Hmmm, maybe we should've called this the "No-show Enviro Show", 'cuz Sam Lovejoy was nowhere to be seen, at least from this studio. In any case, Glen’s away in the Maine woods tree-hugging. Eric, part of the glue that keeps Valley Free Radio on the air, was on the board to keep us from presenting you with an abundance of dead air. Jean and D.O. got into more talk of direct action (or the lack thereof) and the state of resistance against The Machine. Remember: only you can prevent forest fires AND GLOBAL MELTDOWN!
In the news: There were direct actions across the globe as part of the July 15 Climate Justice Day. Down east the Maine Toxic Avengers dropped off some building debris in the governor’s driveway as a graphic reminder of his trash-burning program (hey! hold on! Isn't Glen in Maine?). We went back in time this week to 1997 for a classic Revenge of the Critters moment: The Chase is on!
Also, Climate activists occupied Didcot power station in UK (hello?? Mt. Tom?); and D.O. gave us a summer heat wave special.
Dave Rovics’ Resistance" from the "Return" album provided some blessed relief from D.O.'s constant drone of scary news. Jean got into some of the much needed response to the climate crisis. She recommends the site for the Post Carbon Institute. Their motto "Reduce consumption - Produce locally" says it all. Jean also reminded us about our late friend Karl Davies, a tireless voice for sustainable forestry and energy awareness. You can still read his work at
Once again, we tried opening the phones for any relavent questions or comments you may have had, but since you're all laying on the beach somewhere reading a book, or like Glen out hugging trees in the woods, the phones remained silent. Helloooooo?
Then it was on to the Bus Stop Billboard:
Thursday, July 27, 4-5 pm. Weekly Green Energy Vigil
Wells Fountain, Junction of Linden and Main, Brattleboro, VT
We will be here every week until Vermont Yankee is closed.
Come join US!! for more info 802-387-4060
Thursday, July 27, 5:00- 7:00 pm Tri State CAN meeting
Meeting Room, Greenfields Market Coop, Greenfield, MA
Learn what CAN is up to and how you might get involved. We have ongoing efforts to shutdown Vermont Yankee nuclear reactor (just over the border in Vernon, VT). There is much going on! Broader public involvement is essential!
Saturday, July 29, 8pm. All Souls Unitarian Church, Benjamin Steinhardt piano concert fundraiser for CAN. Call Beth for details: (413)522-7505 or (413)230-3138 or
Friday, August 4, 7:00 pm The Doctor, The Depleted Uranium, and the Dying Children
corner of No. Whitney St.; 1/2 mile east from downtown Amherst
August 6- 9 Walk for a Nuclear Free Future
Rutland, Montpelier and Burlington, VT
CAN and Nipponzan Myohoji are sponsoring a walk remembering the nuclear bombs the U. S. dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki 61 years ago, the catastrophic disaster of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986 and the accident at the Three-Mile-island nuclear plant in 1976. For info call 978-249-6224 or checkout
We also heard "We gotta do what we gotta do", from Laura Simon's "The Future’s in our hands" CD. The message is clear, dear. Let's go!