Blog Archive

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Full of Sludge Enviro Show

Greetings Earthlings! Summer Solstice is upon us. Confirming what some have suspected all along: we're full of sludge (at least tonight). Catherine Price, author of The Sludge Report joins us to get into some heavy.....umm...sludge? Naturally, this provides us with the perfect segway into returning to the subject of Madera Energy's proposed forest incinerator, given that they plan to cool it with sewage! We'll hear from Glen on that, we're sure! As usual, we'll checkout other news of the planet in The Enviro Show Echo Chamber, hear the Quote of the Week, and maybe even get to the Bus Stop Billboard, but first it's time for...... Revenge of the Critters! Flies invade White House!. That'll teach you to blow the tops off mountains!

The Enviro show Quote of the week comes from our favorite Founding Father, Thomas Jefferson:

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure."

"Try Not to Breathe" by REM takes us to our E-Valley-uation segment where we ponder the possibility of breathing sewage in the Valley! Sound crazy? Well....yeah! AND speaking of crazy: our Chris Collins Climate Challenge is in its third week, having been given new life by.....guess who? Chris Collins!

In The Enviro Show Echo Chamber Grist tells us the cure for the population bomb has finally been found by the father of the Gaia Hypothesis. Also this: Is it Bush Redux in the Obama White House?. Say it ain't so, O! And, as we close in on the House vote for the VERY compromised Waxman-Markey Climate/Energy Bill: Will Cap & Trade cause another market meltdown?. For The Enviro Show Blog Bonus Special we offer you the mind-bending film "Home". It's REALLY worth watching (unlike YouTube ditties of brain-addled tweens performing in front of their webcams).

Next is our interview with Catherine which was partly inspired by her piece in Grist's Poop Series. We'll avoid the s-word on the air (it's illegal, after all!) but no such shit to worry about here!

On the Bus Stop Billboard:

Wednesday, June 24, 6pm. Public "listening sessions" to receive feedback on the potential for wind power development on state-owned lands. Beacon Hill sees potential for large-scale wind installations in some regions of the state, particularly coastal areas and ridge tops in Western Massachusetts. Berkshire Community College, Main campus, K111 Theater, 1350 West Street, Pittsfield. BEWARE the Wind Energy Siting Reform Act!

Wednesday June 24, 5:30 - 7:30 WESTERN MASS GREEN ECONOMY WORKING GROUP. Pioneer Valley AFL-CIO Hall, 640 Page Boulevard, Springfield (732-7970). This Working Group consists of advocates for a Green Economy which serves local communities; guarantees workers' rights to organize; and promotes community-owned sustainable projects. Info: Jon Weissman, 827-0301

FRIDAY, JUNE 26th at the Massage School, 1 Northampton St., Easthampton. There are still openings available for a relaxing one-hour massage. Proceeds will benefit the Manhan Rail Trail sinkhole repair fund. Please call 529-2900 to make your reservation.

Sunday, June 28, 2009, 1 to 4 p.m. WHAT DOES NATURE DO? A BIOMIMICRY WALK. Hitchcock Center for the Environment, 525 South Pleasant Street, Amherst. Pre-registration is required; please call (413) 256-6006.

Saturday, July 4th. Join CAN for a 4th of July Parade in Brattleboro. We are ready for a change to renewable energy. It's our choice! Wear your Solar Roller T shirt or a sign for how We CAN Replace VY! Hopefully there will be 3 groups represented this yr! Contact

Tom Neilson's "Outhouse Blues", with words by Wanita Nelson takes us out. Next time Jana Chicoine returns to the studio for more biomess bashing. Tune in! And remember: listen to your Mother!

Thursday, June 04, 2009

The Coming Biomess Enviro Show, Part II

Greetings Earthlings. It's back to the biomess! Margaret Sheehan, Attorney at Law and arch foe of the proposed Greenfield forest incinerator joins us for more discussion on that lamest of greenwashing projects. In our E-Valley-uation segment we hear a report from Mary Serreze on the Greenfield ZBA hearing on the Biomess recently commandeered by the people, and in The Enviro Show Echo Chamber it's more news on humanity's assault on the planet. Of course, we'll checkout the Enviro Show Quote of the Week and The Bus Stop Billboard, but first it's time for.... Revenge of the Critters! Man-critter on the rampage......with a bulldozer! (Note: this doesn't end well for anyone and it could happen in a town near you!).

On to the E-Valley-uation segment. We'll let our friend Mary tell you what happened at YET ANOTHER canceled Greenfield Zoning Board of Appeals hearing on the controversial proposal for a forest incinerator out by the industrial park. And, speaking of Greenfield, we checkout some excellent energy conservation efforts from Greening Greenfield AND tell you all about our latest contest, The Chris Collins Climate Challenge!! That's the good news. For the bad news: BEWARE the Wind Energy Siting Reform Act! Take action HERE.

In The Enviro Show Echo Chamber we are...sadly...not surprised to learn that the Obama administration has quietly decided to open the way for at least two dozen more "mountaintop removal" projects. And this from Grist: Everything you always wanted to know about the Energy/Climate Bill.....OK, so it's not everything.

The Enviro Show Quote of the Week comes from the folks at Save our Sound. We'll let them tell it in their own words.

"Using you" by Marie Mason from her "Not for Profit" disc is our reminder to loggers everywhere that the system is usually NOT YOUR FRIEND! With the effects on our forests from the Coming Biomess in mind, we have our talk with Margaret Sheehan.

Then we'll wander on down to the Bus Stop Billboard:

Wednesdays & Fridays in June; 7:30 - 9:30 am. Morning Nature Walks. Participants will meet at the bird bath outside the main entrance to the Great Falls Discovery Center in Turners Falls at 7:30 A.M.

Wednesday, June 10-19, 2009. 10-Day Wild Earth Intensive. Contact:

Thursday June 11, 11am, DAY OF ACTION TARGETS CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE. Springfield Marriott, 2 Boland Way, corner of Columbus Av, Springfield. Target local Chambers of Commerce to highlight the latest in a long line of nefarious practices of the US Chamber of Commerce fighting the Employee Free Choice Act [AND WE MIGHT ADD: TRASHING THE PLANET!!]. Coincidentally on June 11, the Affiliated Chambers of Commerce of Greater Springfield is holding its 2009 Annual Meeting at the Springfield Marriott, 11:30am-1:30pm.

Thursday, June 11, 6-8 p.m. Coop Concerts at the Energy Park, Miles Street, Greenfield,MA Pat & Tex LaMountain open at 6, with Tom Carroll and Seven Mile Line. Great outdoor community concert venue. Pass the hat and bring a picnic.

Sat, June 13, All Day. Riverfest Celebration. Buckland/Shelburne Falls. Contact Polly Bartlett 625-6628 or at

Wednesday, June 24, 6pm. Public "listening sessions" to receive feedback on the potential for wind power development on state-owned lands. Beacon Hill sees potential for large-scale wind installations in some regions of the state, particularly coastal areas and ridge tops in Western Massachusetts. Berkshire Community College, Main campus, K111 Theater, 1350 West Street, Pittsfield. BEWARE the Wind Energy Siting Reform Act!

Sunday, June 28, 2009, 1 to 4 p.m. WHAT DOES NATURE DO? A BIOMIMICRY WALK. Hitchcock Center for the Environment, 525 South Pleasant Street, Amherst. Pre-registration is required; please call (413) 256-6006.

Soooo, that does it for this week. Next time it's the Sludge Show! We know you'll want to tune in for that one, right? That will be just after our Summer Solstice festivities so there'll be plenty of sludge to focus on! Until then, remember: listen to your Mother!!