Our honeymoon's over with the Dems. It’s time we heard some real-world solutions to the climate crisis and on reversing the damage done by the Repugnicians. We have some amazing Indie rock on tap from Vol. 1, "Rock Against Bush". Jana Chicoine from Concerned Citizens of Russell joins us to talk about the proposed biomass plant in their community. And we’ll take a brief look at the slow train wreck from the climate talks in Kenya such as false solutions to global warming, but first... It’s time for Revenge of the Critters! Elephant sick & tired of drunk tourists.
The indie rock tune "We need more time" reminds us to check our schedule and stop this global train wreck! First move: throw the rightwingers from the train!! We watch as the the Kenya agenda goes south. Our guy, Orin from the Global Justice Ecology Project lets go on the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. Also, Romney whacks Mass. Budget with a neocon eye toward the White House. We also need more time to implement SMART sustainable energy programs like Brightfield or, get this, windmills at Vail! Ha! Those won’t get burned to the ground!
There’s the theme. Glen, what's the countdown? Darth Cheney's foolish youth sets the pattern for future waste. The arch-enemy of the Earth revealed. The "Biomass Blues", by Joe Mal takes us to our interview with Jana Chicoine.
Then it's time for our Bus Stop Billboard:
Wednesday November 29 PIONEER VALLEY COALITION TO CHANGE & CHALLENGE WAL-MART. 7-9pm, Porter Lounge (3rd Floor) or another room, Converse Hall, Amherst College, Rts 116 & 9, Amherst. Fighting the Wal-Mart in Hadley and maybe in Greenfield, working on Wake-Up Wal-Mart campaigns, giving mutual aid to the coalition members fighting Wal-Mart in many ways. Info: mailto:socialchange@amherst.edu.
Thurs, Nov 30, 5:30- 7:00 pm Tri-state CAN meeting
Room 121, Greenfield Community College Downtown Office, 270 Main St, Greenfield, MA Learn what CAN is up to and how you might get involved. We have ongoing efforts to shutdown Vermont Yankee nuclear reactor (just over the border in Vernon, VT). call 413-339-5871 for more info
Fri, Dec 1, 5:30-8 pm Anti-nuke caroling! Downtown Brattleboro, VT
Come Sing in Joyous Protest These wonderful, funny, serious anti-nuke lyrics to traditional christmas carols!! email cchang@nukebusters.org
Sat, Dec 2, Noon VT Yankee Die-in. Brattleboro, VT
Aside from giving us a false sense of security, sirens located throughout the Brattleboro area are primarily to warn people that a serious accident has occurred at Vt. Yankee. The sirens are always tested on the first Saturday of each month at 12 Noon. At random locations within earshot of the siren testing at noon in Brattleboro, each person agrees to participate in a die-in protest whenever possible by freezing in place, standing silent or falling down "dead". For the full 3-5 minute test, people commit each month to stop their activities and reflect on what it would mean if this were not a test but the real thing.
A group will be meeting at 11 am at the Harmony parking lot to walk through downtown and distribute literature and talk with people about what is going to be happening.
Contact Daniel Sicken 802-387-2798 or email dhsicken@yahoo.com
Sun, Dec 3, 6:30 pm Free Film showing of "Inconvenient Truth" by Al Gore. Sunderland Public Library, Sunderland, MA
December 6th at 10:30 am in Room B2 at the State House. Massachusetts Legislature Parks Caucus. It is critically important that we show strength in numbers and support for our parks. RSVP tom.philbin@tpl.org
Thursday, December 7, 7:30 p.m. An Evening with Starhawk:
"Holding the Vision of Global Justice: Keeping our Spirit and
Courage Alive". $12 admission/$6 student/low-income. Helen Hills Chapel, Smith College,Northampton. Contact: jazzli@crocker.com
That's it. Not sure if we kicked ass, but tomorrow's another day. Let us know what you think of the show by posting a comment on the blog. Got any suggestions or complaints? Talk to our Complaint Department down in the dungeon.