliance to Protect Nantucket Sound about the issues and D.O. reports back from the line in the ....umm...sea? In our E-Valley-uation segment Jana Chicone nearly gets busted for free speech on the Russell Biomess and in the Enviro Show Echo Chamber we recall Ted Kennedy's good work for Mother Earth. As always we do the Quote of the Week and checkout the Bus Stop Billboard, but first it's time for... Revenge of the Critters! No, Revenge of the Octopus!
The Enviro Show Quote of the Week comes from the late Ted Kennedy:
"There is no morality in the mushroom cloud. The black rain will fall equally on the just and the unjust. And the world that is left in the ashes of Armageddon will little note nor long remember which was the evil empire."
And in the Enviro Show Echo Chamber we mourn the loss of The Lion of the U.S. Senate and review his long record of environmental legislation. Also, from the Center for Biological Diversity, Bat Alert: they need your help NOW! Finally, this Enviro Show Blog Action Special: Climate SOS!
In our E-Valley-uation segment we checkout Biomass Buzz for the near arrest of arch foe of the proposed Russell Biomess, Jana Chicone for exercising her First Ammendment Rights. Our link takes you to the cast of players. Looks like they're straight out of central casting!
Leading up to our interview with Audra Parker on the proposed Cape Wind/Bad Wind industrial project, D.O. gives a brief report-back from the frontlines on Martha's Vineyard where he had letters in both local papers and engaged in outreach wars with Greenpeace corporado supporters! Did we mention that the Wampanoags are opposed to the Cape Wind siting because it would be on sacred grounds? Yo Greenpeace? Are you listening?? See photos of GreenPee's corporate tactics here (note the copywrites? how terribly corporate!).
Then it's on to the Bus Stop Billboard:
Sunday, September 6 thru Oct.1: "Climate Change?", works by artist Robert Markey at the Art Gallery, St. Germain Campus Center, Western New England College, Springfield. For info call (413)782-1567.
Thusday,September 10, 5:30pm the Franlin County Fair Parade starts at the Greenfield Middle School. Join the CCFC contingent and march against the BIOMESS! We'd like to have reps from every town in the Valley. Call 773-5529 for details.
Friday, September 11, 7:30pm. Paul Winter Consort performs for New England Farm Relief at the Latchis Theater in Brattleboro, Go to www.brattleborotix.com
Friday, September 18 at 7pm. Bread & Puppet Cabaret! A benefit for the South Amherst Conservation Association. Amherst Regional High School, 21 Matoon St., Amherst, MA. Tickets available at Food for Thought Books in Amherst & Broadside Books in Northampton. For info call (413) 256-0433
Friday, September 18, 8pm. Concerned Citizens of Franklin County fund-raiser at the Guiding Star Grange Hall in Greenfield, 401 Chapman Street. Contra Dance to help raise money to fight the Greenfield Biomess Incinerator.
*September 20-25 Three Rivers Climate Convergence: United for Environmental Justice (Pittsburgh, PA)
*September 21-23 International Coal Conference (Pittsburgh, PA),
*September 24-25 G-20 Summit (Pittsburgh, PA) Go to: resistg20.org/
Monday, September 21, 7:30pm. Hampshire Mall Cinema, Hadley. "The Age of Stupid" premier. Go to: www.theageofstupid.net
That is all. Tune in next time for a Noise Free America......umm....it's a campaign, not like dead air for everyone! Until then, remember: LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER!!